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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. There has been an incomprehensible amount of music released this year both in Japan and abroad. Here is your opportunity to share which albums you've enjoyed most! Let everyone know! Not only am I interested, but I'm sure the rest of MH is as well! Japanese and/or Non-Japanese - it doesn't matter. Let us know which albums you vibed with the most this year. : )
  2. Welp, TT is shutting down. Can't say I didn't see this coming...

    1. kai_desu
    2. sai


      they had it coming after forcing everyone to use soundcloud

    3. kyoisKILLINGME
    4. Show next comments  357 more
  3. why is this almost always the case =/ Kinda like that geek sheep sleep or whatever...the band that 345 from rin toshite is in...they couldn't be more meh sounding...
  4. CAT5

    I hope you're paying for my funeral.
  5. CAT5

    Just watched the 5th episode (2nd of the 2nd season). It wasn't as masterful as the 4th, but it was enjoyable. Watching Sherlock and Watson interact in any capcity usually proves to be entertaining! Moriarty appeared at the very end, so I'm excited to see what happens...I'll watch the 3rd tommorow!
  6. Holy w00tz, Batman!

  7. Taking my D=OUT cuz I'm ready for some Nocturnal Buttlust. Yes I D.I.D. just go there cuz my hormones are at the maximum. I can make bad puns with J-rock band names all day.

    1. CAT5


      I GOT 535 NOW, BOOYAH!!!!!!!! :P

    2. Ito


      It must have been the puns then.

    3. CAT5


      I don't blog puns tho! :P

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  8. CAT5

    To answer your question, sai - "Scandal in Belgravia" is AMAAAAAAAAAAAAAZING. I was already enjoying the series, but that episode (which is the 4th chronologically, but 1st of the 2nd season) really stepped things up! Everything about that episode is immaculate - from the script, the cinematography, the direction, to the score. Just..wow Also, I got curious, and found a list of Sherlock Holmes adaptations - there are TONNNNS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adaptations_of_Sherlock_Holmes Apparently, there's also an American series that has been airing called "Elementary"...which gives another modern take on it. They have Lucy Liu playing Watson...except she's "Joan Watson" lol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elementary_%28TV_series%29
  9. I'm 'bout to escapte the Château d'If and pull a Count of Monte Cristo on yall asses.

  10. ayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  11. So my friend sai has been telling me about this series for quite some time now. I FINALLY decided to check it out this past weekend and it has far EXCEEDED my expectations! I've only watched up to the 4th episode (will finish the 2nd season soon), but I can already say that this is one of the finest TV series I've had the pleasure of watching in a while! Each episode is like a mini movie (given the length, they should be lol). I also have to praise this series for being so classy in it's presentation and execution - the language is mild, there is no unnecessary violence, and it isn't overtly sexual. At any rate, I'm officially a fan now. THANK YOU FOR INTRODUCING ME TO THIS, SAI! Does anyone else watch this show? If so, what do you think of it?
  12. The more you feed your ears, the more they will continue to grow. This fact continues to amaze me for some reason.

    1. Tokage


      my ears are big enough to knock down small grass huts right now

  13. =/

    1. CAT5


      I don't care what ppl say, you're cool ppl, ryu.

    2. greeeeen


      In a world of emoticon, be a colon, capital D.

  14. Happy Birthday, Champ ;)

  15. The new ending theme for the 2nd GHOST IN THE SHELL ARISE movie "border:2 Ghost Whispers" has been released and can be previewed here: (click the song "SOTO HA SENJOU DAYO") http://cornelius-kokakua-sound.com/#gitsa The song is a collaboration between cornelius and ichiko aoba (青葉市子) My thoughts: Just when I thought I couldn't like Ichiko Aoba anymore than I already do, she goes and does a theme for GITS!!! 2013 has been an AMAZING year for her - such a talent!
  16. How much are external HDs (1TB and up) going for these days? And where could I get the most bang for my buck?

    1. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      well then yeah you should most definitely be able to get a 1tb for less than 100 dollars.. hell you can probably get a 2tb for less than a hundred

    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      i also recommend western digital. I've had my 1tb WD external for like 3 years and it hasn't failed me yet

    3. nekkichi


      lacie stan here.

    4. Show next comments  357 more
  17. I've had quite a few dreams in which I'm grocery shopping and I spend an insane amount of time deliberating all the different kinds I'd like to buy. Apparently, I really like cereal. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    1. Ito


      Not even kidding, I have dreams like this all the time...I mean like the theme is the same (in not ever getting what I am there for - not the cereal part lol)

    2. AliceAuua14


      Cerealllll. I love cereal.

      but recently, I'm lactose intolerant. :C So I can only eat cereal, when I get Almond milk.

    3. AliceAuua14


      Which they don't sell in my neighborhood.

    4. Show next comments  357 more
  18. Outside of vk, the fans of non-mainstream Japanese music (rock, jazz,folk, electronic, hip hop, and more) are SO fragmented that it makes me sad. Why is no one trying to reign all of these fans and give them a place to congregate and share music as whole? Atm, the place closest to accomplishing this is jpopsuki...and well, no. just no. There's a huge void just waiting to be filled.

    1. CAT5


      What sites do you go to get non-mainstream stuff? There are sites out there (j-mp3, undermusik, otonomai, and various blogs) but they only cater to non-mainstram Jp music fans in small, niche patches.

    2. DeithX252


      all that you mentioned above, and doujinstyle (for doujin music). And there is astost (chinese forum, but now there is place with international user) when you can find lossless (but again, that place fulled by doujin and anime song mainly, but there are some rare and nice upload)

    3. allisapp


      There is also Undermusik, but it's a bit dead. D:

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  20. Who wants to buy me a new pair of headphones for xmas?

  21. Sounding great!!!!!! It's like haisuinonasa meets sleepy.ab...except it's downy
  22. CAT5

    I posted about this band about a week ago here: http://www.monochrome-heaven.com/topic/23991-what-are-you-listening-to/#entry305103 But I don't think anyone took notice :/ Their album is spledid, though! :'3
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