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  1. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to sakuran in Trombe has disbanded   
    And by "piss off" what you actually mean is "if any of the regular uploaders decide to go breaking the forum rules, they will also be disciplined accordingly." It's funny how rules have to apply to every single member, without exception.
  2. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to sakuran in Trombe has disbanded   
    ^ This. To all these people acting like, "oh noooo, MH won't have any news posts now that Trombe is no longer here!! such pointless, much dead forum, wow"
    Other people are perfectly capable and willing to post news. I imagine the reason very few people tried to before (myself included, though I did make a few attempts) is because they felt intimidated by the fact that Trombe had such a monopoly on the news section and there was no point in trying to post news yourself, even if you managed to post it before Trombe, because some ghost thread would show up five minutes later anyway. It's not as if we're all a bunch of helpless babies that can't do anything on our own. Trombe was impressive because s/he managed to do most of this single-handedly, and it was certainly appreciated, but there is no reason why a single person has to keep doing it. You can sit around whining in this thread all day, or you can think about contributing in some small part to help keep things just as active as they ever were.
  3. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from herpes in Trombe has disbanded   
  4. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to YuyoDrift in Trombe has disbanded   
    I think that was the problem, ironically.
    No one here is going to deny that Trombe was a very well known, and informative member on this website for VK news.
    Yet, everyone needs to realize that he was just that. A member. No different from any one of us. To my knowledge, he was not being paid to do this.
    It seems that no one besides the Admins/Moderators, are aware of the situation. No one should be jumping to conclusions. As being a moderator on various websites over the years myself, I understand what a group decision among other mods is like. No right to disrespect, if you don't understand.
    If you feel that the news section was the ONLY thing making up MH, then perhaps reconsider and take a close look at the rest of the content that our admins have worked hard to provide for us to view and participate in. I find it ironic that some members I have never seen, have posted on this thread, but no other part of the forum.
    If you really don't care about anything/anyone else on this site, then why are you even a member? It's an honest question. There are plenty of blogs elsewhere to read for news.
    Those of you mentioning that only Trombe made up the forums news section, are placing him on a high pedestal, when you should not. Please find it in your best interests to help populate the news section from now on if you feel you could, as we already have plenty of other members already doing so, and the more the merrier.
    I love some of the excuses on here to justify their lack of support for the news section.
    You don't know where to start looking? Well no one's holding a gun to your head lol just post anything that you come across that has not been posted yet, if ever. It's that simple
    No time to post you say? Well, if you can read the content on one website, I'm pretty sure you can copy/paste that same news on here as well.
    Don't feel like it? Well, then you have no say on this matter, now do you?
    Due to the negligence of most of us here at MH, to not provide a piece of content when we probably could have, have allowed one member to dominate a section of the forum to the point where we eventually felt there was no longer a need for other contributors, and newer members saw this member as the ONLY means for new VK news. In a way, it's our fault Trombe became so vital to the community.
    Edit: I had heard about Trombe and his PMs of hate on other potential news posters, but I didn't think it was real until now. Nice to see these individuals come forward. Perhaps this will shed some light as to why it seemed that there was no one else BUT Trombe who posted news.
    Why do I sound like a moderator? lol
    Excuse my asshole rant.
    Thank you for the contributions to this forum Trombe. Good luck on your new blog or website, if you should choose to do so.
    No hard feelings.
  5. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Licio123 in Trombe has disbanded   
    So this was Yoshiki's announcement...
    Sad to see you go, Trombe! But I know you'll be back in 2 months max lol =D
  6. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to kiddybombs in Trombe has disbanded   
    still better than yoshiki's news
  7. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Biopanda in Trombe has disbanded   
    boiii you just got dunked on. you gonna sit there and take it?
  8. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Biopanda in Trombe has disbanded   
    in b4 im the rogue mod
  9. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Karma’s Hat in Trombe has disbanded   
    As if any of us who have been here for like 5-8+ years would be able to leave now. 
