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Posts posted by dannemannen

  1. Been a while since a release has disappointed me like this...
    First of all the new song has to be one of their most generic to date, nothing that stands out, completely soulless.
    Then we have all the remakes which feel pointless and unimpressive. Damn... :(

    Deg were aiming for an easy cash-in?

  2. Its a good album overall, but what i miss are good choruses... more or less all choruses on the album are generic and boring, even though the instrumentals and verses are good. The nogod i know is famous for catchy and mindblowing choruses... :sad:

    "Something" is just missing 7/10
    They lost their spark?

  3. Guys, let's do this!


    1. MR LIAR - This song is just pure awesomeness. Catchy and badass. I love the part after the breakdown, and the chorus is just.. ahh.... totally blown away... 10/10

    2. GG -One of the PV songs, and Im sorry to say this but this one sounds like a filler to me. Nothing special 4/10

    3. Arcadia - Single song, weak and boring in my opinion. I don't like the feeling in this song at all. I wonder what they were thinking releasing this as a single. 4/10

    4. Nirvana - Another weak single but better than arcadia. I really dont know what to say else, it just sounds like a forced anime song.5/10

    5. Honey - From here, since MR LIAR, the album starts getting better again. Funky instrumentals with a cool chorus, but still somewhere ends up feeling like a filler. 6/10

    6. Shuuchaku no kane - Mellow song with a nice atmosphere. Reminds me a bit of GOKUSAI and songs such as mukashi kodomo datta hitotachi e. I really like this style of mucc. Having a great time listening to this song. 8/10

    7. Pure black - Awesome jazzy melody, verses are great but the chorus feels alittle weak. If they just could have made the chorus alittle more catchy the rating for this one would have been higher, but still a pretty nice piece of work! 8/10

    8. Kyouran kyousou 21st century baby - Sick song that i dont know what to think about, lol. What do you guys think? Still enjoying to turn on this one on my ipod though 7/10

    9. Marry you - Seriously, the preview of this song sounded like a joke, but after listening to the whole thing im in love with it. I love the feeling of it, and its actually catchy as hell. Been a while since i heard a song like this from a vk-jrockband. This song makes me happy and I cant stop listening to it. 9/10

    10. Yosora no kurepasu - As i love the more mellow more calm melodic songs of mucc (since gokusai), i cant help loving this one as well. Actaully got goosebumps first time listening to it, especially the intro and verse part. For most of you maybe it just sounds boring but damn, i just wanna cry, its so beautiful. 10/10

    11. You & I - Mucc epicness at its best. Catchy as hell. Nothing else to say, One of the best songs on the album. Why didnt they release stuff like this as singles?! This one pumps my adrenaline! 10/10

    12. Mother - Another single, and yet another weak one. Actually all singles on this album are weak... still better than the previous two ones though. Best part is chorus, rest doesnt impress. 7/10

    13. Shangrila - Im sure they wanted to make and end the album with a dark epic slower tune and sure they succeeded with that, although i wanted them to put some more melodic elements in it to make it more memorable. Still an epic piece of work 9,5/10

    All in all, the singles are the weakest part of this album. I wonder what they were thinking with them. Most of the new songs are crazily awesome, especially MR LIAR. Shangrila proves that MUCC still got it since their failure with KARMA, it is a high quality album that i will keep listening to for a long time. My rating is 8/10.

    What are your thoughts? Please share them! Cheers!

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