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Posts posted by dannemannen

  1. On 2017/9/26 at 1:40 AM, nekkichi said:

    what can I say I discarded mucc in 2006 lol.


    I kinda expect Deg to somewhat liven things up (their albums usually inspire a half-year worth of rip-offs/heavier direction for smaller bands), and there's a new gazette album coming next year which I don't have much early hopes for, but even in the worst case it will have a good song or two.


    I really hope it's just an unfortunate cycle in the scene again (2006 - 2009-ish were for the most part dire), but the fact I'm more hyped about anything Zicross or Yumeleep put out compared to whatever old faves of mine are still around makes me p. sad

    The question is will DeG even come back? They are just getting older and older and the releases just seem get less and less =(

  2. 2 hours ago, nekkichi said:



    I can't remember the last time a recent vk release got me truly excited (like idk does one song off hakuei's solo album even count?), the closest to that is the former ayabie drummer and an indie sensation soan's solo project, but he's low-budget and p much irrelevant.


    there's also a temporary gap with the bandmen I'm interested in being on a break/just out of their old bands, it blows.


    that being said, merry was predicable merry but it was good.


    I agree with you... I am starting to feel like that there are no REALLY (and now I mean REALLY) good bands left in the VK-scene... Mucc (who used to be the king)'s most recent original album was also like 90% filler.. Do we have to wait for a DeG comeback to get some faith back?

  3. I just tried out Merry's new album and only liked one of the new songs. 
    I also tried out SID's new album, not even ONE song felt memorable to me...

    And my once favorite band "Nogod" also released an album recently, tried it and hell, there was only one song that I almost had to force myself to like because I just wanted to like something.


    Feels like everything in VK is just getting weaker and weaker for each year that passes, and NO i don't want to start a flamewar about this.. but what are some bands that you think completely have lost their "spark" during the last years?

    (I can throw in that I tried Kamijo's new single as well, and it was so generic ... he has done so much better things in the past... Have all of these awesome VK-artists started giving up?)


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