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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by miyuu

  1. miyuu

    btw in that text the word that they use is 活動休止 which translates as activity pause, i don't see any other word? because i see people freaking out if it's disbandment or hiatus. but for me it's the same thing really
  2. miyuu

    now that you mentioned it indeed maybe you are right about major company's result i have heard this before from someone that in japan they pressure them to release regularly and maybe some bands say hiatus when they need a break. in other countries they don't have to say hiatus if the want a break, they just have a break from discography hiatus is very simiral to disbandment for most bands though. for me i feel it's the same thing when someone says it
  3. miyuu

    i know it is shocking at first i don't want to be mean but really if you think about it there is no way to continue like this as a band getting older without being pathetic either they would have to change something or disband i want to see what mana will do when he is over 45
  4. miyuu

    xDD i was thinking this too lol lol compined with all their song titles that remind drugs gets even more LOL
  5. mexican kaoru comes into my mind everytime with this thread and i lol so much with him http://direnhumor.tumblr.com/post/19246731570 i don't know i am not like everynormal girl since i find visual kei guys attractive i am not into facial hair that much but if you are hot as hazuki for example or i love you for some reason, i won't care if you have facial hair but in other cases i say no i don't like. i also thought kaoru was hotter before the facial hair. but as i said i don't know if i am the majority of girls edit:oh i remember a "trend" when guys did the facial hair of system of a down and OMG SO UGLY
  6. miyuu

    The title of the song is unknown as of now and you can't find a full version anywhere 'cause they haven't released anything yet. If I recall correctly, they're releasing some sort of distributed CD(s) during their tour, and then an album in December. ok thanks!^^
  7. miyuu

    what's the name of this song? the tittle of the video? i mean or it's not just their one-man tittle in other words where/when can i find this whole song
  8. miyuu

    buck tick has many Compilations albums with best tracks. if you want a general idea about their songs i say the latest would be fine. i think it has all the most famous songs it's big though i don't know if you wanted less songs for start or recommendations for albums and not a compination. it's 3 discs for older songs and another 3 discs for new. Catalogue Victor→Mercury 87–99 : for the older songs Catalogue Ariola 00–10 : for the new songs the songs you said are older songs before 2000 so i don't know if you would like better the older songs also i recomment -"Muma The Nightmare" seems everyone likes this song
  9. miyuu

    eiji is 37? o___O aww it's hard geeting older to keep having a band ;__; unless you are buck tick or something xD. i don't want to be mean but i don't think it would look good to be 50 and having this style xD. well i believe he can't stop too. if you are an artist and write music and lyrics, i think always at some point in your life inspiration comes back and you want to write again i liked makaroni too.i never liked his more electronic stuff
  10. miyuu

    has he done it before? or you mean generally from other bands too. and we never learn where they were? i wonder where can you go to be missing. i hope he is ok and this is just a freak out thing nothing serious
  11. miyuu

    really they disbanded? i wonder why? i hope it hasn't anything to do with eiji and takken's relationship. they seem together forever.it would be sad if they stop being friends.also it would be weird imagine if they'll be in different bands. i hope they make a new band with more rock elements too, like they used to. but i don't really believe they will. they seem they like more the electronic scene getting older. which seem to make them even more underground
  12. miyuu

    honestly i liked more 秘密結社コドモA and Kibouya Honpo. i used to listen to them but now i don't like sandwich
  13. miyuu

    do you have japanese language in your pc? can you write with japanese letters? it's in japanese letters choice. it has hirakana,katakana,alphanumeric. you have to choose alphanumeric at least in my pc
  14. miyuu

    i lol'd with the kazuki spitting and the bra i am jealous . how was the audience? any differences with the japanese that i hear are all girls and move you know all the same? or it was more like a european audience? any moshing? differences with deg and miyavi?
  15. miyuu

    sometimes when i woke up for a moment i see ghosts and weird figures/things. not often. but is very scary and one time i saw one whispering something in my ear. i searched for it in internet and they say it happens in sleep paralysis.(i don't have paralysis only hallucinations) i don't have this thing where you can't move but you are awake. i only had it once younger and was the scariest thing ever i don't want ever this to happen again. but this year i saw ghosts . but they seem so real.
  16. miyuu

    where can i see the pv preview?? ;_____; why i can't find it but i saw screen caps . ;______;
  17. miyuu

    dasfdGWFAWEGfdfgS d'aw look how cute gara is there sorry suddenly i had a fangirling crisis (dude i remembered the first time/video i saw him when he refused to talk lol and i was wondering what the fuck is that guy doing)
  18. miyuu

    they want a mainstream audience they are even close to look like a jpop band
  19. miyuu

    interestring topic. anyone knows anymore xD yuuki (lycaon) is obviously a kiyoharu fanboy only his imitation comes out funny
  20. miyuu

    are the cirlcles supposed to spin. because i can't see them spin. they stand still and it's more annoying. lol dammit i want to see them spin . how
  21. miyuu

    ^i agree hm i don't know a voice is more of trade mark of a band maybe 2 members wanted to go or leda didn't really want to keep the band.why don't you blame leda too. imagine you are the soul of the band because you make all the music and a member says that he wants to leave but all the others want to stay/have nothing better to do. you just disband the band? i mean it was leda's decission anyway. you can't keep someone who doesn't want to stay for his reasons but you don't give up on your band either if you want it too much. unless someone is sick or something. this doesn't matter really because i don't know the truth. but i don't get how people are angry with aggy and not leda too. probably the better advise is the above. to not judge if you don't know.
  22. miyuu

    now i don't really care about deluhi honestly or interesting so much about this either but dude seriously it doesn't make sence to disband a band just for a reason like this. am i weird that i think it must be something else generally
  23. what i thought diement and brick break were more popular. who is the new label?? is the one where memento mori went? because could never thought the other bands there ,were the more popular
  24. miyuu

    i was thinking how do you know it was not JURI who wanted to leave. i am thinking that just because he seems to be the only one who didn't continue music activities. it seems more possible reason. they would just take a new bassist if he said he wanted to sing,not disband.doesn't make sence
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