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Everything posted by plastic_rainbow

  1. Thanks for doing this! Yutori is such a cute dork, haha.
  2. plastic_rainbow

    Thanks!! Haha. Yeah, I really wish someone would make a game based on vk....I guess I have to do it. xD Feeling more encouraged to make some fictional band now. Maybe I'll come up with something soon. Btw, thanks for following my tumblr too! Thank you! : D Glad you liked the first one! ^^
  3. plastic_rainbow

    Thanks man! I really appreciate it! : DDD You know what, I actually dream about doing that. I'm quite into game developing so I want to create some sort of game following a fictional visual kei band or something, haha. Someday though, someday. Maybe for now, I'll just draw their character designs~
  4. Okay, time for me to post this up. I recently found my drawing motivation back so I decided to show it around here. Stuff I post here will mainly come from my tumblr. I also have a deviantArt which includes more of my serious projects, so check it out if you'd like! Here's a drawing I drew today to start off. And a couple others. I was sort of inspired by Tsuzuku while drawing this. : 3 Thanks for looking! I hope I can draw more soon~
  5. plastic_rainbow

    God Is An Astronaut - Loss
  6. I remember STELLA... Gonna keep an eye on them.
  7. plastic_rainbow

    That piqnic track! *0* I need to hear more. Anyway, lots of cools releases this month, but I've only listened to THE NOVEMBERS from those featured. And as always, anything from THE NOVEMBERS is pleasant to listen to. I would not necessarily say that it shows their best output though, as half of it was kind of average sounding. Will need to check releases by KEEL and emmurée sometime as I haven't found the time yet. Plus, I've already got so many other bands to catch up on... Psst, btw can someone upload that new album from The Dresscodes? Heard the previews from his twitter and they sound really good. I'm so glad that he's making a comeback with the rock sound.
  8. plastic_rainbow

    I've never really been such a last-minute kind of person, but my procrastination habits are so bad right now help.
  9. plastic_rainbow

    Interesting write up! (I saw your response to my post at the horror soundtrack trade-off forum) This is exactly why I love aicle.!! They were one of my favorites back then! I started listening to them quite early in their years and I still find 球形無限連鎖~ミズタマ~ an amazing song! Was not expecting to hear such intense growls when I first stumbled their pv, but it easily stuck! And after that I've been enjoying every single one of their releases, except when it started getting downhill after que sera:sera for me. I definitely enjoy their level 3 and 4 stuff more, and of course level 5 too! xD I have so many favorites from this band, perhaps I would say that サイコ×レタア, シドロモドロ, and オカルト・キラー are my favorites. And Cとソプラノ and 星空、堕ちた for level 1-2. But honestly, I like most of their stuff. 心臓。 is a totally perfect album too. Unfortunately, I was never able to pay much attention to the lyrics since they were quite scarce back then, but dear god the lyrics for くるくる。と胎児は廻る, I love the song even more! Now that you have rekindled my obsession for them I will surely check the rest of their lyrics! As you also mentioned, I would really like to see Rubi back in the scene too. He was one amazing guitarist and I really loved his guitar solos~ As for Emiru, it took me a while to listen to Yeti because the style was just so different, but once I tried listening to one of their releases I grew to like them. Different style for sure, but still good and enjoyable. There will never ever be a band like aicle. They were so unique and special. Also, "helium vocals"?? lol Yeah, it's true, but I saw it more of like..a delicate kind of voice, kind of breakable or something. Whoops, ended up writing quite a lot, haha. I just really love this band!
    1. plastic_rainbow


      Mary accidentally turned the wireless switch off on the mic. funny, but cute haha

  10. oh, they released a new single? sounds okay i guess. the preview is too short to tell.
  11. plastic_rainbow

    Develop One's Faculties - ネガティブベイビー
  12. plastic_rainbow

    i have no idea what to write for this paper..........or maybe i'm just really lazy
  13. plastic_rainbow

    Agreed! They sound pretty good!
  14. my mouse broke, how am i supposed to browse now...? D;

    1. CAT5


      I didn't eat it or anything >.> lol, srsly tho my front touch buttons on my phone seem to have stopped working, so i feel ur painnnn

    2. plastic_rainbow


      lmaoo. and yeah, i need to get a new mouse asap.

    3. plastic_rainbow


      maybe you can chase one down for me lol

  15. plastic_rainbow

    Finally continuing the Silent Hill series and started Silent Hill 2 last Friday. Seems like a short game, I think I'm already nearing the end.
  16. haha, well i'm glad that it was nothing serious.
  17. plastic_rainbow

    just got called out to talk about the exam i took today. did i do really bad on it??? well, i didn't feel too confident about it so i'm suspecting so...
  18. plastic_rainbow

    I almost thought this project was completely dropped. He should be more active so that I won't forget about him.
  19. No.....I really hope he gets better soon..
  20. i keep staying up until 3am even though i have classes at 8am in the morning and now i'm really tired.......but yay for the weekend

  21. Cool~ I didn't really like their last release so I'm hoping for something more promising. On another note, the drummer's new look is pretty rad, haha.
  22. plastic_rainbow

    Being around people and feeling incompetent in everything I do.
  23. plastic_rainbow

    Plastic Tree - ドナドナ
  24. plastic_rainbow

    ^I recommend checking out baroque, but only stuff from 2001-2004 :> Anyway, I really don't recognize any of those bands, except for MEJIBRAY. Oh and Michael Jackson too, of course, but I don't really know any of his songs. 1. UVERworld - SORA 2. 放課後ティータイム - 翼をください (K-ON! OST) 3. タニウチヒデキ - 迫る決断の時間 (Akagi OST) 4. ACIDMAN - Final Dance Scene 5. auncia - Beauty Slime 6. 仲野順也 - A Contest of Aeons (FFX OST) 7. アルルカン - 人形-ヒトガタ- 8. kannivalism - adore 9. God Is An Astronaut - Coda 10. シュノーケル - 無能の人 (from the e.p. "snowkel") Okay, to be fair with this I put my whole music folder into my music player and oh look some anime and game soundtracks showed up lol. I listed them in parentheses for those who don't know. I haven't listened to some of these in a while though so I had a bit of trouble choosing a favorite.
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