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yomii last won the day on June 12 2019

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About yomii

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    Gackt's Hair Stylist
  • Birthday May 22

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  1. "apple is shutting down itunes" wut

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    2. suji


      w h a t

    3. Kyo_Toriko


      Is it confirmed or still a rumor?
      I saw the "news" everywhere since yesterday, but I'm still doubtin' it.
      Because it has been a rumor from quite long time ago.

    4. colorful人生


      Seems likely they'll announce it during WWDC, as they've been quietly purging everything iTunes on their social media pages (-sans Twitter atm.) Hopefully, this is related to them introducing a better file-transfer app/service for local media b/c iTunes has been piss-poor/unintuitive for a long time... Or they make a "brave" move and say, "Fuck it, everything goes to the cloud".


      As for music consumption, it's been pretty obvious for a while now that streaming has won out in the music consumption war. It's weird to think that most people aren't going to "own" their own music anymore, but honestly, even my own hand has been forced. It's much more affordable, and the quality is still there. It's a staggered transition, but an inevitable one. (Gotta wait for that idol handshake/vk economy to catch up, lol.) 


      *Not implying that physical media will suddenly disappear, there will be less of an incentive for most people, though.

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