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Number Girl

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Posts posted by Number Girl

  1. OBVIOUSLY, if America didn't have so much abortions, gay sex, atheists, marijuana and love for Islamic presidents like Barack HUSSEIN Obama so much, it would be a much better world and no one would be ever be killed ever and lollipops and rainbows and Jesus. :|

    My heart goes out to everyone affected by this. . .

  2. ^ You mean like a deputy service? I recommend this link for a bit of information about the most popular services that are available, even though it certainly doesn't cover everything and may be outdated.

    I suggest staying away from Rinkya. Not the best customer service in the world from my experience - I think I'm lucky I got my item in one piece. Celga is good, but they are pricy when it comes to non-auction items.

  3. I concur with Buck-Tick - I've tried several songs and have yet to really get into them, but I respect their influence and their long-standing career. I feel the same way about all of the "good" new visual kei artists that everyone likes: 9GOATS BLACK OUT, A, etc. Their music doesn't do much for me, but I appreciate that they exist to balance out the mediocrity in the visual scene.

  4. Yeah, lyrics are pretty much the last priority in consideration when it comes to my favorite music.

    However, there are artists that actually have a message with their lyrics, and not just nonsensical fantasy/dark crap - case in point, The Stalin et al. It sucks that the language barrier causes fans to miss out on some of those things. Also, it is nice having the romanji to help me sing along to them. xD

  5. No, and I think that is awful that people are getting in trouble over that kind of shit. Yeah, I can understand it from a copyright view - the lyrics are the band's property and the interviews I'm guessing are property of the journalist/publisher/whatever - but that doesn't change the fact it is a really . . . dumb, to say the least.

    Although I hardly ever read many interviews or lyrics, I do see the value in them from a foreign fan standpoint and I appreciate it any time someone takes the time out of their day to translate. Not many artists provide English translations in their booklets if they include lyrics at all. I've never been against it unless someone is using it for profit or if they are claiming the content as their own/withholding proper credits.

    Edit: I'm probably going to reserve wrath and judgement on Kamijo specifically. I read his message more thoroughly and I think he handled the delivery pretty well. It's not like he was insulting foreigners or called us "shit man" or compare us to various zoo animals, etc.

  6. Hell to the yes!

    Thanks for the info, Number Girl!


    Wait, it's not December 3rd, it's October 3rd!

    Taken straight from the website: "2012.10.3 Release"

    Hurray, less waiting!

    PFFFFFTTT. Oh my God, thank you so much. I can't believe I thought December was the 10th month!!!

  7. My VK band and only VK band is Luna Sea. I've been in love with this band since junior high and I appreciate them more every day. I could go on and on, but I'd probably end up derailing this thread. I love their whole discography - old and new stuff. My favorite songs are "Claustrophobia," (from the Believe single) "In My Dream - With Shiver -," (from Eden) "Wall," (from Image) and "Ra-Se-N" (from Style). They still sound amazing even after twenty years. I'd even suggest they've gotten better, upon watching The Holy Night performances.

    My non-VK band is Anthem. They've been around since the early 80's and they still sound absolutely perfect even in the 2010's. Eizo's voice is still one of the best in Japanese metal and Shibata is a killer bass player and song writer. They were amazing even when Morikawa was singing for them for a few years. I'm surprised they've never been on par with bands like Loudness as far as international success. My favorite songs are "Night After Night," "Finger's On the Trigger," "Gypsy Ways (Win, Lose, Draw)," "Mob Groove," "The Voices," and "Blind Alley." This band has truly stood the test of time.

    Boris are in second place to Anthem. Even the "poppy" music they made on New Album when they signed with Avex was awesome.

  8. I pick Versailles, simply because 1) they've been a very important band to me pretty much since I was newbie Japanese music fan, 2) I enjoy the symphonic metal thing they've got going on, even though that's not always my favorite genre of music, and 3) they have Teru.

    Kamijo is alright, but I never liked him enough to get into Lareine. I heard Versailles first, so I just can't get used to how his voice sounded back then.

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