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Status Replies posted by plastic_rainbow

  1. What you all doing for Halloween? I'll be dressing up and pumpkin carving with a couple of people. 

    1. plastic_rainbow


      watch horror movies alone basically, which i've already been doing all month lol. i'm also gonna make a no-bake pumpkin cheesecake today! :)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Golden stuff for any xTRiPx/Irokui/Acme fan out there:


  3. question for translators - how do y'all translate 揺られ? it's the weirdest 'word' in that the concept is easy enough to grasp but idk what even english word usually gets across the meaning without sounding kitschy / out of place af

    1. plastic_rainbow


      i would probably translate it as 'swayed/wavered' or even 'swaying/wavering', but the meaning can change depending on context. sometimes if there's no fitting word for it i would try to convey it in a different way without losing too much of the original meaning. hope that helps...?

  4. REIGN are good live! Also look how they reign in the money as soon as they come on stage :o 



    1. plastic_rainbow


      yeah, i wasn't really digging that performance... :( ah, i'm not too familiar with sick², haha.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. REIGN are good live! Also look how they reign in the money as soon as they come on stage :o 



    1. plastic_rainbow


      i just watched grimoire's performance and it seemed like the vocalist was really starting to lose his voice at the end. i did see them live once during one trip but don't remember it being that bad. i'll watch reign's portion when i get the chance~ don't really know the other band lol

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. Upcoming downy album is streaming exclusively on YT atm, and it's sicker than COVID-19!!!!



    1. plastic_rainbow


      a third of the way through the album and it already sounds so good!

  7. Where do you find subbed jdramas? English, Spanish and Portuguese subs are fine. 

    1. plastic_rainbow


      you can try avistaz, but they're an invite only. i don't have enough points to invite anyone atm ><

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. I don't know what to do ... my girlfriend of three years told me she really has no interest to ever get married. Happy Valentine's Day. I feel like I've wasted a lot of time, effort, money, and emotion. I'm not worth it.

    1. plastic_rainbow


      hmm okay, well that gives it a lot more context. sounds like a very difficult situation indeed. i would just make it clear that you want to marry and start a family or you're out. sounds very toxic being around that kind of person tbh.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  9. I don't know what to do ... my girlfriend of three years told me she really has no interest to ever get married. Happy Valentine's Day. I feel like I've wasted a lot of time, effort, money, and emotion. I'm not worth it.

    1. plastic_rainbow


      i think the realization of it happening is finally kicking in and she feels more afraid. best thing you can do is just talk with her, give her time to sort out her thoughts if she needs to. rather than asking her if it's 'worth' continuing or not, let her know instead that you would like to 'know' if she wants to continue or not. its difficult choosing the right words when asking tangible questions like this but i think saying it this way softens it a bit. be clear that you want to marry and start a family. there's no need to rush things just because everyone else around you is living their life faster than you. relationships move differently for everyone.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  10. I don't know what to do ... my girlfriend of three years told me she really has no interest to ever get married. Happy Valentine's Day. I feel like I've wasted a lot of time, effort, money, and emotion. I'm not worth it.

    1. plastic_rainbow


      i'm sorry you had to hear that on valentine's day. i don't know what the situation of your relationship is but many people are afraid of marriage in general. personally, i don't like the idea of marriage but i believe one can have a long lasting relationship even without marrying. tying the knot can be scary because it means more responsibilities. maybe she's just not ready for it? i mean, given that it's only been three years it may still be too early to think about it. you can always ask her if she would like to continue the relationship even if she doesn't want to get married. time will only tell if she decides to change her mind later. you never know.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  11. Pardon my spam, BUT I FUCKING LOVE THIS BAND'S SOUND!!!! ANYO been active since 2007 and they still ain't released a full length :tw_grimace:  bro WTF!!!  :tw_bawling: Let's crowdfund it! Do you hear 4ho's voice?!?!? :tw_love: DO YOU HEAR THAT DRUMMER THO!!??  :tw_flushed: THAT LAST SONG IS POWERFUL!!! (tho entire set is really, but still)


    THAT ENDING!!!!!

