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Everything posted by doombox

  1. doombox

    They are based in Japan. They play Japanese visual kei shows with other Japanese visual kei bands. They're Japanese visual kei.
  2. I can hear the lynch. parallels too. I does feel a bit generic during the verses but I really like the chorus and I'm sure I'll love the breakdown when I can hear the rest of it.
  3. doombox

    I love BoA but she's not a vk band? X"D
  4. doombox

    I don't know if it's a guilty pleasure or more of just a band I don't think people would expect me to like because I tend to like darker/heavier bands. But I think Smileberry are just adorable and fun. I don't really have guilty pleasures because I'm not embarrassed of anything I like? lol But they are probably the closest thing I guess you could say.
  5. doombox

    Yes. I saw them when they came to the US back in 2007.
  6. doombox

    Currently kpop trash
  7. Ah that really sucks!! I'm glad they're okay with slowing things down and allowing him to heal. Worst case scenario they could do what Crossfaith did and have someone come in just for live support. But I hope he is able to recover with some time off and can return at some point.
  8. doombox

    True, I wouldn't have been surprised if they were just moving on without or replacing U, but the other members leaving is unexpected.
  9. doombox

    Ah damn, this is not the news I was hoping for. I mean I guess as long as Ikeda keeps the name he carries the majority of the AFR sound but It'll be weird just seeing him with entirely new members if he decides to continue.
  10. I THOUGHT THAT LOOKED FAMILIAR!! I love the look too. I really hope that preview ended right before a vicious breakdown happened. I need this song to get heavier.
  11. 2016 is a joke. 

    1. Tokage


      funniest joke of the decade tbh

    2. doombox
    3. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      INDEED. Waking up and reading that news... that's... like if someone is kidding us :-(

  12. Preview sounds really good. I'm not disappointed so far.
  13. doombox

    Time to chill out with this off topic discussion. Any more discussion about "tr00" fans versus international fans will be moved to a new thread. This thread is about Killaneth's disbandment. Let's keep it back ON TOPIC. Thank you.
  14. doombox

    @chemicalpicturesOh so glad you liked them! I have both of their previous albums so if you have a hard time tracking them down (idk if the links here are still active) just let me know. Also I always appreciate you repping DOF in your recommendations. This song gives me some old school early 00s vibes but I can't put my finger on who exactly it reminds me of. Maybe Akihabara Shounendan Dennou Romeo???
  15. doombox

    Yes 10s kids are the current young generation. If you want who sold the best so far this year it's artists like Gesu no Kiwami Otome, Bump of Chicken, Radwimps, Ikimono Gakari... Sekai No Owari still sell really well the year before. And if you look in the last 2 or 3 years all the older bands I already mentioned are still having number 1 hits/albums so they are still trending right now because they're still super popular.
  16. doombox

    I'm not sure what "nowadays" (only newer bands, active bands?) really means... but some of the best selling rock acts in Japan are B'z, Mr. Children, L'arc, Glay, X, Spitz... as far as these acts pull in millions of dollars. I know when I traveled to Asia earlier this year One Ok Rock was all over the radio, so on the younger side I know they are probably doing quite well as they have no problem filling arena tours.
  17. doombox

    The other guitarist is also a lefty like Taji, drummer has crazy long hair, and I agree the rapper sounds like Jamil. I would bet money it's them plus a DJ... And like you mentioned the same label too. No demos, straight to mainstream release. I'm pretty much convinced.
  18. doombox

    Yuki finally looks himself again with his dreads back. <3 This is off the rails, I love it!!!!
  19. After all the hell this year has put us through please give us something good from this.
  20. doombox

    This makes me happy, and I approve of those support members.
  21. doombox

    Hnnnnng YES! Sounds like they're gonna keep up that The Sign sound. WHEN WILL TERU RETURN FROM THE WAR. Seriously no updates on him and he still hasn't returned to social media. Is he in fucking jail or what, guys.
  22. I was expecting this to be an old school ballad and I am not disappointed! Sounds like it'll have a great emotional build to it. Also that b side preview has heavy Mucc influences again, yessssss.
  23. doombox

    This makes me want to spam the crap out of him on twitter now just because I know he'll read it and get pissed off. lol giant baby.
  24. doombox

    How bored is this guy to troll through twitter comments of himself and then try to indirectly clap back. LOL What a douche.
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