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Everything posted by plastic_rainbow

  1. plastic_rainbow

    DEZERT - -26時の冷蔵庫-
  2. plastic_rainbow

    I feel uncool for not recognizing some or most of the things people post....... @@Seimeisen what's that third one from the left on the second row though? with a bunch of dark standing figures?
  3. dammit, and december was gonna be a good month too.
  4. I love MH and I wish I grew active here earlier! MH is the daily dose I need and I check it everyday; almost every minute when I shouldn't be. It's addicting.
  5. plastic_rainbow

    if i had a good opportunity maybe still gotta make stuff up
  6. plastic_rainbow

    i spend so many hours just staring at a blank word document you don't know how hard it is for me to write papers i've had so many paper assignments already i'm tired of making up new shit all the time
  7. Well, I just got into them this year so I don't know how they usually do their promos, but things seem to have gotten quiet ever since Kira's departure. I sure hope they don't postpone it...
  8. no album art yet either? :/
  9. plastic_rainbow

    Them mellow guitar riffs.
  10. shit, i forgot that i had reward points on cdjapan and now they're expired....1100 worth of points all gone D;

    1. lollipopmonstar


      this is really sad ;----;

    2. Xerath


      I know that feel xD I had up to 1,2k 800points expired before I had money to buy smth XD...

  11. plastic_rainbow

    in less than an hour i will see the end of me.
  12. plastic_rainbow

    NightingeiL - 失敗の僕 成功の君
  13. plastic_rainbow

    I don't really like this drawing anymore but whatever haha. A possible Ryutarou fanart maybe? I don't know, I just really like drawing his hairstyle. 花眼、shed a tear for growth.
  14. plastic_rainbow

    Whoops, sorry about that! And I see your point. I was not referring exactly to the preceding sentence when I said that however, but I can see how some people may still guess from that. I put it under spoiler now.
  15. plastic_rainbow

    I watched The Midnight Meat Train last night after being intrigued by this gif I saw on tumblr and it was pretty interesting!
  16. Thirteenth Friday ♫

  17. plastic_rainbow

    Ohhh, Akira is back~ I'm intrigued to hear their sound.
  18. Mostly excited for SCISSOR even though I can't go see them. Sucks that Tsunehito won't be joining them though.
  19. plastic_rainbow

    Plastic Tree for me, ALWAYS. They were the band of my teens and basically the band that saved me through my dark days. Andro Metamorphose is all too beautiful, both musically and lyrically, but tracks like Dona Dona, Sanatorium, Thirteenth Friday, Yume no shima, 37C, Spica also move me very deeply. But obviously, I'm missing a good number of their songs here. In my later high school years I found bands like THE NOVEMBERS, envy, and Mono. For THE NOVEMBERS I love their whole To (melt into) album and my favorite is はじまりの教会, but when 今日も生きたね came out I lay down and listened to it forever and it was the song I went to when I needed it. I like a lot of songs by envy. A cage it falls into, Incomplete, the split they did with Jesu, and basically their Recitation and Insomniac Daze album. I can listen to them passively, but still feel something emotional from them every time. I can say the same for Mono too. But for sure, completely healing music from two great bands. edit: goddammit, i'm missing a lot of other good bands, but whatever those are my tops.
  20. when's it gonna snoww

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Here — never probably :D

    2. PsychoΔelica


      Although, with these climate changes who knows.

  21. Agreeing that this sounds really awesome compared to their first release.
  22. plastic_rainbow

    The album art is so beautiful! And I love their new look. Their poses are very characteristic of their circus/puppet signature.
  23. plastic_rainbow

    More stuff! A fanart of The Evil Within and one of my favorite antagonists. Original drawing.
  24. plastic_rainbow

    cocklobin - IKAROS
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