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Number Girl

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Posts posted by Number Girl

  1. Somewhat old news, but since it wasn't posted here yet thought I might give a head's up.

    As Meias has posted on Tumblr that they will be releasing their final EP titled "As Meias III" late this month. They will also hold their last live before disbanding.

    Source: http://asmeias.tumblr.com/

    It should be great, as always but just wish there was more to look forward to . . .

  2. I've always heard - from a couple of people who have lived/been to Japan - the argument that Japanese people have significantly more disposable income and thus the prices are adjusted higher. Also, that high prices don't just apply to music, but other items too.

    Anyway, Chinese/Korean releases are a life saver- it is nice to be able to buy special/Limited versions with DVD's or posters and all without feeling like you were robbed. I now only buy B'z CD's when the Hong Kong versions come out or on Ebay.

  3. > implying you know anything about dir en grey

    I disagree. They have cut off all ties with the visual scene, its as if they've never been associated with it.

    For example, they at NO point in time had anything to do with Dynamite Tommy, a guy who totally has nothing to do with a band called Color which was totally not deeply influential in the visual kei scene in any shape or form. They also are NOT on a label called "Free-Will" which was NOT AT ANY POINT IN TIME a very famous VISUAL KEI record label and never will be. And those so-called "visual kei" photographs? They were actually never visual kei at any point - they were simply a punk/goth rock influenced shock band that just liked to dress "glammish" which was actually groundbreaking for the era. You sir, are simply pulling at straws with that one.

    So you might as well quit asserting they are visual kei like its a fact, because you sir are simply delusional and a troll who is jealous of Dir en grey's musical abilities and global success compared to your shitty indie bands. Also Kiyoharu doesn't exist.

  4. Looking back, I don't really think anything is wrong with Girugamesh now, it's just when you really like a worm and then it eventually turns into a butterfly, you're going to miss the worm, right?

    Just like in spongebob. :D

  5. I'm going to have to go with either Grand Slam's Inside or Outside or Rhythmic Noise. All of it is pretty damn good catchy Japanese glam/sleaze rock that should be more popular (in the J-Rock fandom) than it is and probably would be if they weren't all so hard to buy, imho.

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