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Posts posted by carddass

  1. I definitely think there's a valid point that the original might not be played again. It can be a shame if the original is good like is the case here.
    I was never much of a fan of Dir's remakes as they never really got too far away from the original so I am disappointed when those aren't played like they original were.

    However, there was an exception where I think they did a remake justice and eventually went back to the original. For the Macabre Tour they changed up Cage, and made it better to my ears, less Yoshiki-fied. It only lasted during those shows and they now perform it the original way when it does crop up during those seldom Gauze nights.

  2. I'm feeling this alot. I actually think a remake needs to be as far from the original as possible or else it's just a waste of time for the audience. Remakes for a band, even a very similar sounding remake, is probably an exercise of stretching creative muscles. Can you imagine playing the same thing-10-15-30 years like some bands do?

    Elephant in the room sounds like a different song with just the same lyrics.
    Addle apple is still my favorite Gods release and I find this, so far, to be pretty exciting and a worthy remake!

  3. I just received A_Kills_A in the mail the other day and I have to say I'm quite pleased. After so long without a proper studio recording, I thought maybe something might have gotten lost with the personnel changes. While not one track specifically blew me away like the title tracks for Fufuu, He and magaru sekai did, overall the songs are catchy and consistent and are definitely 100% munimuni.

    Big Money maybe surprised me the most. It's their most upbeat track since Lovelovelove and it has that 90's visual kei poppy quality.


    Now we wait for the doguu album! Which according to the liner notes of A_KIlls_A is 80% done.


  4. I loved Nazary, it's got that early solo vibe like it was something off Poetry, and I'm looking forward to this new album after that sampler.

    After that initial run from poetry to Vinny Beach, it felt like his solo work ran out of steam with the exception of a few songs here and there. Hopefully the long solo recording hiatus allowed him to recharge those creative batteries.

  5. And I hope the ceasing of distribution doesn't they're breaking up already.

    I contacted CQ's facebook page after they posted that message to see if Dusk Til Dawn EP would ever be on sale on vinyl junkie. Here's the response from what is most likely Sasabuchi:

    "sorry... "From dusk till dawn e.p." is not a sale in the vinyl junkie. It just venue."


    Also, CQ performs with some weird gag-comedy singer:


  6. Yes, he did mention that he would try and finish the Doguu album. However at this point I can't tell if he's being serious or not.

    I'm sure the revenue generated by the latest mini album will go into the doguu album. 


    It is a good sign that two of the songs from A_Kill_A were originally composed with previously lineups. I had thought he might shelf those songs because they might've been composed by a former member.

    [002:NEO SONG]
    ◎CANOU 「自分/眩暈/EDEN/アイシTELL


    [003:& 4] PV映像あり・・・
    ◎CANOU 「自分/アンクー/EDEN/チャージ

  7. I think we hear Toshi's voice in the trailer?
    I still think Toshi's lost / brainwashed years as a 'healing singer' makes the most compelling story of all of the X members. He can back from all that and his biography made it sound like he went through hell and back. Whereas the passing of Yoshiki's father - how much can Yoshiki / the film director milk the tragedy as being the genesis of every little thing X has done as a band?

    Here's the link to that Yoshiki AMA. It might be the least insightful one I've ever read:


    Can you imagine the rest of the band doing Pata's guitar parts?! Sugizo, maybe, but Yoshiki?!

  8. I'm liking the song and it makes me excited for the new mini album. But there's so many things that could've made this PV better. Especially their first PV!

    -16:9 letterboxed into video that was uploaded as 480p 4:3?!? I've not even sure if any software out there really does this by accident anymore. You really have to go out of your way to make the software export at SD size now. 1080p would make this simple performance video feel at least a little more produced.

    -More cutting of angles, The set could feel like alot more with twice as many cuts.

    -More motion graphics. Incorporating the band's amazing flyer design (which I think is done by Canou) would give some other quality to the video.


    btw, the band posted liner notes to the album:



    Disk union order page:



  9. Well said. Yoshiki spent the week or so just chilling at Sundance for promotions for the doc schmoozing with random celebs. He hardly looked like a guy trying to make an album deadline. Considering his supposed perfectionist qualities, you think he'd be behind the mixing desk everyday for the last few months stressing about their first album in 20 years!

    But any X fan who's been following the band knows this is what happens time and again. So while unfortunate for Pata, you damn well know the delays they use in his name have nothing to do with him really. They could've still released the album if it existed but as most of us said above, it mostly was never close to being done.

