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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by miyuu

  1. kids?? I thought they were so 2005? XD




    i don't see them anymore too. but the stupid bands are still here and the point is noone will take you seriously if you remind this look.i couldn't explain it better. i think you get my point.


    (btw i wasn't talking about the neo visual kei. i was talking about that seremedy new band thread. that i am bored to find and i should have wrote that there.i don't understand in neo visual kei even ridiculous sometimes i find them attractive  . but when white people do it ,like that seremedy dudes. i think it's ugly.plus the music sucked.so it depends it doesn't look good always)




    ugh metal audience are one of the most difficult to please and make them take you seriously if you are a band .

  2. sadly it's more easy to relate vkei with the embarrassing emo and scene kids(ok i understand it. you are 13 years old that's why)
    than with metal, punk or gothic etc. this comparison personally annoys me.
    i never understood why i find visual kei bands attractive. although funny .
    but scene and emo embarrassing or ugly .

    i wanted to write that in the other thread.with seremedy
    you can put black clothes and make up and look amazing but for other people when they do it. they just look so ugly. it doesn't look good always in everyone . it depends.




    i like genres too .they are very useful when you know the genres you like and you want to find more similar bands.!!!
    but it's annoying when people get obsessed with genres. and put like 10 subtitles .

    ("this is dark-wave-post-punk- electronic-hardcore  with melodeath elements  ) or invent new detailed subgenres for no apparent useful reason and then are fighting who has the best knowlege .( mathcore, Shoegaze etc really people? although it made me lol)

    (or this is neo-classical death metal" "NO FUCK YOU .you are wrong .this is not neo-clasical death metal")

  3. q

    awful kyopera





    i thought they SHould have put a version/ something like this in the album.

    to be honest first time i lol'd a little with the kyopera in the beggining(as i have said before i am not a fan of the high pitched opera voices)

      but then the song reached  the half and end is so awesome.

    i love this version


  4. i hate autotune. i never understood why the fuck bands use it.

    it sounds terrible (the autotune). human voice is always better (unless if your voice is unlistenable then don't become a singer).

    i gave up on screw to be honest because i am kinda bored with them.

    i don't think they should change though. i don't think there is a potential for something different.

    i always in the past liked the b-sides more too for some reason.

    byou every day looks even more like a (well paid) host.

    and their look in general.

  5. lol'd 





    i am saying this a little too late

    but i am laughing so much with the preview. who chose to put this part hahaha.


    anyway i like the new look. koichi looks good. i mean everyone does. first time i don't find tsuzuku clothes better.

    also i think this is one of my fav meto looks.

  6. i don't know i got confused. but now if you think about it the subgenres in visual kei mostly are about clothes& styling.not the music.

    you know nagoya kei has more dark sound or kote kote is the old school sound. but is about clothes again mostly


    edit:did the vkei subgenres died? what the fuck is called what  every new band now is doing.neo visual kei. nu visual keI? LOL

  7. Hi guys,

    I've been listening to Visual Kei for years now but I still have absolutely no idea how to 'genre-ify' (is there a word for this?! Categorise I guess?) 99% of it. I'm totally cool with categorising Oshare Kei and Nagoya Kei because they're the only types I really feel comfortable labelling. With stuff like Crossfaith, I just bung it into a 'J-Metal' folder so as to distinguish it from Western stuff.


    However, I have a ton of bands who I don't know how to categorise. As a result I simply put them under Visual Kei, which according to this site is highly incorrect! Some guidance on the following bands would be really appreciated!


    -Bands like Kagrra

    -Bands like Kra

    -Bands like Alice Nine

    -Bands like Versailles

    -00's bands which had a lot of shouty stuff (early NoGoD, Ayabie, Lolita23q etc)

    -Bands like Alsdead/Deluhi/old Lycaon/Heartless etc

    -Bands like new Lycaon

    -Bands like D'espairsray

    -Bands like The GazettE, who I guess sorta links to Girugamesh now?

    -DIR EN GREY!!! (I guess they are in a genre of their own? People say their older albums are similar to old VK but I just don't see it. Were many bands doing songs like Myaku?!)

