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Status Updates posted by stylelover

  1. if anyone could help me creating a small banner image for an event > pm . thanks

  2. got new work. turns out my expenses are pretty much 1:1 my salary. and thats without food etc. should just die.

    1. hiroki


      aww ;( hope everything works out!

    2. CAT5


      I'm sorry to hear that, style. I hope things work out for you too somehow. Things will get better...sometimes you have to do the crazy thing and just have a little faith.

    3. Jigsaw9
  3. anyone here already listened to the Seo Taiji album?

    1. Ito


      wait, there is a new Seo album?!?

    2. stylelover


      its called Quiet Night

    3. Show next comments  3 more
  4. yay pokemon demo finally

  5. oh no my money. 5% discount on all orders at fromjapan. : (

    1. Biopanda


      WHAAAAT. God damnit :'D Why couldn't they have done that earlier :<

    2. kyoselflove
    3. hyura
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  6. argh i hate when i discover a used cd on a weekend. ofc it gets sold b efore fromjapan orders it for me -.- searched the last two years for this cd :<

    1. paradoxal


      awww D: which CD was it?

    2. stylelover


      the only catfist cd im missing :(

    3. hiroki


      OMG i know that feeling. It's like I refresh and see something I want but it's gone before I even receive the Charge 1 form D:

  7. never had so mixed feelings about a new band. one song is horrible and the other songs are good. not sure if hate or love.

  8. lol @ ryoga holding his phone for one song because he needed to read the lyrics. but the concert was really amazing

  9. born/lycaon today. yay?

  10. new t-ara is so amazing omg

    1. Ro plz
    2. blackdoll


      nevermind it was just the beginning, the rest blehhh

  11. that new AKLO album <3

  12. I might actually want to listen to the new SCREW album, judging from the previews. Damn

  13. wtf. what is wrong with people at last.fm. this is literally the worst picture war at last.fm i ever witnessed. how can ppl be so fuckin dumb. pls die.

    1. Ikna


      What band profile?

      I know there's a funny war on Christian death's lastfm page, because the band have deleted all images and locked them so no one can upload *lol*

  14. new eluveitie sounds good so far.

    1. Ito


      Worth checking it out? I kinda stopped caring about them after Everything Remains as it Never Was.

    2. stylelover


      I didnt listen to the whole album, because i wait for the release, but they offer a stream atm if you want to listen in

    3. stylelover
  15. :o ninjas are real
    1. Jigsaw9


      lmao @ 1:42

    2. Ito


      Hahaha, that was great.

  16. i want to

    1. Tetora


      'All I want is to be great.'

    2. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      go to munich to see born and lycaon instead of lameass köln

  17. yessss germany.

    1. Shir0


      I couldn't sleep at that night.. they fired fireworks in my neighborhood °-°

    2. stylelover


      i was at public viewing. came home at 8 am or so lol

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  18. amazing match yesterday. omg

    1. Tetora


      Oi, when will it be Japans turn to dominate like that. Almost broke a couch last time they scored a goal... five in a row and I would probably burn my house down.

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      The cup is for US (NETHERLAND) !

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