    See you in two weeks trombe!
  10. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Seimeisen in Trombe has disbanded   
    Everyone thinks you're a robot there I said it
  11. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Tokage in Trombe has disbanded   
    if you literally gave half as much of a shit about the bands you stan then you'd know where to find relevant news about them yourself anyway lmao
    being ''the news guy'' shouldn't be an excuse to just go around breaking the rules, insulting mods and acting like a diva for no fucking reason, if other people aren't allowed to bandodge then why should he?
  12. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to emmny in Trombe has disbanded   
    imagine how crazy u gotta be to write this!
  13. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in YOSHIKI FES "VISUAL JAPAN SUMMIT 2016"   
    His staff has secretly been taking cheki pictures of him collapsing on his chair while drumming for the last 10 years and he is now about to sell all the pictures as a photo album.
  14. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Chi in YOSHIKI FES "VISUAL JAPAN SUMMIT 2016"   
    hopefully new chips flavor
  15. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Nowhere Girl in YOSHIKI FES "VISUAL JAPAN SUMMIT 2016"   
    Let me guess. He's pregnant.
  16. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Shaolan974 in YOSHIKI FES "VISUAL JAPAN SUMMIT 2016"   
    What ? Jealousy(remake) is postponned ?!
  17. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to IGM_Oficial in YOSHIKI FES "VISUAL JAPAN SUMMIT 2016"   
    Anything but the album.
  18. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Yukami in Ru:natic will resume activities   
    They have announced that this year will give another Live, along with a CD distributed 2 songs.
    Soon more details.
  19. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from Karma’s Hat in SANA Solo Tour 2016   
    Oh it's that guy?
    i think you should write in the flyer as most people obviously don't get the reference.
    Him looking like HITT ver. 2 doesn't really help him either
  20. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to VkBrutaliaN in Your last music-related buy!   
    メアリィ - メンヘライズム

  21. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from suji in Pokemon Go   
    I can't help to think that this is limited to idiots though lol. Here in Sweden I've never seen anyone who is not paying attention to what's happening around you when playing. Of course you're not supposed to fucking run over a street on red light with cars crossing, or walk of a fucking cliff. To be honest if you do that then you kinda deserve it for being so stupid lol. The start-up screen even says "always pay attention to your surroundings when playing", so if you don't follow that simple rule then you only have yourself to blame.
  22. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from -NOVA- in MALISEND will disband   
    I just realized that Yukika is no longer following Mediena or Malisend on twitter. I wonder if he just shut down their labels and left them hanging? lol
  23. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to Biopanda in Aerosmith will disband   
    Originally thought this was posted in the normal news section and was wondering if Aerosmith was some hot new VK band that I missed out on.
  24. Like
    Takadanobabaalien reacted to enyx in Pokemon Go   
    Blaming Pokemon Go itself for the actions of people playing it is like blaming McDonald's for people having obesity problems. At the end of the day, it's up to you as an individual to take the necessary steps to keep yourself safe, and to be completely honest most of those steps are just common sense; things like not walking into the middle of a road or not walking around alone at 3am with your phone all lit up for prospective burglars to see. With regards to children, just take them to parks or other open areas without cars and traffic to play. You know, be a responsible parent.
    As @SEKHMET's post helps to illustrate, for every negative story to have come around since this game's launch, there are plenty of heartwarming and positive ones too. I think people are just looking for a reason to hate the popular new trend, as often tends to be the case. 
  25. Like
    Takadanobabaalien got a reaction from Mind of the sun in Pokemon Go   
    I can't help to think that this is limited to idiots though lol. Here in Sweden I've never seen anyone who is not paying attention to what's happening around you when playing. Of course you're not supposed to fucking run over a street on red light with cars crossing, or walk of a fucking cliff. To be honest if you do that then you kinda deserve it for being so stupid lol. The start-up screen even says "always pay attention to your surroundings when playing", so if you don't follow that simple rule then you only have yourself to blame.
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