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Everything posted by evenor

  1. CielGrave were great live!

  2. close this thread immediately; nothing under this post is meaningful.
  3. evenor

    headshot for my new oshare kei band: 鼻くそMOUSE
  4. 赫 is still that binch on TIW

  5. new vk bottom anthem: "Celebrate Empty Bowels"


    1. The Moon

      The Moon

      how do i 

    2. Elazmus


      this is how ive read that title since tracks were announced, can't see it any other way

    3. PIZAZ


      Finally someone is celebrating all this hard work

  6. I guess they are trying to break into K-pop with blackface.
  7. evenor

    they better pay Eve to be their ghostwriter
  8. someone make a transcode of this please.
  9. evenor

    If true, Shinya essentially saved dir en grey. 💋
  10. evenor

    I am glad they haven't croaked yet. Their 2016 album was really enjoyable!
  11. The first 20 secs of mad K by dimlim are invigorating. 


  12. It's better then their last two singles~ edit: Damn, I wonder how much they paid P!nk to swing around the PV
  13. angelic blue by D is still so good

  14. Damn, this guy is still kicking!
  15. fruit loop kei! It honestly could have been way worse....
  16. I love that out of all the vk/kansai vk bands, Vo.魁那 chose to be a Dali stan. One of that tracks on that recent mini album is basically a cover of choo choo 1room ( which is a Mis†ake song).
  17. evenor

    the english ver of Bad Boy is soooooo good.
  18. evenor

    Stunt Queen! Kisaki is simply a #vkhistorian wanting to teach/save the new vk children from forgetting a LEGEND.
  19. evenor

    Wings Flap gives me hope of a new decent album.
  20. Never forget how awesome ASS'n'ARRow〜あすなろ〜's drummer was


    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Is that Jade Jolie

    2. platy


      I'll never forget the pictures with no editing... Shiver. 

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