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Posts posted by LIDL

  1. 5 hours ago, geist said:

    the band stands behind a barricade and people stand/sit in front of them and get their picture taken.

    That's sounds like a zoo tbh. Is this for real?

    I'd rather pay 2K for actual experience with lesser boundaries and photo op.

  2. I am not mad at it, personally speaking. It is still a bop tbh.


    But is seems obvious that Hazuki might still not over D'espa's last two albums sounds since he was forced to stopped when he still wannabe creative, so it is only natural he did this kind of sounds when he restart his music career.


    Perhaps, this is what they called one of those retro sounds too. Since even movies had put late 1990s-early 2000s as period films now. That is signs when something is old.


  3. I agree. My mind instantly goes to X-Japan, Luna Sea, and  L'arc members. Maybe Buck Tick too? Especially the members who wrote songs for the band the most. Cos they get more money from those writing royalties than other members.  There was an article long time ago, of a magazine showing Hyde's L'arc apartment. Like, he actually owned the whole floor, wtf. But that is when he was still single. He probably have moved since he got married. Probably even bigger mansion.


    Also, this is Yoshiki house. Not sure if he still live there but here you go


  4. Both groups may be interested in their music, but both also will be interested with their looks. 

    They sees them differently for sure.


    Most straight boys will see their male figures as someone cool. Like how cool they were on the stage. And how awesome their clothes were. Some even started to dress like them. Which is why some of these VK bandomen sold fashion collection and accessories like Ruki , Toshiya, and Kyo does, among others.


    While the LGBTQ may also attracted sexually to them, as much as the straight female fans does. And some of those fans service didn't help although it seems quite rare thing with neo modern VK bands.

  5. 26 minutes ago, secret_no_03 said:

    How does everyone feel about sex toys? I've known of people who literally consider it a necessity and others who considered it cheating.

    It is great for foreplay. Or quick pickmeup when doing travel for work. And for the princess, there even Sailor Moon wand ones :D


  6. I have no debts. Did budgeting nightly so I know where all my money gone.


    Got no student loans. 


    Always pay my bills on time. Including Credit cards.


    Paid all my taxes.


    House and car were paid in cash.  Cos I hate paying up interests.


    My retirement plan are on track.


    My credit scores are mighty fine. The key is being responsible with money. Cos even if you won millions from lottery, if you are not responsible, you will be back to square one in no time. Or even poorer than you were before. Lots of examples already. 


    I got a few friends who keep buying clothes and expensive shoes and bags, either new or thrift, all the same, and I don't even understand why. They were even starve for that too. They only wore those once and get a new pair. That is such excessive spending just because they care too much about what people think. They would ask to borrow my cash sometimes but I just can't give that, ever. I know for sure they will never able to pay it back with such habit. Those celeb lifestyle are not for everyone. But only a few people seems to understand that basic stuff. Besides, those celebs often got freebies designer brands to fill up their walk in closet and dressers anyway.

  7. I always find people who listen to only certain genres, and don't give chance to another genres before saying they don't like it, really annoys me. 


    I understand if someone don't listen to certain artists, but to shun the whole genre associated with that artist are absurd. There are dozens more artists that doing their own thing in the same genre, and I find it impossible not one of them they may find interesting.


    I could never understand the way these people think. Options are there to enrich you. I find many talented artists are actually having such eclectic taste, but the irony is that some of their fans are not like that. And that's dumb to me.


    So that is my issue, the genre elitists and purist.

  8. On 7/25/2019 at 9:14 PM, ghost said:

    We can hope!

    I heard that too. According to the band though, the song "doesn't fit" on the album anymore and that's why it's no longer included. Please though, it doesn't sound all that different than the other 2 singles.

    Yeah, everyone who hears it knows, :D probably they just saying that to avoid dramas.

  9. 19 hours ago, ghost said:


    Shoot, that's lame. I always like getting vinyl when I can so I pre-ordered that from their site, but I just assumed OTL would be on the album!


    I'm actually pretty excited for WANYK. I expected them to kind of just fizzle out after .5, but it seems like they're going stronger than ever. 


    I am still hoping they'd release that song on stand alone vinyl, maybe for Record Day.


    I heard rumor that song may have Chris Fehn as co-writer, which is why it is excluded from the album now. So no more lawsuits will happen. But I'll take this with grains of salt.

  10. 8 hours ago, ghost said:

    Digging the new knot. Still bummed All out life isn't on the album any more. Thought it was better than Unsainted. 

     That track will be bonus track for Japan release, from what I saw on CDJapan. They always get that kind of perks. Which made me pre-ordered that version of CD instead of the one in their own website. Like, those swags on the bundle are cool and all, but.. :D


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