    And it's long been said that Yoshiki burned alot of bridges when he forcible broke out of the Sony contact. You member how they went major with a big splash with blue blood? Well most bands sign a record contact for multiple albums. How many did X release with Sony? Just two. Blue blood and jealousy. Of course he tried to sell art of life as an whole album of music but sony wouldn't accept that. Then yoshiki and x had dreams of being international or breaking into America with art of life, remember the Rockefeller center NY press conference, so they forcibly got out of the Sony contact and switched labels to go to Atlantic. Since then they've been somewhat blacklisted and known for being a difficult band. Rock music doesn't sell that much in Japan anymore, physical album sales are a fraction of what they were, so it didn't surprise me that they haven't found a label for all of these reasons. Who wants to sign a contract for what every music company knows will only be for one album with a difficult diva-musician?

  10. I didn't even think of looking through a normal store and assumed it was only available on the website. Last time I searched it wasn't on amazon.co.jp but now it is.
    If the main website does work it out it'll come with some remix CD too. It'll also give me a chance to order some of Zin's solo work~

  11. Holy shit, that was really good.

    You would've thought after almost 30 years of not releasing anything that they would've lost their edge and transformed into some parody of their former selves but this makes me really excited about the album.
    Considering Zin's foray into more electronic music with his solo projects this new incarnation of Madame Edwarda could've went horribly wrong.

    I'm going to use their website's store form to try and order it even though I'm outside of Japan. Let's see if they get back to me.

  12. I've missed the last few updates and just saw the mini album news!
    What happened to all of those doguu mini album tracks?

    Did the band seriously go to LA - Los Angeles - to record this album or are they playing up the whole X Japan thing? X largely records in LA since Yoshiki relocated in the 90's.
    Canou mentions it again on this blog post: http://yaplog.jp/sakujojo/archive/1141



    And here are slightly updated lyrics (just the ending english) to the song Big Money from today's munimuni e-mail newsletter:





    I also twilight...
    I walk in the moonlight.
    Dancing in the moonlight.


  13. Jeez, seeing these cross-promotion branding things makes me feel like people (myself included) aren't buying albums enough anymore.
    But heck, it was a cool little spot. I'm assuming it was Kiyoharu's main photographer / music video director / concert filmer Toshihiko Imai who filmed this and always does amazing work despite the budget or production!

  14. They simply added soundboard quality audio to their subpar video. I hadn't seen these clips and Zin and the band sound really amazing still, like nothing has changed technically in the last 30 years.

    And I applaud their choice of using SBD audio as too few Japanese bands make any attempt at sharing live concert video, let alone live video with good audio, on youtube. Unless of course they simply tease a clip to sell a DVD. Low quality audio will simply make the best looking video feel like garbage to a viewer. However the opposite can't be said as most people have come to expect / accept low quality video sources and can look past pixelated poorly encoded sources if there's audibly good sound.

    And here's another live clip which is listenable once I did some simple normalizing and duplication of the left audio channel to give a balanced sound. I might have done some noise reduction too, don't remember:

    Madame Edwarda 1984 - Tokyo Battle Days


    Madame Edwarda 1984 - Tokyo Battle Days - Audio rip 'Remastered':


  15. The lyrics for a new song 'Big Money' were shared in munimuni's e-mail list today:




    「BIG MONEY」ライム;トリガー堀井





    Dancing in the moonlight.


  16. Yeah, I love all things Tetsu and since he can do no wrong in my book, it's a passable song. However if this came from anyone else I'd probably be less than impressed.
    I think alot of the problem with Tetsu is that he comes out with TOO many albums and probably doesn't give much creative meandering before going into the studio.

    Early on in nil, he would perform some songs live for 1-2 years before actually recording which always gives a song more flavor and details.

    Last year he released three albums in a row practically (Zigzo, The JuneJulyAugust and nil) and contributed a few tracks to Indies Denryoku. It was great as a fan of his but no single album was amazing like the early Zigzo and nil albums used to be. You can imagine if he condensed all of his creative output into one album it would be a classic.

    So, being that he hasn't done much this year, perhaps the other tracks on this Black Comet Club Band will fare better.

    And for me, his work on JJA's albums were more thought out and interesting than what he's been doing with nil in recent years where I can't really think of any tracks I replay often.

    The JJA song 'Sequence' is probably my favorite thing he's done in the last 5 years.


    Some other JJA tracks that I can recommend to new fans:


    My Funny Car (single version)


    1st album [fukaku mogure]
    Goo Girl
    fujuu no megami


    2nd album [Edelweiss]

    tekitou desu


    3rd album [Paradise]




    btw violetchain, I just saw your translation work and it's great work! I'm always attempting to translate zIgzo / JJA / nil songs for my own understanding, so it's nice to read lyrics of tracks I have never done.

  17. The Black Comet Club's self titled 1st album will be out on October 7th on CD and in limited edition vinyl.


    1st full album 2015.10.7 Release



    1.Party Song 



    4.Jolly Roger 




    8.Running Bird 


    10.ALL ILL 


    12.Little Light, Big Shadow

    The first song was posted on Afro Skull Records youtube page. It's got a Miyavi-ish vibe to it.

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