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Posts posted by sads123

  1. On 9/9/2016 at 5:27 AM, emmny said:

    gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy:


    LOL THIS exactly mirrors my thoughts when I saw them live (I was there for liphlich, emmure & MORE). I was thinking: can you stop shouting the same words over and over and actually start the song???

  2. 7 minutes ago, crossparallel said:

     Holy hell, you mean there is a way to download niconico videos that isn't more arcane than a physics paper and a grimoire taken together? My niconico timeshift surprisingly still works (how long do these last, 24h? 'cause if that's the case, we only have a few hours.) Worth giving this a try.

    Eh, how else do you think the videos I sent you were captured? A video camera in front of the computer screen? XDDD



    The timeshift lasts either 24 hours or 7 days; not sure which category the MERRY broadcast falls under.

  3. 35 minutes ago, crossparallel said:


    Oh hey! ^_^ Sadly, I am yet to join the ranks of the godly beings who can set up and use a proper niconico recorder (I did try). This is all bandicam, and I recorded it in pieces, because the broadcast would interrupt and having to start the whole thing again each time that happened - yeah, not happening. I can give you the original .avi files bandicam produced (yeah, avi, *head to desk*) - but they are only a slight improvement over youtube's reencoding, most of the butchering happened on my part. I still have my fingers crossed for someone to upload a proper rip myself.


    Ya, one of my pet peeves is interrupted broadcasts during live streaming so I always watch it at my own leisure after I had time-shifted it. Well, you can try this if you had timeshift-ed it:




    Or anyone who had time-shifted it and trust me (hard, I know, this being the internet and how :/ ) enough to share their nico nico account, I'll figure out how to do it and share them here, how's that?

  4. 34 minutes ago, crossparallel said:

    There you go, YouTube playlists of yesterday's concert:
    White Sheep + Black Sheep
    @sads123and anyone else interested, enjoy!


    Thanks @crossparallel! Is it possible for you to upload the raw files of the concerts in one piece instead? I'm quite good at encoding settings (having converted various .ts, .VOB and recently, blu-ray files) :P And I just realized you are the same crossparallel from jpopsuki; my nick's loh there *waves* The one who had a discussion with you on all things MERRY via PM haha

  5. I read from tanuki that DEZERT has ripped off MERRY & cali gari and I was wondering which songs are they referring to. Does anyone who has intensive knowledge of these bands think the same way?

  6. 5 hours ago, emmny said:

    dezert has ripped off everyone ANd their grandma, but this is an inquiry better suited to the DEZERT thread in the artist section.


    Thanks for the advice and general consensus that everyone knows DEZERT's ripping XD I wonder if DEZERT would actually play songs ripping off cali gari in the upcoming 3-man they are in hah! I didn't pose the question in the DEZERT artist section cos there's much more recent activity here but I'll post the question there anyway. Thanks!

  7. Apologies for hijacking this thread but I read from tanuki that DEZERT has ripped off MERRY & cali gari and I was wondering which songs are they referring to. Does anyone who has intensive knowledge of these bands think the same way?


    If this question is inappropriate, I'll delete it and create a separate thread in the 'general' section instead. 



  8. On 10/18/2016 at 8:37 AM, r... said:

     清春 Was probably the worst show in the entire thing.  Dude stunk up the place in a "Neil Diamond at the Last Waltz" proportion. Not even忘却の空 could save his ass.


    What happened, pray tell? He went through the motions and didn't put his heart into it?

  9. 29 minutes ago, midi:nette said:

    coli≠gari (covering cali≠gari)

    V. Shuuji (秀児) [ex-cali≠gari~etc.]

    G. Jun (潤) [Butterfly syndrome]

    G. Fukui Tomoharu (福井 智晴) [vimoksha]

    D. Nakahara Kazuyuki (中原 和之) [CHRONO.mode]



    Now this is interesting; will he do a reverse of what the 2nd shuuji did and cover only songs that were released after he left? And wasn't he in the punk scene since he left cali gari? Weird that he came back to do this one-off thing. Please do update the songs these session bands play; it'll be a hoot!

  10. 6 hours ago, YuyoDrift said:



    this is true @Kaye


    Basically, they wanted to recreate one of the most iconic pop rivalries of all time, and boost sales to all time highs once again.

    What better way to get physical copies sold, than to release it with an old rival?

    Ayumi had already released her remaster of "A Best" (the same one from 2001) in March of this year, so they had to use the next big thing.

    Marketing can work wonders when nostalgia is the driving force behind it.


    Now if AVEX had known about Hikki's return ahead of time, best believe they would have stomped all over Ayu again and held off that best of remaster until now.
    Now THAT would have been something.


    Ah.... now that you put it that way, I get it; I'm sure existing hardcore fans of Exile/Ayumi will buy the best-of albums that they already possess in some form in earlier albums to make sure Exile/Ayumi is on top of the charts! But its not the late 1990s/early 2000s anymore where Best-of albums are a rarity (in Japan, at least) and CDs are the only medium you can spend money on to possess songs so this sales race is for naught, really, since they do not take into account digital sales. Though we all know who'll come up on top in that aspect as well *coughhikkicough*

  11. 3 hours ago, YuyoDrift said:


    Well I'm not too informed on the current details, but I have seen that Hikki's album has succeeded in pulling ahead of EXILE's best of.




    It's being talked about right now b/c this is the SECOND time that AVEX pulls this stunt, using one of their best record selling artists.


    When I was still into JPop, I remember Utada Hikaru came out with her new album DISTANCE, and AVEX pulled a bitch move and used Ayumi Hamasaki (I dont think you need an explanation of who she is) to promote a BEST OF album. I remember because I bought both lol.

    You would have had to have been in tokyo during 2001 to have seen the amount of promotion that AVEX went through to make sure Ayu's record sold.

    BOTH CDs sold extremely well (we are talking hundreds of thousands on release), but Hikki's came out on top.


    Ayumi was pissed off that she was being forced to make a best of album for AVEX greed (this led to bad blood between her and the company), and went on to apologize on her behalf.

    Ayumi was already planning to release a greatest hits CD on her own, but AVEX shut her down, and had her do this instead.

    Eventually I think it lead to Ayu being stressed out and worked to the point where she later became deaf in one ear.


    So yeah lol


    Thanks for the elaboration! That 3 version 2 CD, 3 DVD Exile Best-of was really over the top but I'm glad a no-frills one version only Utada album came out on top. What I don't understand is, why would Avex do that, going against a confirmed seller like Utada? Wouldn't releasing the best-of album during a quiet period ensures all attention are on them and even better sales numbers, since there's nothing else fighting for the consumers' limited spending power?

  12. On 9/30/2016 at 10:14 PM, YuyoDrift said:

    An impressive feat to have hit #3 on USA ITUNES for a bit Hikki.




    Anybody read about the drama between AVEX using EXILE's BEST OF to dwarf Utada Hikaru's album release?


    Could you elaborate on the drama? I was in Tokyo last week and the Utada's promotion completely dwarfed  Exile's with her posters and music playing everywhere I turn. The only other release that came even remotely close in terms of promotion was radwimp's 'your name' album, due to the hit movie.

  13. On 8/28/2016 at 8:21 AM, Kiryu999 said:

    Seems like Gazette and DEG will not participate in this festival then, kinda odd because they are major visual bands. I guess they were not available to perform at this time 


    The list's not finalized, cos there's a 'and more' on the website. I suppose they are saving the big guns (well, in times of draw power) for last (how do you top luna sea, x and glay anyway). So nightmare, mejibray, gazette, dir en grey, buck tick playing in the event is still a possibility.

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