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Status Updates posted by CAT5

  1. "a new person is now following you", YET I HAVE THE SAME AMOUNT OF FOLLOWERS AS I DID YESTERDAY lmao. I get right around the 500 mark and then I seem to lose a follower everyday lmao.

    1. Ito
    2. CAT5


      AS SOON AS I GET TO 500...I'm stuck at like 496...everytime i gain a follower, I lose one! XD

  2. Tate Takako and Miya (385). I love seeing musicisans from different scenes interacting! https://scontent-b-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/1378606_677000835658542_2026665290_n.jpg

  3. kill la kill is amazing!

    1. Jigsaw9


      Dammit I'm still only at ep1, I need to catch up. :(

      ...but yeah, agreed! (based on one episode) :D

    2. CAT5


      I just got done with ep 4, but it's probably the best new anime I've seen in a long-ass time. Definitely this year at least.

    3. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      yeah it's amazing.

  4. Ichiko Aoba tho http://youtu.be/byvta9LHo2o

    1. Wonrei


      what a tr00 music video for such a chill song

  5. Dir en grey, melt-banana, and braids performing on THE SAME DAY here in Atlanta next month. Dat shit cray. I've seen melt-banana once before and as much as i'd like to see diru live, I'm probably gonna see braids since #1. I'm in love with their new album. #2. Tickets will cost substantially less than DEG. Still lame that they couldn't perform on different days tho. :v

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      nice ^^ hope melt banana come in europe soon, their are amazing in live.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      #3 you won't have to see Dir en Grey

    3. CAT5


      I heard that kyopera is a once in a lifetime experience, though :(

  6. Waiting for the gazette collabo album ft. G-dragon, Drake, 2NE1, Will.i.am, Miley Cyrus, Nicki Minaj, 2chainz, and more...#gazeswag #swaggalicious #turntup #turnips

    1. sai


      miyavi > gazette guitarists

    2. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      I meant that Miyavi would prob show up Aoi if anyone but Uruha, nah.

    3. Show next comments  69 more
  7. ruki looks like a roach. and the rest look like roachettes. ruki and the roachettes. I hate roaches.

  8. With which uploading service can I upload a file that's a few hundred MB in size? (Probably no more than 500MB)

    1. Seimeisen


      Try MEGA or 4shared

    2. rekzer


      4shared is my favorite

    3. orangetarts


      4shared is my favorite [2]

  9. Beautiful Deformity is gonna leak tomorrow. ;3

  10. insomnia tho...

  11. I'm now hiring for the position of girlfriend. Minimum experience required. Leave your applications in this status. PS. the benifits are GREAT.

    1. greeeeen


      Don't have the required experience, therefore application's nullified.

    2. CAT5


      nonsense, greeeeen. YOU'RE HIRED! and smh, sai :v

    3. Zeus


      minimum experience: be greeeeen

    4. Show next comments  69 more
  12. w000t. I just want to love. To love infinitely and indiscriminately.

  13. ( ‾ʖ̫‾)

    1. Jun_


      Best face evar

  14. ( ‾ʖ̫‾)

  15. 2013 is has been a wonderful year for music in general, but there hasn't been an abundance of great Japanese rock this year. WUT UP WIT DAT!?

  16. I'm starting an internet gang. I'd like to recruit turtels, zess, ph (we need the muscle), sai, dwi, arithmetica, nekkichi, dispo and senedjem. I just want to go around and harass ppl in the name of bullshittery.

    1. nekkichi


      can we start w. gazette threads bc. my most recent humble effort sort of went there itself. I'm glad to see harassment decriminalized, bless you (love/light)

    2. TheBistroButcher666


      Do we get matching shirts???

    3. sai


      do we get matching shirts [2] we should all get code names too. I want to be "the hime"

    4. Show next comments  69 more
  17. go CAT go CAT go

    1. sai


      trainer CAT5 sent out BIG BOOTY HOE. What will BIG BOOTY HOE do?

    2. nick


      don't go CAT don't go CAT don't

  18. so...geek sleep sheep is pretty pedestrian. I was expecting something half-way interesting since 345 of rin toshite shigure is in the band.

  19. I wonder if music nerds make better music than casual music fans?

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Or they try harder to be super pretentious. LOOK AT ALL OF MY KEY CHANGES M|O|D|U|L|8 M|O|D|U|L|8 M|O|D|U|L|8

    2. CAT5


      Perhaps in some cases. This question came to mind because I was wondering how Ruki, for instance, would respond to attending a té or a toe concert or something.

    3. bonsaijodelfisch


      the question suffers from this shortness (like what "better music" actually is for example) and would probably deserve it's own topic... i know i could write whole essays about this and still wouldn't be able to answer it...

  20. Do dope fuck hope

    1. CAT5


      Funny, cuz I was just thinking that jeezus needed deez nuts

    2. Tokage


      [ascends quickly inside a helicpoter] goodbye my son

    3. Original Saku
    4. Show next comments  69 more
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