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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. indie/emo band And Protector will release their first full album on September 7th, 2016! http://ap.furtherplatonix.net/ https://twitter.com/andprotector https://www.facebook.com/FurtherPlatonics https://furtherplatonix.bandcamp.com/ 価格:1,890円(税込)  品盤:FTPS-48  発売元:FURTHER PLATONIC 販売元: Japan Music System 1.残花 2.Flashback 3.学園通りにて 4.思考の果て 5.assimilate,spread,and protect 6.Cold 7.トマト / 8.雨宿り
  2. Indie/electronic outfit MARQUEE BEACH CLUB will release their debut album on August 10th, 2016! http://marqueebeachclub.tumblr.com/ https://twitter.com/mbc_japan MARQUEE BEACH CLUB "Flavor" Release Date: 2016.08.10 Price: ¥ 2,300 + Tax Label: P-VINE Cat.No.:PCD-93991 Tracklist: 01. eye 02. pattern 03. cups 04. wonder 05. understand 06. escape 07. city 08. utopia 09. white 10. dive 11. always
  3. CAT5

    ^ I don't think I've met any virgos that I don't like!
  4. CAT5

    That piano is such a nice touch!
  5. CAT5

    bahahahaha, these examples are hilarious! They're like the negative traits of each sign amplified like crazy! You know i'm a pisces and Melisandre takes "idealistic" and "detached from reality" to a new level LMAO!!!
  6. CAT5

    They do plain so well!
  7. CAT5

    http://thezodiacsociety.com/post/146568121938 For those that find Astrology stuff entertaining, here's a tumblr post in which some of the characters were assigned zodiac signs @doombox @beni - I am laughing., but I think you'll be pleased with the pick for cancer
  8. CAT5

    ahh, I see! I am probably mistaking you for someone else who had a similar username. I remember KMC tho! Port of Notes/Miyuki and EGO-WRAPPIN' are definitely in the same realm, musically, so I can see that being the case. Do you have any favorite songs or releases by them? I was active on slsk around from 2006-2007 mostly, but usually in JMR. I think there may have been a Japanese indie or general Japanese music room too. and yassssssssssssss. "hatsukoi" is such a lovely song! It's funny you mention mp3 rotations because the first song I heard by Kojima was "parade", which had been posted on a rotation site in like 2004 or 2005 lol. I think you'd dig Nikaido. Her solo stuff is generally more folky, but she's a great artist!
  9. CAT5

    No problem! If you need help finding any music, just let me know!
  10. CAT5

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, I don't know why I never responded to your post! Everything you posted is fine. I'm far from being some kind of jazz elitist, so this thread is for pretty much any flavor of jazz - pop or otherwise! EGO-WRAPPIN' is one of my all-time favorite Japanese bands. So glad to see more love for them! Kojima Mayumi is freaking fantastic, and was just telling @beni the other day how stunning Miyuki Hatakeyama's voice is! Bless you! I swear from the things you've posted that I've probably seen you around some jpop forum back in the day! Nobuchika Eri's first album was so good too. Shame that Japan's mainstream never really took the whole modern house sound. Their house/crossover scene seems pretty nonexistent these days from what I can tell - I'm probably just not in the loop anymore, though. Also I came here to post this because ahhhhhhhhhh I love Nikaido Kazumi, and this is such a great collab! She's always so infectiously cheerful and buoyant (and talented), how can you NOT like her!?!? @fitear1590 and @Carmelzors - you guys may enjoy this too! They're releasing an album in September! <3
  11. CAT5

    I like the sound of this. It kind of reminds me of how turntable.fm used to be - most rooms would be active all day, with people coming and going as they pleased, and the rooms wouldn't truly die down until late in the evening. I was really hoping that the same thing would happen for the MH room - where people could pop in whenever they want, but the dynamic has been completely different here. The MH room has always been open for use to anyone at anytime, but it seems most activity has revolved around set sessions. Furthermore, it seems like only a few people are comfortable calling sessions on their own. I'd certainly like to see this change and see dub grow to become more widely utilized by the community. Designating Sunday as an "open dub" day might be a step in the right direction. So I'm certainly down for that. My only concern is that there might not be enough users around to sustain use throughout different times of the day, but holding a "dub day" might change that. We won't know until we try, so let's give it a shot!
  12. CAT5

    To just add to the points above - many of the people who have TRIED to contribute news have been constantly antagonized and oppressed by trombe's actions. @Traxanis NOT the only one to have experienced this. What most of you guys DON'T see are the endless complaints about trombe that the staff receives from other members about how their own contributions are being impeded upon. Other great contributors like YNS and numetal were mentioned - the difference is that they don't actively try to prevent other people from contributing as well. They do their part for the community and allow others to do the same. No one has EVER been against trombe posting news. Hell, he's free to post as much news as he wants as often as he wants, but there's no need to step on other people's toes. And to even assume that the staff did not value trombe's contributions is absurd. trombe has been problematic for years now and the staff have tried their hardest to work with, honor, and appease trombe because his contributions were so meaningful. But what do you do when you give someone a special rank, color, and their own special set of permissions - when you give them the power to contribute more efficiently and they just abuse that power? What do you do when you're a staff member trying to address a problem and your efforts to communicate and work out said problem are blatantly ignored? What do you do with a user who is constantly praised and literally the member with the most likes on the entire forum BY FAR, yet this member bitches and moans when a few threads (out of hundreds posted every week) don't get any replies (despite plenty of page views)? The staff have literally bent over backwards for trombe. If It was up to me, I would have perma-banned his ass ages ago - because I wouldn't want to keep dealing with his constant bullshit, his shitty attitude, and his inability to actually talk shit out and reason. Fuck that, he can kick rocks. Dude was fuckin' temp-banned for a week. A MOTHERFUCKING WEEK. Bruh...And yall think the mods don't value this guy? No one in their right minds would continue to put up with this nonsense if they didn't actually give a shit. I mean, I get it. I understand that emotions are high and people are upset about losing a contributor as outstanding as trombe, but at the end of the day, It should also be understood that trombe is leaving of his own accord - not because of the staff, or "trolls", or some ridiculous behind-the-scenes plot. So again, I say good. You should leave if you're not willing to cooperate and be a part of this community.
  13. CAT5

