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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. hmm, I think TK's solo stuff is a bit more varied and broader in scope than his work with ling, but in general, the songwriting for his solo stuff has been much more straightforward, so I do agree to that end.. I also think his style has remained relatively unique, despite being severely watered down over the past few years. But I certainly see what you mean - I appreciate TK's voice, but he should never EVER do ballads! TK, bruh, it's just not in the cards you! As for the topic at hand - I think both enon and TK have undesirable voices, but TK has a much more emotive spark that I enjoy more. I think both projects would do far better if enon and TK relinquished their vocal duties to female vocalists. Hearing Aimer over a TK production was bliss and Miyoko never got enough vocal time in ling. Gesu has a sound that I think would easily lend itself towards female vocals - they don't need a vocal powerhouse or anything, but definitely someone who could outclass enon (and no, NOT the pianist or the drummer!). When it comes to song-writing, I think both TK and enon have potent formulas. enon is especially adept at writing big, infectious pop hooks and seamlessly blending clever/catchy instrumentation with really basic song structures. I don't like the dude, but there's no denying that he knows how to write, and he's good at it. A few of my pals even consider him a genius. I think TK writes in a similar fashion, only he's not as subtle - his style is much more dramatic and grandiose - there's an almost cinematic tone to some of his work, and it just jives with my preferences a bit more. tl;dr I'm biased towards TK Also, those sample TK songs are far from my favorites, but Enon needs all the help he can get!
  2. Not sure if this counts, but in this song by Cocaine 80s titled "kuro to shiro" (black and white), James Fauntleroy sings "kuro to shiro" in the chorus.
  3. CAT5

    It's not what I expected, but I like it quite a bit! Lately I've been seeing a lot of really bland artist photos of bands lined up against uninteresting backgrounds, staring blankly into the camera - so it does stand out at least!
  4. CAT5

    New artist/promo photo!
  5. CAT5

    that is super weird...have you tried logging out completely and logging back in? I have no idea what would cause that D:
  6. That promo pics is great, but I don't really care for the album cover itself.
  7. CAT5

    WOW...these guys were among my active favorites. I enjoyed their musical evolution, so it's both sad and unexpected to see them call it quits. =/
  8. CAT5

    I've always thought of J-rock as literally anything Japanese and any variation of rock music. But in the past few years, I've mostly gotten the impression that when people use the term "J-rock", they're basically referring to just "VK" - which wouldn't be invalid since I consider "VK" to be a subset of "J-rock", but the connotation there almost exclusively seems to be "J-rock is ONLY VK". Yet I don't think people willingly disregard other sides of J-rock, I think VK is just more highly magnified and "broadcasted" than any other area and has thus become the face of "J-rock", if you will. That's been my perspective at least.
  9. I don't have an inkling of excitement for this, but I'm certainly gonna check it out.
  10. CAT5

    more pop-rock than emo, but not bad! Quite similar to cinema staff.
  11. CAT5

    This seems SO random! She's had a nondescript Jpop career for like a decade and now she's in a band with Die, interesting! I wonder how that came about! If they're going with female vocals, then this might renew my interest a bit!
  12. Ok....let's delve into the horror-show that is my digital Japanese music collection.
  13. CAT5

    I know some of those artists (Britney Spears, Pussycat Dolls, Miley, Meabel, and Aliene Ma'riage), but I'm not familiar with any of those songs! 01. Meme (ミーム) - Cploop 02. Chouchou - SUPERNOVA (cold rouge mix) 03. LOW-PASS - Nitro 04. THE BACK HORN - 白い日記帳 05. pegmap - サイレン 06. Wool Strings - Clock in the Snow 07. ESNO - S.Y.L.M. 08. immi - Swimmer 09. Land of Talk - Some Are Lakes 10. Akira Kosemura - Embraced Time Mf math-rock ftw. Definitely one of the more memorable songs by the band. I would have went with Land of Talk, but that version of "Some Are Lakes" is the short, acoustic one.
  14. CAT5


    That album cover, though....not what I expected D:
  15. CAT5


  16. CAT5

    nowisee - 「掌の戦争」

    01. バイブレーション 02. ハードボイルド 03. bluemoon 04. 孤犬 05. プラタナス 06. ナノ 07. confusion 08. 完全性世界に宿る死角 09. 美学 10. VIEWER 11. オルタナティブ・ラヴ 12. 会いたい 【ボーナストラック】(初回限定盤のみ収録) 13. Lux Fugio 14. goodnight 【Blu-ray】(初回限定盤のみ付属/MV集) ・バイブレーション ・ハードボイルド ・bluemoon ・孤犬 ・プラタナス ・ナノ ・confusion ・完全性世界に宿る死角 ・美学 ・VIEWER ・オルタナティブ・ラヴ ・会いたい
  17. CAT5

  18. CAT5

    The way I see it, if you post here in any acceptable manner, then you're contributing the community and thus "a part" of the community. Even if you're not making any overt contributions like posting news, sharing music, writing reviews, adding content, etc - at the end of the day, forums are only active/alive if they have people posting on them. So even "pointless" posts can be a form of contribution. Hell, it's even spurred a few responses!
  19. source: http://aramajapan.com/news/ladybaby-drops-ladybeard-forms-the-idol-formally-known-as-ladybaby/61713/
  20. In the OP it says that it would be "preferable" to keep it to one release per artist, but it's not mandatory. Besides, I think it's a bit unrealistic (and even inauthentic) to NOT include more than one entry per artist - especially if it's an artist/band that you're REALLY into. I also think it's a better representation of your taste, personally. At least that's how I'm approaching this. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  21. CAT5

    You wished for Koba to transform into Sho Asakawa????
  22. benibean and I are kicking it for a little bit @dubtracks, if anyone else would like to join us! https://www.dubtrack.fm/join/monochrome-heaven_145247137777434

  23. CAT5

    Koba cut his hair and went back to black. The new album's gonna suck now!!!!!
  24. don't forget DALLJUB STEP CLUB! Also Japanese!
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