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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. minakumari will release her 4th album "REHENA" on October 21st, 2016!!! レーベル:chai chai 品番:chaichai02 JAN:4582237836011 フォーマット:CD 発売日:2016/10/21 1. Rehena 2. 4337 3. Ray of Love 4. 夢のしっぽ 5. Moon Light 6. Wasant 7. 猫の魔法 8. ASTROAGE 9. SORA IRO NO 10 . PASTEL https://twitter.com/minakmari http://minakumari.net/
  2. CAT5

    Welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy it here!
  3. CAT5

    Welcome to the forum! I'm a big fan of THE NOVEMBERS and liliies are great too! If you ever need any new indie recommendations, i'd be happy to help, or you could feel free to hit up The Japanese Indie Thread!
  4. Ok that turned out WAY better than it started!
  5. CAT5

    *revives* Abrupt key-changes in songs. I've noticed a trend in a variety of Japanese music to switch keys when transitioning into the choruses. I think key-changes can work out perfectly fine at times, but more often than not, I've find them to be a bit jarring - especially when it completely changes the mood of the song.
  6. CAT5

    ^KJM and kowloon are great!!! 01. CUSTOM NOISE - パラノイアシンドローム 02. Kan Wakan - Midnight Moon Pt. I 03. 沖野修也 - Destiny feat. N'Dea Davenport 04. me-al art - 冷たい雨 05. Lullatone - Twelve 06. Warpaint - New Song 07. rega - Romance 08. THE ACT WE ACT - 頭の中 09. 倉橋ヨエコ - 方程式 10. DOUBLE FAMOUS - ツァラトゥストラはかく語りき Some cool stuff in this mix, but I'm most in the mood for this Warpaint track, so!
  7. sonson bentobako will relase their 3rd full album in October 5th, 2016! ソンソン弁当箱『BAKURO』 発売:2016年10月5日(土) 価格:2,200円+税 品番:SZDW1023 レーベル:サザナミレーベル Amazonで見る 収録曲: 01. パッション 02. 超自由国家独立宣言 03. ケーフェイ 04. TEEN 05. CACC 06. BATSUGUN 07. 2040 08. 毒 09. Trash 10. ビタミンカフェインハンバーガー https://twitter.com/sonsonbentobako http://sonsonbentobako.com/
  8. CAT5

    Yassssss, this year is so turnt.
  9. CAT5

    Who's always up for new cinema staff?
  10. CAT5

    I think MERRY are great, so I'd definitely be up for trying these guys out sometime. What do you think is a good release for starters?
  11. CAT5

    @togz, @fitear1590 Kinda dying to hear you guys' thoughts on the new album!!! I kinda agree with pho in that this album kinda feels like a patchworking of their various sounds up until now. The only track that really stood out to me on the first few listens was track 3 "1000年" (I love their darker, louder tunes), and the album as a whole didn't have that wow factor for me like Rhapsody and Zeitgeist did...not to mention, I felt the flow of the album was all over the place, BUT...the more I listen, the more it's all making starting to click with me! So I've definitely shifted from a mild disappointment to being really content with it, and in a very short time at that.
  12. CAT5

    qujaku - KEIREN alt of the society - 追憶の風景 コシュニエ (Cö shu Nie) - パズル (puzzle)
  13. CAT5

    I've only ready Berserk and ONE PIECE, both of which I love, so I suppose they're also my favs XD
  14. CAT5

    ^ bruh, imma be 30 next year and I've been listening to Japanese music since about age 11/12...I don't think it's something we're supposed to grow out of I like both songs by The gazette and in this moment! I think @doombox might dig your taste! 01. ぱぱぼっくす - ちょっとだけ情熱 02. Nanofingers - The Game Of Minority 03. entertainment for the braindead - run! 04. SLY MONGOOSE - Selma's Rock 05. Mastodon - The Motherload 06. ESNO - Incense 07. Himuro Yoshiteru - we, mess-age 08. Lanterns On The Lake - Another Tale From Another English Town 09. 久保田早紀 - ねがい 10. 菅野よう子 - 少女倶楽部 an OK mix. The ent. for the braindead song is nice and I like Mastadon as well, but ESNO most fits my mood atm.
  15. CAT5