    So. :arg:Damn. :arg:Dope. :arg:




    That second song is a new one...they haven't released that yet, but it sounds GOOD!  I need more music from this band so I can go ahead and put em in a playlist with downy.:starry:

    1. plastic_rainbow


      been digging these guys ever since you recommended them to me!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. anyone compiling their 2019 favorites? i kind of have a list (while still going through some releases i missed), but it's nothing big

    1. plastic_rainbow


      in any case, it's a good way to see what others liked so that you can check them out yourself

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  13. anyone compiling their 2019 favorites? i kind of have a list (while still going through some releases i missed), but it's nothing big

  14. 雨、コンクリート is one of the best visual kei ballads ever. If you breath, you agree


  15. how do people function with one monitor? I have three and there are times when I could use two more... 

    1. plastic_rainbow


      @Gesu if you want an extra monitor for drawing/reference photos, i'd recommend just buying a tablet monitor~ :) ofc they're probably more expensive but it seems more practical to me as an artist. 


      i don't have much use for multiple monitors unless i'm drawing or doing 3d modeling stuff. although it's nice sometimes for browsing while watching something on the other screen.

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  16. Japanese Language Question


    I have a doubt I hope someone can clear up for me. In expressions like 野菜でいい, that で, which of its several uses is in action here? Is it perhaps で which indicates a state (from である)? Wild literal translation: being vegetables is fine/OK. 

    1. plastic_rainbow


      not sure of the context but usually i'd translate that as "i'm fine with vegetables/veggies"

      when で is followed by いい it usually means "i'm fine with ....."

      hope that was helpful~

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  17. Why is art so bloody difficult? T_T

    1. plastic_rainbow


      The way I try to overcome it is to try new things like using a different medium, draw something you never usually draw, use a technique from artists you admire, find inspiration from other artists, or even take a break from drawing and find inspiration elsewhere like going outside or even watching a movie. Like everything else, art takes time. And tbh, you will never feel like you're art is good enough. Sure, there are times when you may feel like you've done your best work ever, but there's always room for improvement and there will always be someone better than you. But that only makes you put out the best of yourself, always trying to reach that maximum level, except there really is no maximum level. There are always ways to improve your art.  But also, always remember to have fun while you're at it~


      Anyway, just my thoughts. I run into art block and struggle with art a lot lol.

  18. Have you ever wanted to do something different with your appearance but you're not quite sure how people will react? I get this strange kind of nervousness about changing my appearance, even if it's nothing too drastic (could just be doing sth different with my hair, or wearing a hat).

    1. plastic_rainbow


      even just starting to wear jewelry and nail polish had me nervous/conscious lol, simply cuz i had a very mundane appearance with no makeup. biggest change appearance i made was cutting my hair short back in high school tho lol. my parents and family bugged me about it for years but now they don't care. 


      i definitely wanna dye my hair someday, at least once~

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. I'm honestly so happy right now. This place opened in my city a few months back and it's basically just dedicated to allowing people to break shit. You book an appointment with them and they let you into a room filled with furniture, TVs, etc and you just go apeshite on it with a soundtrack of your choice in the background. I told someone about all the resentment I've been feeling lately and he told me I might find it cathartic, so I emailed them and provided they're available, I should be there on Wednesday. Might be a nice opportunity to meet some other bitter people like me. Oh, and they recycle all the smithereens! I'll let you all know how it goes.

    1. plastic_rainbow


      came across such places when i needed to break things but unfortunately there aren't any where i live..... :(  i was tempted to just buy my own things to break but didn't want to clean up the mess so i refrained myself lmao

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  20. the world is ready for a fully instrumental vk band

    1. plastic_rainbow


      definitely wanna see this happening, the instrumentals done by plastic tree were so good, and plus it would be an interesting mix. if this were to happen i'm thinking the visual aspects of art-kei would be most fitting for the music.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  21. LOL @ Kobayashi swaying/grooving like Kyo at moments. These boys is raw tho:



    1. plastic_rainbow


      wanna see these guys again, such a splendid performance. <33

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  22. I finally bought neir, it's petty cool, wish the environments were more lush in color tho

  23. "apple is shutting down itunes" wut

    1. plastic_rainbow


      hmm, only used itunes for my ipod so that will suck when i can't put music in there anymore. maybe i'll go old school and use mp3 players again, which imo look way cooler anyway.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  24. SHILFEE & TULIPCOROBOCKLES is apparently supposed to release another new album in June titled BIOTOPE, preview versions of 4 of the tracks are available on Bandcamp:


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