I've always sucked at keeping up with new anime seasons, but I love Berserk so much that I'm gonna have to attempt to!
From the looks of it, they seem to be jumping straight into the middle of the story, yet they're still a good ways off from the part that actually gives meaning to the title. I wonder how they're gonna cater to newcomers who know nothing about the series, never saw the original anime, or never read the manga? There's SOO much emotional gravity, character development, and background in general that I feel is important to really grasp Berserk in all of its beauty. I'm not sure how they'll handle it, but I hope they don't cram everything into half-ass flashbacks.
@Original Saku - I've always preferred hand-drawn/2D animation. Call me old-school, but it's what I fell in love with watching animation in the early 90's. Regardless, Berserk is so great that I can look past the animation. I might even grow to like it!
@beni - date on July 1st, yeah, yeah? ; )