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Posts posted by dannemannen

  1. I am still a big fan of Japanese music and I keep checking new releases for the classic bands like Mucc, Dir en Grey, Merry, Matenrou Opera, nogod etc, but new stuff?

    I just watched a top 100 video for the "best" vk songs of 2016, which I guess covered most relevant releases, and man everything was just horrible. 

    Is this me just getting over VK, or is the quality lower than ever? Anyone else feeling the same?

  2. I am shocked Matenrou Opera can release something like this.
    Exactly every new song on the album is filler-ish, generic and forgettable. 
    And don't get me wrong, I love the band and checked the calendar everyday waiting for this to drop.

    The only songs I like on the album are Burning Soul, 君と見る風の行方 and 讃えよう 母なる地で - three songs, all singles.

    This has to be one of their worst releases ever.

    Am I the only one who is disappointed?


  3. - Recent Nogod sucks, used to be my favorite band.
    - Jupiter sucks, they really have no talent to write memorable songs.
    - Recent Alice 9 sucks, Diawolf is also very generic and boring.
    - Recent Nightmare sucks, what happened to that band?
    - Recent SUG & Sid sucks, where did the spark go?
    - Gazette hasn't released even one good song the last 6 years.
    - Kamijo's solo is better than versailles.
    - I miss KuRt

    Glay is the best Japanese band of all time.

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