    -Older bands like Luna Sea, Glay etc

    -Copycat bands like Grieva (would they be the same as above?)


    -Punk bands like The Piass

    -Rentrer en Soi? What would they be...?


    Sorry, this is pretty messy but any help would be great! It would be cool to put a genre on shuffle and not come across songs that have nothing in common. 



    first of all they are all rock and you tag them as visual kei. because all the bands that dress like this go under this category in japan

    whater music they play.

    usually most of them are rock or pop rock or rock/alternative/nu metal.

    you think visual kei is a sound basically because most of them  mix the above genres or just are one of the above.

    some put punk or symphonic metal ,gothic elements or  etc etc but every single one of them can be in a music category if they weren't dressing visual.


    i am not an expert in genres but it goes something like this


     dir en grey

    old->obviously old school visual kei sound. probably is alternative rock . a simple way to describe it

    new deg --> alternative /experimental rock /nu metal /metal

    (old school deg has more pop&rock elements but new has more metal)


    i can do this with most of the bands you wrote but i am bored


    i think the confusion starts and the funny thing is because other genres like alternative rock or metal or nu metal or punk etc etc

    have their own dressing code and style.

    that makes bands that dress visual kei outsiders and their own category. but if they would stop dressing noone would call them visual kei and that is the main proof vkei is not a music genre and it's just a dress code.

    also i am under the impression you can succed more easy if you turn visual kei than being a random indie band.

    so many bands decide to go this way. a choice that doesn't exist ouside japan


    EDIT: OOPS sorry you mean if they are for example nagoya kei or kote kote kei and stuff? different subgenres in visual kei are you asking?? then go with the above answer or just visual kei (i got confused with the post about zess)

  8. I feel like Mejibray is that band that all the Gazette haters love because they can finally listen to Gazette songs without losing their indie street cred.


    i think actually the opposite.  that is the reason indie fans avoid them. and they don't like them.even if their music is equally good to other bands that they listen. it backfires. the similarities with gazette and the fandom. and the clothes fanservice.


    i feel like i have to answer LOL because i prefer meji from gazette.i think most people listen to both bands.

    i am one of few who prefers mejibray.also even if i am crazy and i just can't see the similarities in music with the gazette personally.i just can't. for sure the voice is different(i have a big problem with gazette voice) and the visuals are different, plus the more indie mentality. and i think that's  good enough reasons to understand why  someone can prefer them.

    to be honest it's hard to believe me but i listen to them despite of their looks and not because of it.

    the only band i do this is with them. i mean i find them very attractive.

    but the whole similarities with gazette people say and the hyper around this band. and the type of fans that attracts.

    actually hits on my nerves and i want to avoid them. but it's one of the very few new bands that i find their music decent  and i  like it ,so i am not going to stop listening to them because i am annoyed by the situation.and also is less pop rock than other/they are a little more "heavy" than most new

    i am sure they are one of those  bands that knows how to sell image to attract more fans.



    i really don't have anything with non indie. but i prefer to listen to pop like kat-tun,arashi,news etc. if i want

    pop mentality and sound they are better. than pop rock visual kei.

    if i want rock etc i would go to heavier bands . that actually are more close to rock mentality.

    that inbetween i see no point. we are rock but we are pop too.


    except if you are something like l'arc en ciel. that i get it. i agree.

  9. Of course it's a personal opinion, but that's why I'm posting it here in the thread for unpopular personal opinions. XD

    And of course those bands aren't metal bands, but the influence is very strong!

    This goes for almost every 'darker' visual kei band in the scene at the moment and it simply gets old. The brighter bands still get to show every colour of pop but the darker ones get more and more one-dimensional.

