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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. Looking forward to it. I've liked everyhing you've played by him!
  2. Done. Was able to get a few of those to default. Would love to have this pic voted up. Thanks to all in advance~
  3. Happy Birthday Saku, Shane, and Number Girl!

    1. beni


      HB all~ ;3

    2. doombox


      Happy Birthday, everyone!

    3. ShanethVarosa
  4. CAT5

    I've never quite understood tricot's overseas appeal. This isn't the first time I've seen them mentioned in a western publication. Even if I'm not personally much of a fan, it's still good to see.
  5. CAT5

    I am down for a VK-only theme!
  6. CAT5

    Psycho-Pass 2 Enigmatic Feeling Ling tosite sigure OP Psycho-Pass Abnormalize Ling tosite sigure OP
  7. CAT5

    Please refrain from insulting people. Not only is that a poor way to argue your point, but it's a quick way to get banned as well.
  8. Happy Birthday, Pho!

  9. Some cool musicians involved here!
  10. CAT5

    I was actually waiting for your thread this month, since I actually had something to talk about this time lol. It might be the same for others.
  11. CAT5

    Have fun and take care!
  12. Nice. Looking forward to it as always!
  13. Interesting. Are you sure Boris wrote a new song, though? The song in that nico link is from their "Heavy Rocks" album ^^;
  14. Uploaded those goto izumi albums for ya. Enjoy!

    1. pinkmakona


      Thanks! I appreciate it.

  15. I don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with tailoring your charts to appear a certain way or to project the kind of taste that you envision. If that's how you make use of last.fm, then go for it. Although in my personal experience, being overly selective of what I scrobble, specifically trying to tinker with stats, and resetting to better reflect my tastes has always been more trouble than it's worth. To add to the futility of it all, my tastes tend to evolve and jump around a bit, and that's not always readily perceivable on the charts. Furthermore, the scrobbler app on my phone tends to scrobble even the songs that I skip, so that skews the stats a bit. Not to mention the fact that I usually scrobble a greater variety of music from my computer than I do on my phone. So all in all, I think there are too many factors at play to worry too much about accuracy. I still tinker with a few of the display settings from time to time, but that's about it.
  16. CAT5

    New PV from the Gentle Forest Jazz Band - lead by trombonist Gentle Kubota, who's also a member of Zainichi Funk. It's refreshing to hear this big-band/bop sound out of Japan, especially since some of the more prominent acts have been churning out some pretty unremarkable club-jazz.
  17. CAT5

    This is easily one of the best, if not the best, songs I've heard from them. One of my biggest issues with this band has always been how their songwriting seemed disjointed, but this track was super smooth throughout. I quite like the chorus, and the piano solo didn't seem abrupt or awkward for once. There's hope for this band yet! I agree that it's pretty passable.
  18. CAT5

    The new Kendrick is an experience.
  19. Do you care how accurately your last.fm depicts your music taste? To submit a poll for the MH POLL OF THE WEEK, P.M. @CAT5 with your poll question, choices, and state whether it's multiple choice or not.
  20. CAT5

    It's all good. I only ask that ppl try to keep the video times reasonable.
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