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Everything posted by evenor

  1. evenor

    https://www.mp3tag.de/en/ It's great to help you clean up tags and organize
  2. evenor

    Still looking for their mysterious 絶望と夜の希薄な境界で release!
  3. evenor

    Happy for the continued success!
  4. Thank god that Akira is doing the vocals!
  5. These stunts! Too bad; I thought the vocalist looked really cool in their latest PV.
  6. Really liking the cheesy synth in lost sleep.
  7. evenor

    Lament. - 目蓋
  8. Praying that fukai is not butchered!
  9.  @ VK lives



  10. evenor

    Let's hope for a final mini/album.
  11. evenor

    They needed to adopt another cat. In all seriousness, I grew to really appreciate Jin's vocals overtime. I hope he doesn't leave VK indefinitely!
  12. ABOO vs. BABOO

    1. anadentone


      im voting for baboo aboo :D

    2. Tokage


      cant wait for ABO to finally rep indigenous australian pride in vk

    3. IGM_Oficial


      I want a two-man live, now

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  13. evenor

    Lament. - 蓮と落陽
  14. моје краљице I love that (in their arguably bloated discography) I still can find enjoyable songs in every new D release.
  15. evenor

    I just make up my own when driving to work.
  16. ゴシップ needs to keep making songs like haiiro no yuki or go 100% and become an etcetera cover band. 

    1. Himeaimichu


      Why not just have Saku fill Yukika's place at Etcetera revivals? lol
      Even though Yukika improved after クラッチ, I don't trust him to sing Kizuato still.

  17. evenor

    I hope it's an album of all duets composed by aie.
  18. I am honestly SHOCKED that kouki from d=out is participating in this.
  19. Innocent manga is bonkers

    1. Chi


      It's one of my favorite manga :) 

  20. evenor

    Hawaiian food kei
  21. evenor

    Kiyoharu sounds HORRIBLE in that sample!
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