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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. ^ The OP for the original berserk anime was even more cheery sounding: I think "inferno" works great as the opening theme, though - it's energetic and has a certain amount of intensity. As for the song itself, this sounds like more of the same from 9mm. Sure, the guys are talented and this is certainly well done, but their song-writing has been in a rut for close to a decade now.
  2. You can hear a bit of TK's new song "signal" in this trailer:
  3. Happy Birthday. Have a good one! :3

    1. freesia


      Thanks , CAT!! :blob2:

  4. CAT5

    ^ They were originally signed to Zankyo, so they'll always have indie cred : D unfortunately, I can't view that PV in the U.S. Thanks, Victor. : | Anyways, I had no idea Music from the Mars had a new album out! Cool!~
  5. CAT5

    @Suuu- you have some explaining to do!!!!!!!!
  6. CAT5

    This is unfortunate. It seems like they never truly settled on a sound, but they were always interesting to listen to, and they've certained churned out some amazing tunes over the years! One of my absolute favs from them:
  7. ehh...not sure why this is being billed as their first mini album, as they've released a mini album previously in 2014, but I guess this will be their first nation-wide album release. Either way, pretty good stuff - especially liking the last few tracks in the trailer! The new mini will be out on August 3rd! you you you all the same - 「you you you all the same」 8月3日(水)リリース [twigrecords] TWIG-0007/¥1,500+税 1. Halation 2. プリズム 3. Fragment 4. Cloud Dwellers 5. 泳いだ記憶 6. Weathercock 7. 夜と喧騒 http://yyyats.com/ https://twitter.com/yyyats_com https://www.facebook.com/yyyats @plastic_rainbow @Original Saku @Pho @Ito
  8. Big Happy B--Day to @Jigsaw9 and @yakihiko!!! Hope you guys have a blast! Enjoy!

    1. yakihiko


      Thank you ٩( 'ω' )و

  9. CAT5

    new PV from my letter~! Nice~
  10. CAT5

    Alrighty, back with some thoughts! I've been feeling iffy about this season on and off, but these last two episodes, and especially the finale just made everything worth it. Super satisfying! Season 7 is going to be crazy!
  11. CAT5

    I don't even care for awards shows, but dayum!
  12. CAT5

    Holy shit !
  13. CAT5

    Cloud Nine(9) just released their first full album. Instrumental/math-rock fans might be interested. Doesn't sound bad imo @plastic_rainbow @Pho
  14. Happy Birthday @The MAD Stallion  and @MaikoMizu! You two really share the same b-day!?!?

    1. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      Thank you guys!


    2. MaikoMizu


      Thank you very much everyone ^^ 

    3. Show next comments  144 more
  15. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!! ahahahahah! Here's the original for reference!
  16. CAT5

    soundtrack dub this Sunday, yes, yes???
  17. CAT5

    Oh man, I feel you so hard on this! I feel very nostalgic for the political intrigue of westeros' past, and in comparison, the political situation in Mereen just wasn't as satisfying (altho I understand that it's a completely different place/situation - watching Tyrion in Mereen is like watching fish, flopping around out of water - altho that has its merits too!). I know it was just a microcosm of Martin's vast world, but it was enthralling nonetheless. At the same time, it is good to see the show move on and focus on some of the larger issues as the series reaches its climax.
  18. CAT5

    Very true about the Starks not stooping to his level! I guess it goes to show that even after all they've been through, their characters are still in tact. Also relevant
  19. CAT5

    I need to watch the episode again, but my initial reaction to it is mostly positive. Overall, a really enjoyable episode. I still love this series, but I feel like the overall quality has definitely dropped. This season seems to be missing a certain...gravitas that the first few seasons had. There was also a certain mysticism and open-endedness that the series had, and I miss it. I guess some of it is natural now that they're trying to wrap things up, but I feel like things have almost been TOO predictable. It feels much closer to a normal TV show now. There are still enough loose ends to keep things interesting, though. I actually think it would be brilliant if Dany ended up going mad by the end of the series. Like, to see her go through such a transformation into conqueror and symbol of hope, and unite westeros, only to give into madness at the very end. It's one of those things that would be logical, but shocking nonetheless. I like bittersweet twists like that.
  20. CAT5

    I've always sucked at keeping up with new anime seasons, but I love Berserk so much that I'm gonna have to attempt to! From the looks of it, they seem to be jumping straight into the middle of the story, yet they're still a good ways off from the part that actually gives meaning to the title. I wonder how they're gonna cater to newcomers who know nothing about the series, never saw the original anime, or never read the manga? There's SOO much emotional gravity, character development, and background in general that I feel is important to really grasp Berserk in all of its beauty. I'm not sure how they'll handle it, but I hope they don't cram everything into half-ass flashbacks. @Original Saku - I've always preferred hand-drawn/2D animation. Call me old-school, but it's what I fell in love with watching animation in the early 90's. Regardless, Berserk is so great that I can look past the animation. I might even grow to like it! @beni - date on July 1st, yeah, yeah? ; )
  21. CAT5

    Came across this recently and thought it sounded pretty decent!
  22. CAT5

    Cool, was wondering what happened to her!
  23. Don't really care for that song, but I do like the video!
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