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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    Onegai, I don't know if English is okay here as long as the topic concerns the locals? I'll be strolling about in these parts next month, and seeing as it is my third time in Berlin I'm intending to expand my horizons from the yuppie areas to tha projects ( Marzahn and Gropiusstadt ). I don't speak a word of German so I have a couple of concerns as to how things work around thar where expats don't make up 80% of the people. I tried to look up how long the S7 runs but I couldn't make any sense of it even when I changed the site to English pfft. Apparently is possible that they start running shorter rounds later in the nights too, skipping some stations no1curr about? Is it okay to wander to the yards of apartment buildings ( I've done this closer to the center but you can do that central Helsinki as well, but no so much in the periphery )? Do you have those DO NOT TRESPASS signs or anything like that And is there anything to do in Dortmund? Other than some old buildings and parks and shit that google loves, but I could hardly care less about.
  2. Karma’s Hat

  3. Karma’s Hat

    The riff was really lame but the visuals are kewl. Soon we'll see how the full song turns out.
  4. Karma’s Hat

    Even though that's what every band has said about their new stuff ever, I got excited nonetheless.
  5. Karma’s Hat

    This is so random that I'd totally go even though I don't like the band
  6. Karma’s Hat

    Have fun playing for three people at a time. Jeez four fucking shows in a city of 80k people really
  7. Karma’s Hat

    Yeah but we're all faggots
  8. Karma’s Hat

    Your hair and eyes unf
  9. Karma’s Hat

    The thread was mostly tl;dr so I may be off the point. That "they care more about the looks!" thing is just bullshit. As if some 14 year old naruto cosplaying weeaboo would ever sit through a 40 minute harsh noise recording just because the people that made it were cute and dressed nice. People with poor taste like shit bands, and if they also happen to be mostly kids then there might be more emphasis on the non-musical aspects ( kids drooled over The Beatles and Jim Morrison just the same ). These days dumb fandoms just have more visible outlets for their antics like livejournals, tumblr's and etc. What were you going to do in the early 90's anyway? Write an article to your local paper? In the end they still like music for the way it sounds and how it makes them feel like everyone else. And the fangirls have always been there with everything that is even remotely related to glam rock. The shit that was released in the states under that label was sometimes just as shameless as Kiryu, Royz and what have you. Not to mention they were pretty bad too, especially KISS and their "i wanna rocknrolz all nait and drink beer yarhh" party anthems. I'd go as far as to say that the best VK from the early-mid 2000's ( when the anime watching public had discovered Vkei and bands started looking more like the ones we have now ) was way better than anything those glam rawk bands in the states ever made. Early Kuroyume live's that I've seen also had screaming fangirls in the front row and at best a few males scattered where-ever, and to add to that the male/female ratio is about the same as in the recent Gazette DVD's.
  10. Karma’s Hat

    A +18 show in Europe would be great too.
  11. Karma’s Hat

    lol'd. I like the titles, and while they don't serve much a purpose these days with the name colors and post count stars, the titles have been around for years so it would be a crime to get rid of them now. Kiwamu's bitch along with other things kibbamu are also sort of an inside forum jokes really, and it's beyond me how someone finds an user title offensive anyway.
  12. Karma’s Hat

    I doubt their sound will go through any fundamental changes, or too many cosmetic ones for that matter. They are just trying to re-launch the band. Frankly the description "contains the strong initial impulse at its roots, follows the many different sounds pursued up until now, while causing a transformation" sounds like the same litany every band ever gives when the times comes for a new album. And this is especially prevalent among bands who are trying to save face with promises of retaining some of the "old sound" after failing to sell out. regardless, it's going 2 suck just like everything else this band ever made
  13. Hell on earth I went through the comments and it's just beyond me how Seremedy has stans
  14. Karma’s Hat

    stop hurting the collective feelings of the dir en grey stanbase nekkichiiii they r people 2 /and to my knowledge it hasn't aired.
  15. Karma’s Hat

    Lolsrsly. Have they even released anything between the box and this thing?
  16. Karma’s Hat

    rolf seems like it was me who first fucked up and called it Mirrors instead of MIRROR ( and here I first typed it as "MIRROW" god my English is awful) . That's what I get for trusting my intuition. ONEGAI I actually think all of their albums are fairly cohesive, compared to other VK albums at least. Coll:set just has some really powerful moments when you buy into it a little bit, like for example the chorus of FORBIDDEN or the ending of infection. It has some of their most emotional stuff, even though I still think their peak in that regard was 「タトエバ」キミ...ガ...シンダ...ラ. I can think of a moment or two in MIRROR as well, but beyond that I'm hard pressed to find anything up to par
  17. Karma’s Hat

    Hey now there is a difference between Coll:set and Mirrors though, and biggest of which being the almost complete abandonment of the fishnet stockings goff aesthetic present in Coll:set. And to be honest, I haven't seen many people that like Coll:set go and outright bash Mirrors, a large majory seems like it even. Now if someone just likes the first two but dislikes the following Redeemer, I certainly hope it's no mystery to anyone why that is. There's a difference, and I don't see the use of "it's change/evolving/whatever you ungrateful pleb" card warranted in all cases by default. When I was a lil weeaboo and the singles after Mirrors came out, I thought it was betrayal ( not in the sense that I thought I was entitled to something, just bad feeeringss). This super cool band that perfectly suited my hxc 14yo tastes started wimping out hardcore, ditched pretty much everything I thought was rad about them and even the songs on Redeemer that hearkened a bit to the old days sounded fake and contrived. Later on I started liking Redeemer about as much as I like Mirrors, and I accepted it to the Despa canon with no grievances. As for Monsters... I only listened to it twice when it came out and though it was crap/boring/etc. and based on a browsing through of Death Point I did just now, I doubt that would change even if I decided to give it another spin. As for my favorite release, it's Sexual Beast. It's also the only release of theirs that I like wholly from beginning to end.
  18. Karma’s Hat

    Horizon is will.i.am club tripe with Miyavi's novelty guitar playing straying attention away from the hollow within. And now you're telling me there's Jedward lyrics to boot lel
  19. yaus my man give me a sign

    1. Gaz


      give me a sigh [2] ;<

  20. Karma’s Hat

    lmao that video. If that wasn't enough, PS4 destroyed them with the price as well. I might actually *gasp* get one myself.
  21. Karma’s Hat

  22. Karma’s Hat

    Pfft I wished Dead Rising 3 would have been more realistic than the second, and retain the Nippon edge that the first game had. The open world seems nice on paper ( just need to see how much the open world actually has in it. Worst case scenario is mostly inaccessible houses with a few accessible ones that have same layout with randomized loot + key locations ), but other than that the setting doesn't interest me one bit and the dated gameplay mechanics don't work for its advantage either. The bombing was shit stupid too, and not in a good way like all the stupid things in the first game nvrforget crazy cultists. Other than that KI was kewl, MGS looked baller, Battlefield going corridor shooter and I mistook LAMEO 5 for a new Zone of the Enders game for a second. Better than their press conference last year at least.
  23. Karma’s Hat

    KI Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiit
  24. Karma’s Hat

    Those shirts are some wack shit and the Whitechapel logo is lame as hell
  25. Karma’s Hat

    IIRC the last album was from 2007 or something like that, and it was fairly big departure from the previous one. Makes me wonder how this one will be.
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