    LITE will release their new album "Cubic" on November 16th, 2016! 発売日: 2016年11月16日 価格: CD ¥2,300(+Tax) / Vinyl + CD ¥3,500(+Tax) レーベル: I Want The Moon 収録曲: 1. Else  2. Balloon  3. Warp   4. Square 5. Inside The Silence  6. Angled  7. D 8. Prism  9. Black Box  10. Zero http://lite-web.com/ http://twitter.com/lite_jp http://www.facebook.com/liteband https://instagram.com/lite_jp/
  16. CAT5

  17. CAT5

    I haven't tried it, but in general, I feel like that's a series that should be left in the past. I think I was over dragonball z before the buu saga even received a proper English dub, but even by then, the series seemed like it had already run out of steam. What else could they possibly do with it that's not just blatantly milking the series? XD
  18. CAT5

    I feel the same. I was initially VERY optimistic about this adaptation and was hoping that it would eventually shape up into something worthy, but now that it's done, my only reaction is: Oh wait, they're gonna release ANOTHER season of this bullshit next year!??!!!?
  19. Warpaint - The Stall this song tho GRFGHBDGHJDGNHMEDF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Nice avatar

  21. CAT5

    Nice avatar

    1. Chi


      the 88kasyo apocalypse is here

  22. CAT5

    This sounds a lot different from how I remember them, but still pretty nice. Glad to see they're still around.
  23. I've listened to this album the most out of anything this year! I'm not sure if I like it better than 5th, but it's still a great album, and different it its own way. If I were to compare the sounds of the 6th and 5th albums in terms of shape, I'd say that 5th is a steady, upwards curve and 6th is also an upwards curve, but it curls into itself in the middle. I'm not sure if that description makes sense to anyone on its own, so I'll attempt to further explain what I mean: The 5th album was cohesive, but in terms of production, it was also more expansive. I call it a 'steady, upwards curve' because each track presented a new soundscape - whether it was Robin delving into new vocal fx, or sound of the drums changing - with each step, the narrative also progressed smoothly despite the distinct sounds of each track. They all helped to build upon each other to reach a single point - like a straight stairway leading to the album's closer, but with each step feeling like a world of its own. This album, the 6th, feels more like a spiraling stairway. The atmosphere of the album is as cohesive as it gets, but the soundscape is also fairly static. Robin's vocals are more upfront on almost every track, without as many vocal fx, the sound of the drums are the same throughout, and there aren't layers upon layers of background noises and fx. It's almost as if they made this album with the intent of it being able to translate really easily to a live setting. I describe this one as an 'upwards curve that it curls into itself in the middle' because I feel like instead of each track adding something new to the sound, they take the same sound they've established and just go deeper with it. I don't know what the cover is supposed to be, but it looks like something in nature being viewed microscopically - and that's the general feel I get from this album, a feeling of going deeper. I especially get this feeling starting from the 3rd track and REALLY culminating at the 6th track. The 8th track feels like the ascent out of that inwards spiral , with 9 feeling like a newly reached destination. Overall, I think 6th has less standouts than 5th, but I think they're both really strong, yet different albums. Sorry if this all seems very vague, overly poetic, or just confusing, but this is pretty much how i've come to view this album. downy doesn't easily submit to descriptions anyways. Those are my thoughts for now. The album's only been out a little over a week, so I'm sure i'll have more thoughts about it in the future! Cool review @Zeus. Always glad to see these guys get some attention!
  24. CAT5

    ^ I think i'm only familiar with the PPP song! Miss those guys! And nothing wrong with OST music at all! We need to do another OST dub at some point! Trying that deadman song for the first time now and....THIS IS DOPE. I know I need to listen to them...I've said this for the longest and never get to it. I will tho. One day >.> 01. ジョンのサン - イワシのアリア 02. Himuro Yoshiteru - Insects in My Head 03. The GazettE - Maximum Impulse 04. 櫛引彩香 - キミとラブラドール 05. 大象體操 - 堅固耐用的梯子 06. BEYONDS - a white menace 07. MY WAY MY LOVE - BAY 08. a picture of her - The Bell Tolls 09. 上原ひろみ - 朝日の如くさわやかに 10. ロレッタセコハン - MOJO Dance On The Bed aww...no favorites in this shuffle either. Gonna roll with a picture of her, though. Their music is always pleasantly well done! (hyperlinked the song btw)
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