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Number Girl

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Posts posted by Number Girl

  1. This may get a re-release in a few months since most Boris releases come out on vinyl first and then make their way to CD later. I don't know what should be attributed to the actual pressing and what should be attributed to how this was ripped, so I suppose we can't say if/unless we get another vinyl rip or CD release.

    Would really love if it got a CD release. Vinyl makes me sad . . . I don't have the right kind of player for them yet. :( Glad to hear you enjoyed it. 

  2. Well, at least the one Eminem song that ended up on there happened to be one of my personal favorites, lol. Loving the Sinatra and Diru songs as well! 


    1. Beatles - I've Got a Feeling

    2. U2 - The Electric Co.

    3. Versailles - Rose

    4. Melt-Banana - Call Me Please 6824

    5. Green Day - Welcome to Paradise

    6. D'espairsRay - Hai to Ame

    7. Dir en grey - 「欲巣にDREAMBOX」あるいは成熟の理念と冷たい雨

    8. Blindman - Cold Wind Blows

    9. Melt-Banana - Rush & Warp

    10. D.T.R. - Dirty Winner

  3. Comments for CAT5: Honestly, all I really have to contribute is . . . every day you make me feel like I live under a rock when it comes to music. . . so I have no idea if I should be impressed or be appalled by your list xD. The only band I'm remotely familiar with is Lillies and Remains and they were okay imho. 


    1. "夢の中の君" - Caroline Rocks

    2. "もう一度キスしたかった" - B'z

    3. "Survival" - Bob Marley

    4. "Under Pressure" - Grand Slam

    5. "Eleanor Rigby" - The Beatles 

    6. "from suisei with whole lotta love" - suiseinoboaz

    7. "for Dear" - Kuroyume

    8. "Jessica" - The Allman Brothers 

    9. "She" - KISS

    10. "Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby" - Rolling Stones 

  4. I like the idea of the multiple choice for categories as well. I too struggle picking "the best" when it comes to these things and I end up going back and forth for quite a while, trying to be fair to all my favorites, haha. 


    A suggestion process just seems way too complicated for a poll of this nature imho . . . I imagine the staff or someone will have to select which artists will be the choices and that will be a long ordeal in itself. 

  5. Lol. . . my past is starting to look really sad. . .


    I didn't care much for music up until I entered high school. Before, the only artists I really loved were Coldplay, Eminem, and various country, hip-hop, and contemporary Christian songs (pretty much the staple diet of the average Southern teenager with access to a radio). Both my parents were casually into your standard 70's and 80's pop and rock music (Journey, Styx, REO Speedwagon, etc.) so I think that's where my interest in that kind of music came from, but for the most part my father doesn't care all that much about music anymore and my mother only listens to Christian pop. 


    When I discovered the internet and started playing video games and watching anime, I started liking the theme songs and that's what lead me to J-Rock. For a couple years I just listened to whatever band had the prettiest members or whatever was the most catchy and melodic artist, like Gackt and other visual kei. I'm pretty sure it was Luna Sea and Number Girl that officially altered my perspective on music forever. They really opened up my mind to other types of rock music and made me more appreciative of it. Now I listen to shit I never imagined I would be listening to. It's funny because my interest in Japanese rock has now caused me to become re-interested in English speaking music and not the other way around, haha. 

  6. I don't think any amount of knowledge about or experience with music can really sway a personal opinion.


    It can be helpful to work with music, as you can probably analyze a lot more than a person who is not as familiar, but that doesn't mean everything will be 100% objective. 

  7. D'espairsRay came on shuffle today on the way to class ("Squall") and I teared up a little bit. Damn, didn't know I missed them that much. :/ I guess I was just so *annoyed* about their last few releases that I didn't think I'd really care if they disbanded. 


    I haven't bothered listening to the other projects, but I kinda imagined they would be so-so by comparison. Meh. 

  8. Great idea!


    Number Girl





    Manga Sick

    Trampoline Girl

    Destruction Baby

    Iggy Pop Fan Club

    Frustration in My Blood

    Toumei Shoujo


    Urban Guitar Sayonara








    Gypsy Ways (Win, Lose, Draw)

    Finger's on the Trigger

    Night After Night

    Grieve of Heart

    Mob Groove

    Rough and Wild

    The Voices

    Road to Nowhere

    On and On






    Ano Onna No Onryou

    Woman on the Screen

    My Neighbor Satan

    No One's Grieve

    Akirame Flower

    Black Original (New Album version)

    Riot Sugar


    Tu, La La

    Les Paul Custom '86 (New Album version) 


    Cinema Staff




    Karakuri in the Skywalkers


    Boys will be Scrap

    Truth under the Imagination






    salvage me


    Luna Sea




    Blue Transparency -限りなく透明に近いブルー-

    Mechanical Dance


    In My Dream (With Shiver)



    Genesis Of Mind~夢の彼方へ~










    Life is Party



    Sawasdee Clap Your Hands

    Weapons of Mass Destruction 















    ミエナイチカラ ~INVISIBLE ONE~

    It's Showtime



    Into Free -Dangan-



  9. I agree that preoccupying yourself is a good remedy. Find an activity that not only keeps you busy, but makes you happy too. Also, try to avoid things or places that remind you of that person if you can help it. It will take time, but you will eventually move on and your life will be all the better for it.

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