    That's not a I want every band to sound like kuroyume in '92-problem either. You don't have to go 20 years back in time to see a more interesting palette, 5 years are enough.

    i know i know xD that's why i wrote my personal opinion too before. xD. i agree though i think i have wrote a lot of times  that i am not so satisfied with last years majority of new bands. i only like  few. even if i like the nu metal/alternative stuff. but maybe that's just me



    strange btw i always thought bright bands had more audience ?! because their whole theme seem to be for more people. less underground feeling.

    like which happy/bright band is so great and people don't care because it's not dark?probably it's because of the music

  10. i said there are exceptions though in a part you didn't quote. it's just that that i see more often  these type of fans in bands like gazette. lycaon was a random example because i don't listen to them. i mean generally people who listen to smaller bands.


    i can not be friends with someone who only talks about gazette and 2 other similar bands. simple as that.

    sadly i can't avoid stereotyping when the majority of fans i personaly meet tend to do the same.

    of course there are exceptions


    i think you mean there are not enough old school visual kei in sound. most turn to neo rock/alternative/metal something that you don't like.

    but that's too personal taste/opinion. i miss old deg sound too sometimes so i get it. but i like that "nu metal" stuff too.


    my personal taste

    i don't like pop rock bands like DIV  etc. that are the most succesful today. and alice nine type of bands.

    vkei is full of these pop rock bands and are the most succesful.

    i meam there are enough pop bands in maistream.we don't need underground and rock bands that are supposed to be unconventional ,to be completely maistream with  pop rock love ballads and cute looks.and that's why psc annoys me.


    i mean these bands are more commercialized than pop bands. if i wanted pop mentality and sound i would listen to pop not them.

  12. i think though this make up(above) has to do with angura kei. (and there were more bands in the past who did it than today?)


    (edit:i mean you can search more bands that are considered as angura kei .they have this make up)

  13. about gazette. i don't hate the people. i am annoyed about the adolescence /weebo fangirlism these fandoms tend to have and the complete lack of interest and knowledge of other bands.  i can't follow them in tumblr etc and i don't want to talk to them because a majority tends to posts 231e342312321423 pages of how uruha touched aoi's shoulder ...from a distance... with his eyes... and OMFG the yaoi.

    and another 33322909-0 pages of fangirlism that i don't care about because i don't find attractive the members. i don't see how i could talk with a person who only like gazette etc and haven't a clue at all about other small bands.or bands that i like. they tend to do that.


    i mean NOT everyone.they are always exceptions. just saying a lot of people. i prefer lycaon fans etc for example even if i don't listen to them. they seem to know about more bands and have more interesting comments

  14. em that's the point it's more about entertainment .
    today's visual kei is more about who is the best entertainer and not who is the better musician/artist .

    the one who has the most success is the best entertainer. not artist .

    i mean entertainers have talend too and are needed but just know what is going on.


    "Old-school/90's VK wasn't really much better" With so many people parading around old-school superiority, I'd say I'm in the minority with this opinion. As someone who has been in VK for ~10 years and collects tons of old-school stuff, I can certainly say without a bit of doubt that there were a TON of really shitty bands back then. Anyone who would say otherwise is looking through some pretty rose-tinted glasses. That being said, I certainly do miss some of sub-scenes in VK that no longer exist(soft visual/white-kei/proto-oshare) and don't exactly like all of the "sounds" that bands tend to get grouped into nowadays, but I definitely can't say that one era was better or worse than the other as they all have their ups and downs.


    first of all i am a fan of new bands. saying that .
    although i am not sure at all because i wasn't there lol.  it seems old school vk looks have different purpose than today's visual kei looks as ideology.
    i mean maybe then it was more about looking disobedient or unconventional.
    today is more about who is the most good looking or acting with sole emphasis on  profit  and not so much about the shock factor.
    and that makes old bands have more artistic value.

    what do you thing about it??


    ok they were always crappy bands that coppy each other with same sound but of course the first bands were going to be be respected more just because they were the first/foundational? no matter how crappy.they started the scene.
    people tend to have a feeling of respect of  their roots even if  themselves are better.because without them they wouldn't exist.
    also most important some of them were pioneers and avant-garde and radical at that time .something that now is difficult to exist. i dare to say doesn't exist in visual kei now.

  15. E



    As for my opinions:


    "VK isn't all bad". "There's some good VK".


