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Everything posted by doombox

  1. Even with the new lame name I'm still eager to hear what they are going to release. I wonder if the name change will also have a musical change?
  2. Hell yes. I love this. Please stay this time. ;^;
  3. doombox

    I still think Hardhome is my favorite battle so far but this was pretty damn great.
  4. The last few 15 seconds finally started sounding like Sun of a Starve, but if it's mostly what the first half sounds like I might abandon this ship.
  5. doombox

  6. I liked SoaS so I'm looking forward to this!
  7. doombox

    Lol I might try this. XD
  8. doombox

    @anakuro lol c'mon guys, COME TO AMERICAAAA! Kazuki make it happen. XDDD These set lists look great. (ToT) ♥ lol precious awkward babes.
  9. doombox

    Thanks for that write up @Duwang, it's plenty good enough for me, thanks! They sound so silly but awesome. I hope I get to see them one day eventually. Roji is such a badass, I love hearing about it! XD I love that your goal was to knock Kazuki down lmao! You are my hero. I hope that fan that got hurt is okay now. Hopefully it wasn't too serious. ;;
  10. Thanks for all the sweet birthday messages. <3 You guys are the best. ;w;

  11. doombox

    I wish this too. ;^;
  12. doombox

    Ah, I know DDRM has a lot of hype here but I wasn't sure how popular they are over there. I almost never assume MH is a good representation of that lol. Have fun everyone!!
  13. doombox

    I guess they've been foreshadowing so much and those like us who follow it closely know where everyone has to go now to do what they've been promising for the last 6 years lol. I dunno maybe I'm just ready for Cersei/Jaime and Dany's plots to finally gain some momentum so it's not just another week of Cersei sneering at everyone, Dany yelling at everyone, Arya would have also been in that list until last episode. I dunno if I suspect him to be the coordinator but I think he might have knew and this is some kind of test for Dany? Like, if she can't fight off the Masters, how can she conquer Westeros? I thought Edmure did it so no more of their men had to die fighting a fight he knew they would lose? I saw it as like... he can give up Blackfish or everyone else and probably his own life too. Baelish will always serve his own agenda first, I think. Like he told Ned in the first season... don't trust anyone, especially him! That would be cool if the Brothers without Banners joined the fight. Maybe it'd be a good reason for Melisandre's character to come back too since she would need to tell them about Jon and the PwwP prophecy? I love the GoT channels! I'll add this one to the list. I watch Emergency Awesome and and GoT Academy pretty religiously. And lol omg the Arya theories were hilarious online. I loved the Arya Fight Club one where the Waif was all in her head. But alas I think it's not that deep. Arya is just stubborn old normal Arya. XD
  14. doombox

    @anakuro oh idk, I was just saying amazing because it's two bands I like. Lol.
  15. doombox

    So. Much. Hype!! I'm so happy they just keep picking up speed and that tour with DDRM has to be amazing. I'm hoping for some live reports! *wink wink*
  16. doombox

    Rough time for girl groups lately. 4minute and Miss A break up, 2ne1 seems close behind...
  17. doombox

    I really wish they would do something more experimental but I'm prepared for this to be more of the same from them.
  18. doombox

    I read it as tRasH at first. OTL I feel like this is was a decision made specifically to make their name come up easier in a web search, but it still looks kinda ridiculous.
  19. doombox

    I don't think Saki was balding he just decided to shave his head, but you never know! X"D
  20. Can't wait! If the DVDs are only going to be PVs I'll probably just get the regular editions.
  21. doombox

    No problem!
  22. doombox

    I can't seem to find the pv but the color coding thing and a guy with glasses make me think Canzel or Serial Number?
  23. MTE. Yousay has basically joined Aki's touring band and seems like it keeps him pretty busy. I had actually thought he left GND but he's still listed on the website. I know GND have an app and stuff they sell their songs through but it all seemed too much to deal with, I can't imagine that's going too well for them.
  24. doombox

    That's so cool you guys all got to meet up!! I wish we could have a North American/Americas meet up but it's so huge lol.
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