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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. So you can no longer put passwords on mediafire files? haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    1. CAT5


      Extra security for paranoid fucks like myself ;)

    2. CAT5


      Yeah, I noticed. I'm probably just gonna stick to mega for now. It's a bit less wonky at least...

    3. Tetora


      I use 4shared and none of my stuff gets taken down. Nice speeds and you dont have to us Chrome so less problems and less ppl reupload your stuff.

  2. CAT5

    Bruh...you kinda borderline cheatin' with a few of these, but I can't say shit cuz i am too >__>
  3. CAT5

    I'm not a big VK fan, but... Renter en soi D'espairsRay 9Goats Black Out MERRY BUCK-TICK LYNCH Dir en Grey NightingeiL lynch. The GazettE
  4. Good Morning, Monochromians. What's up? ( :

    1. Ito


      Just back to the grind of looking for a job. Mind be editing some pictures here as well. How about you, dear sir?

    2. sai
    3. Flash-Fab-Supernova


      Stiff dicks and airplanes. Which one you goin' down on, CAT5?

  5. I generally don't care for celebs, but I think this is a pretty great photo: https://scontent-a-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/t31/1618370_583661588382412_1775066888_o.jpg

    1. Miasma


      Lupita <3 I really hope she get's the Oscar. They'll probably give it to one of the other basic white nominees, but she deserves it.

    2. Sakura Seven
    3. Augie1995


      Is it bad that I can only recognize Leto, Clooney, and Julia?

    4. Show next comments  348 more
  6. CAT5

    His vocal style is obviously homage to an early era of DEG's Kyo, and as such it's extremely fitting for their choice in music. However, his vocals aren't something that appeal to me too much on a personal level.
  7. CAT5

    Tokage and Pretsy, your fantasy tributes look legit as fuck!
  8. Not sure if it's exactly what you're looking for, but these 2 come to mind: 伊集院幸希 and ズクナシ
  9. CAT5

    Cool topic! I'm not very familiar with A9, so I can't really offer a critique on your fantasy tribute. =| I'm a big fan of tearing down boundaries, taking risks, and being both creative and unpredictable when it comes to music, so my tribute would be very unorthodox! I think it would amazing to hear these bands and their different renditions: MY DIR EN GREY TRIBUTE ALBUM! 01: 激しさと、この胸の中で絡み付いた灼熱の闇 - kamomekamome "Hageshisa..." is a pretty intense song throughout and would suit a "thrashing-ly" hardcore band like kamomekamome. I could imagine them spicing up the riffage a bit, but maintaining the spirit of the song. They'd probably replace kyo's low-growls with screaming (but they're good at it, so... ;P) 02. CAGE - 9mm Parabellum Bullet The melodic and hooky nature of this song would be right up 9mm's alley. Not to mention they'd absolutely nail the upbeat instrumentation while managing to infuse their signature sound. 03. 逆上堪能ケロイドミルク - THE BACK HORN "Gyakujou Tannou Keloid Milk" has a signature high-note in it that Yamada WOULD NOT be able to hit. For some that would probably kill the song, but I think THE BACK HORN could put enough power behind the rest to make a compelling rendition. 04. Bottom of the death valley - LOSTAGE Lostage are fucking fantastic at covering songs AND "RED…[em]" has a great, straightfoward hard-rock sound that would cater to the band's strengths. Although since Takahisa doesn't really scream, their cover wouldn't be as dark as the original. Still tons of room for Takahisa's bass playing to shine, though. 05. Machiavellism - 八十八ヶ所巡礼 This song has such a sinister yet playful tone to it - 88kasyo could do wonders with this. My only concern would be the more melodic, singing parts since Margaret doesn't really "sing" per se. 06. 凌辱の雨 - me-al art I'm specifically referring to the funkier (and all around better) single version of "Ryoujoku no Ame". Imagining Satoko singing the chorus gives me chills. In fact, she'd completely obliterate Kyo on this song. The only real downfall is that Satoko probably can't do the screaming parts. 07. 悲劇は目蓋を下ろした優しき鬱 - THE NOVEMBERS Brooding, atmospheric numbers like "Higeki wa Mabuta..." are THE NOVEMBERS' specialty. In fact, I think their cover would be extremely faithful to the original. 08. raison detre - 凛として時雨 I know I wanted ling tosite to cover ONE of dir en grey's songs, but it was tough to chose one. Ling is an extremely peculiar band, so I think they'd rip a completely new asshole into whatever DEG song they cover. They'd probably change the drumming and speed it up a bit for sure. 09. INCONVENIENT IDEAL - イツエ The chorus of this song is so incredibly powerful that you'd need an equally or even more emotive vocalist to sing it, but I think itsue's vocalist fits the bill. There are no screaming or harsh vocals in this song either, so she could definitely pull it off! 10. THE FINAL - cinema staff Perhaps one of diru's most pop-oriented songs? What better band to cover this than cinema staff? A band that has both keen pop sensibilities and raw aggression! OBVIOUSLY this is a highly-unlikely tribute, and my selection of DIR EN GREY songs is horribly biased (I'm just a casual fan, haha). Ardent fans of the band would be both disappointed in the tracklist AND the band selection, but I personally think it would turn out pretty cool!
  10. CAT5

  11. So yeah, I have no idea how I got so sexy.

    1. Tokage


      panda are you black secretly

    2. Biopanda


      yes :( my secret is out

    3. Tokage


      * Biopanda is now known as Bioblackbear

    4. Show next comments  348 more
  12. CAT5

  13. CAT5

  14. CAT5

    Yasuda Rei. Bruhhh...
  15. CAT5

    Great song, poor PV:
  16. So I'm organizing my music files and I accidentally type "2004" for the date of a new release. Then it hits me - It's been 10 years since I was a senior in HS. Time flies.

    1. fitear1590


      I know I'm younger than you/ have no room to talk, but getting older is depressing, haha.

  17. CAT5

    I have no idea what to expect from this, but "Third eye's trial" and "ロザリオと薔薇" are 2 of my favorite SADS songs - these bands better come correct.
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