    I don't think anyone has ever doubted your contributions to the community and I'm sure everyone appreciates your service. But honestly, you SHOULD leave. I'm not saying this out of spite or anything, but given the situation, I think it's the best logical route. Having been a staff member myself for many years, I can vouch that the current staff are super lenient. I mean, you REALLY have to go out of your way to receive a ban of any kind. Hell, I know from personal experience that you're not very cooperative or even easy to get in touch with/establish some kind of communication with. But whatever the case, you clearly have different ideas about how things should work here. And as welcome as you are on MH, you can't just go into someone else's home and do whatever you please. It doesn't work that way. So instead of continually antagonizing the head of the house and ignoring all attempts to compromise, just "move out". Get your own. Make a blog. Build your own site or forum and run it however you like. I think that's a much saner option than sticking around and being a nuisance.
    1. togz


      Right when I had to leave for work ;___;

    2. CAT5


      I think beni is trying to organize another, earlier session! These things are always difficult to organize, unfortunately. I think a few hours earlier shouldn't hurt the U.S. folks.

    3. togz



  14. CAT5

    Indeed! iirc, that was their first album after their 2nd guitarist left - it's great that they weren't affected negatively by that and came back with such a strong release! I think there is a ton of music that can fit this description, so I'll just post some things @ random below. If you let me how you feel about em, I'll be able to better pinpoint what you're looking for! That's all I'm going to recommend for now. This post is already huge, and I haven't even scratched the surface lol. Let me know if anything piques your interest!
  15. CAT5

    Was going on a bit of a LOSTAGE binge recently and decided to listen to some of their albums somewhat chronologically (I skipped "P.S. I Miss You" and "脳にはビート 眠りには愛を"). So I basically went PLAY WITH ISOLATION -> DRAMA -> GO -> LOSTAGE and didn't get to the rest. I've always loved them as a band, but never really thought to listen to or compare their albums in this way, and man... @indigowas right. Their S/T goes hard as hell! So good. Will have to listen to the rest side-by-side at some point, but I already know I'd rate "ECHOES" pretty high as well. Sure, I can recommend you some stuff a bit later!
  16. CAT5

    Predawn - Absence

    Predawn "Absence" Release Date: 2016.09.21 Label: Pokhara Records / HIP LAND MUSIC Cat.No.:RDCA-1044 Price: ¥ 2,400 + Tax Track List: 1.Skipping Ticks 2.Black & White 3.Universal Mind 4.Don't Break My Heart 5.Sigh 6. Kasumikusa 7.Autumn Moon 8.Kinds of Knot 9.Hope & Peace
  17. 2016年8月10日(水)発売 価格:2,500円(税込) QECD-10002 / BUMP-057 1. アパートメントの宇宙 2. かじられている 3. あまりかぜ 4. まともになれない 5. ダンスホールへ 6. ディファ 7. 穴 8. ゆうぐれ 9. カノン 10. やすもの
  18. CAT5

  19. CAT5

    LOL, I'm only half-kidding. I do dig some Kinoko Teikoku, but I am not a big fan of bands compromising their sounds for commercial purposes unless they can pull it off well. I don't think Kinoko did it well, as they almost entirely lost whatever they had going for them imo. Sure, they're still not "bad", but personally, I can only deal with so many "not bad" bands. Also, the new ame no parade single is so incredibly boring. They have such a great sound in general, and I'm very fond of Kohei's voice, but man their songwriting is redundant.
  20. 「Tanpo / Macao」 /Qomolangma Tomato 2016年8/31リリース (8/19からライブ会場先行発売) フォーマット:アナログ7″+DLコード レーベル:FLAKE SOUNDS カタログNo.:FLAKES-156 価格:¥1,300(税抜) 【Track List】 A-side:Tanpo B-side:Macao
  21. CAT5

    zArAme - amnesia

    zArAme"amnesia" DISRUFF(DFF-2) 5 songs ¥1,500 (witout tax) 1.butterfly effected 2. 裏切りのディスコード 3. iNGa 4.アムネジア 5.そっと浸透
  22. CAT5

    Not to be a downer, but this thread is for asking for recommendations!
  23. CAT5

  24. CAT5

    Well, seems the old DAOKO is gone for good. This new song is really generic sounding, yet still pleasant. @beni @Carmelzors @Amoz I know hip hop isn't super popular in Japan, but still...her change in sound is disturbing.
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