    "Dir en grey is still VK"


    so sorry for my rambling



    there is some good visual kei! there is!!!  it's just that people even if they don't admit it .they care about image in the opposite way and they don't want to listen to a band who looks like an emo 15 year old in drag. it's so embarrassing and ugly for them they could never take it seriously.  image has opposite results for other audience . you have to realize the majority of the world find attractive the opposite of what vkei fangirls do.

    damn my luck for  being a minority. it's hard lol /

    although i find some of visual kei very ridiculous & embarrassing to show to others too (but amusing . ) and i wouldn't care if they stop visuals because at the end my most favorites are because of music. as much as i care for being attractive ,music and lyrics have the last word and make the difference and make me love a band.so both matters. looks and music.

    and i think this goes for the majority of people even if they like different styles/ pop/mainstream people care too for looks. even metal/punk cares for being macho guy &having very specific style and everyone looking emo is disgusting.never to be listened


    deg is not vkei anymore but will always have the tag and should. because you can't delete your past. they used to be vkei

    so the tag can be used always and forever.

    in that i don't agree with people that consider visual kei as a sound genre at all. i think is only about image. sure most bands that play visual kei are nu metal/rock/alternative. and people confuse that with visual kei sound and think it is a genre. they way i see it if you are underground small band and play this kind of music you have better chances to succed in japan if you turn visual kei. it's clear for example when leda/deluhi  dressed visual kei was because he wrote music for  this genre-->rock/metal/alternative and it was the obvious choice to have bigger audience and do lives. it seems easier.


    i think some bands without fanservice and slutty clothes will drop their fans into half.

    i don't believe 50% of people who say are only for the music .it's a big bullshit. if the members were ugly, those fans would go away first. not even care.

    smart the bands who know how to sell image and understand what fangirls want when their music is mediocore become famous.

  16. lol indeed the name similarities with kyo not only the image .never thought of it before



    also lycaon guy copies slash



    i can say more about obvious influences that i see in many jrockers than timeless image.sorry if i am out of subject.

    most copies i can think are of most jrockers with kiyoharu at some style of his career.
    except kyo old look. you can see it in guys like byou(screw),singer of lycaon,even in tsuzuku(mejibray) but is not a blatant copy.you just can see clearly the influence.i am sure there are more i can't think right now.
    and omg if i see one more guy with kiyoharu tattoo.
    i never understood why so many guys are infatuated so much with kiyoharu more than anyone else.
    after him is kyo

    and then hide and  maybe hakuei

    one of most obvious examples is  koichi likes hakuei










    sorry if i am out of subject.and he obviously likes gackt

  17. random i would prefer too to see a woman play an instrument instead of being the singer.

    indeed especcially for vkei is difficult for girls. also why would you want to have  only an audience that is 90% of girls.

    but if you have a random vkei band with friends in your area i don't think it would matter at all.

    generally i think it's a talent for a girl if she can make other girls to  like her. some girls just have it natural others not.

    probably for vkei she must have some kind of boyish attitude or looks to succed.

  18. DECADANCE-Counting Goats…if I can't be yours-



    lolwhat x2

    awesome titles



    wtf is meto wearing?!


    my favorite is tsuzuku in this style and then mia.

    koichi has too much photoshop or something? and looks awful because of that(especially in the profile picture/not in this one above)


    i am amused because usually in most bands only one dress more "slutty"/provocative.

    and he is shy about it.(except maybe lycaon lol)


    and here wtf are you guys competing who is going to dress more provocative?/with less clothes.

    everyone in the band is.


    i am not complaining though LOL. if i was in a band i would dress like this too lol.

    i don't know if i was a guy though if i would want.

  19. I never believed in the whole "oh i have brown hair now, i'm without makeup and i'm more casual i must much more mature now!" i personally wouldn't care if he did this in his 70s :D besides vampires don't age right?

    it's not about maturity. it's not that my problem. it's just that i am bored to seeing always exactly the same image without any change. i felt this because i was excited when i thought maybe they split up and now i'll see something different from him. and end up seing the same versailles voice/visuals .

    sometimes when you get with less or different visuals it's interesting or even when you grow older it's interesting,sometimes it's just bad choice. but as i said he better do what his better fans want(not me)

    (edit:you can be childish in all ages even 70 and you should have fun. it's not about being childish. but you have to accept that you are old and Reconcile with your age,or else if you try to pretend you are younger you seem pathetic. and this is NOT for kamijo, i am thinking other artists.

    the difference from being childish and try to pretend you are 20 years younger is big)

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