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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    This one is so bad it’s beyond me how anyone likes it, and the people that do usually like awful shite anyways so it makes sense . I enjoy everything that they ever put out sans a handful of tracks because I am extremely biased, except for this one.
  2. Rest assured all these indies tracks are not only better than this entire album that’s never coming out but better than their entire post blue blood output put together. Taking part in some trash american schlock is totally lame and fitting of Yoshiki’s M.O at this point. No surprises
  3. Karma’s Hat

    No chance in hell. Chizuru from the last tour proves that one surprise is possible, but other than that except nothing more exciting than cockroach
  4. Karma’s Hat

    did isis cancel this one too or nah
  5. Karma’s Hat

    For some reason I have this feeling that they're really banking on getting some dumb gaijin views by wearing those outfits and having reshot that Attack Attack PV, which will be making the white piggus go "omg so heavy but they look like japanese women xDD omg baby metal" etc.
  6. Karma’s Hat

    Just started playing the album. First impression is that it's pitch black and very dense, totally committed to being loud, dark and asphyxiating in the way it's produced and composed. Songs are loaded with shit despite being a bit of a toning down from early DIMLIM, and I like it. My first impression is that it's like this mix of early DIMLIM and a little bit some late 00's nu metal like Unsraw and shit like that. The vocals are awesome with enough personality to be able to be picked out from a line, while still being technically totally acceptable even when they retain this roughness that's characteristic of visual kei. Loads of early DIMLIM and heavier nokubura material callbacks in the songs, which is nice although it doesn't really reach the peaks they sometimes did. I haven't even finished the album yet tho so we'll see. For me personally this album won't have as long of a shelf-life as it will to other people who are fans of this style, and for them it should definitely suffice. Edit: Am I getting a little bored? yyeeaah probably Edit 2: This is why you don't write about anything before you've even listened to it. Idk if I'll spin this again but I'll relisten to some tracks in a bit. Definitely gets more early DIMLIM-esque in the second half although I suppose my earlier comments still hold some water. The best moments I reckon are the first two tracks by a country mile, or that one just gets exhausted of this kind of music when it's not top shelf in what it's doing. Anything further I'll suppose I will write in my 2019 ratings list.
  7. Mucc and DEZERT are slowly but surely morphing to become one and the same band ’till both just disappear without a sound. ”Psychoooo” fucking ugh grandpa stop
  8. Karma’s Hat

    It's an interesting look with the baby vagina and all. Cautiously excited to hear what they got.
  9. Shit, and a cash in ”album” to boot
  10. Karma’s Hat

    I don’t think that for him or satsuki it was a choice, they’re just both dropdead idiots who tour europe and sell their shitty arts and crafts on the web because literally every other bridge has been burned.
  11. Karma’s Hat

    I mean yeah in finland and germany it was between 50 and 60. Even no name vk bands charge 25 or 30 so it’s not surprising gazette would charge Japan prices in here
  12. Karma’s Hat

    If any of the EU dates remain not sold out by May and the set is not awful I will go. When I saw them in 2016 I thought they were just boring. A definition of a by the numbers show with a terrible setlist considering what this band could do and does back home.
  13. If someone told me their stuff was ghost written until Mushi I’d buy it.
  14. Karma’s Hat

    All the recent live footage that’s on the internet is fucking awesome. Anyway, Adoratio is imo the best vk album of 2015-2019 so far so it’ll be golden in any shape or form
  15. Karma’s Hat

    I'm not going to lie I totally forgot that mini even existed. It was around the time when I lost all interest in what these guys were doing until 13 brought me back. Songs like Iroaku are on par with anything else I like from them. I think 14 is at its best when it reminds a little of 8. First and last tracks are great, like probably the best vk around rn, while there's def a hard slump in the middle. It doesn't subtract from their legacy, but doesn't add much to it either. Still, I consider them a veteran institution that can do pretty much whatever it wants and if I like it, great, and if I don't that's alright too. My fav is 5 or 6 depending on the day altho the two disc album with second shuuji re-recordings would be number 1 should that count.
  16. Chances of them turning back the clock range from zero to nil, like no band has ever done it. Their milquetoasting was a gradual peeling away of their original aesthetic layer by layer until what remained was such blase pop rock that people weren’t even persuaded enough to be that offended by it. Of course it’s not that bad because it was made with the same assembly line professionalism as Lays chips or Coca cola, or your home town budget variant of those two since they jacked a few bits from bmth anyway. And much like bmth they’ll keep paying idiots lip service every once in a while by putting out a ””””heavy””” track that’s like hey guize i know u like the old stuff dis 1 goes out 2 u in da pit
  17. Karma’s Hat

    The more I listen to it the more I like it. Easily the best karma project by far
  18. Karma’s Hat

    Oh man what happened They've formalised the craziness they had to such a degree that you can kind of see everything happening before it does. That chorus is the same was in one of their other songs too in a slightly altered form, and eh at least they have a style but I've had enough of it by now.
  19. Karma’s Hat

    Getting in on this hype so I can actually remember what came out this year and be persuaded to listen to more shit in the process yas. For now it's only the name of the release with a short description. New categories, scores and dates being added in the future.
  20. Karma’s Hat

    Good shit and stoked for future releases. Genuinely old school sound unlike most of these bands just playing nu-metal and deg songs in frilly clothes and hair. I think improvements could be made with some production choices/limitations and with Karma's performance, but considering that it's a band of nobodies with most likely zero budget in the dog eat dog host world of vk in 2019, it's fucking great and not for poseurs
  21. Karma’s Hat

    suits usually mean saving money and disbanding in vk uh oh
  22. Fuck yeah. A legit band stuck in the BP Limbo with all the potential in the world.
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