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    nekkichi got a reaction from CAT5 in Zodiac signs/Astrology (you know what I mean)   
    You Should Never Date a
    Clingy, emotional, and very private - it's hard to escape a Cancer's clutches. And while Cancer will want to know everything about you, they're anything but open in return. Instead try dating: Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, or Aquarius
    I <3 the suggested list which in my case lists signs I downright tend to avoid except for Leos and won't probably clique with in the first place. (not even to mention I really like cancers, lol.)
    my results might be skewed bc I have no idea who 70 % of celebs they list at some point are so I picked keira knightley bc I find her revolting
  2. Like
    nekkichi reacted to Champ213 in KAMIJO 2-month consecutive new maxi singles & album release   
    Moulin Rouge is such a Lareine-throwback (Fuyu Tokyo anyone?), I love it.
    Also gives me a chance to be all hipster and laugh at all the Versailles fan younglings that are crying now "Oh no, Kamijosama needs to be all metulz and dark and aristocraticy again!"
    (Don't get me wrong, I really liked Versailles, but the symphonic metal thing has gotten pretty stale at the end, so I like he's doing some different styles again.)
  3. Like
    nekkichi reacted to Trombe in 眞呼(maco)(ex-deadman) twitter re-open   
    眞呼(maco)(ex-deadman) has re-opened his twitter in 2014/06
  4. Like
    nekkichi reacted to togz in The "CDs you definitely would not recommend anyone to buy, ever"-thread   
    Mejibray in general sorry not sorry.
  5. Like
    nekkichi got a reaction from nullmoon in DEATHGAZE new album "ENIGMA" release   
    love how they're practically insulting other vk bands by announcing that their new album will only have 1/4 of it as old single tracks.
  6. Like
    nekkichi reacted to ghost in Show Yourself (again)   
    This thread is so much fun.

  7. Like
    nekkichi reacted to ricchubunny in Show Yourself (again)   

  8. Like
    nekkichi reacted to Flash-Fab-Supernova in Show Yourself (again)   
  9. Like
    nekkichi got a reaction from togz in My Opinion on Nocturnal Bloodlust`s Recent Remarks and Actions against `Piracy`   
    please refer to my post # 3 in this thread.
    I'm not attacking you or anything, but this thread has really turned into a looping broken record at this point.
  10. Like
    nekkichi reacted to Rosebetz in the GazettE new LIVE DVD and Tour   

  11. Like
    nekkichi got a reaction from Karma’s Hat in My Opinion on Nocturnal Bloodlust`s Recent Remarks and Actions against `Piracy`   
    you can refer to my third post in this thread for anything not concerning nocturnal bloodlust.

    since you seem to love the fine art of demagoguery so much, I'm going to put it this way:
    I have never ever said anyone was forcing me to listen to this band, but I will be listening to their music, pirated or purchased, if it did not suck.
    On a side note, I'd love to see works cited for your thesis alone, 60 pages of stuff would require diving into market analysis that you seem to dismiss completely in your overly emotional way of handling conversation.

    no questions about that, it's still not dismissing the whole "lol look who's talking" vibe of the situation.
    jsyk, I'm going to label you a possessed stan for the sake of convenience to wrap the creativity/originality point up;
    regarding the support - this whole thread started because this band is not getting it and is publicly upset about that. plenty other bands are getting it despite business obstacles. piracy has not killed panic at the disco, who have been graciously used as an example by one of members here, who also have been a nobody band at some point. 

    this band does not get good legal sales because their music is bland and mediocre and their fanbase hardly expands, not because Jorge, Svetlana, Punawit and Mateos have mediafired their discog. you seem to filter this point out of the thread completely, but I'll try to sneak it in again one last time.
    musicians are not entitled to being successful commercially.
  12. Like
    nekkichi got a reaction from relentless in My Opinion on Nocturnal Bloodlust`s Recent Remarks and Actions against `Piracy`   
    you can refer to my third post in this thread for anything not concerning nocturnal bloodlust.

    since you seem to love the fine art of demagoguery so much, I'm going to put it this way:
    I have never ever said anyone was forcing me to listen to this band, but I will be listening to their music, pirated or purchased, if it did not suck.
    On a side note, I'd love to see works cited for your thesis alone, 60 pages of stuff would require diving into market analysis that you seem to dismiss completely in your overly emotional way of handling conversation.

    no questions about that, it's still not dismissing the whole "lol look who's talking" vibe of the situation.
    jsyk, I'm going to label you a possessed stan for the sake of convenience to wrap the creativity/originality point up;
    regarding the support - this whole thread started because this band is not getting it and is publicly upset about that. plenty other bands are getting it despite business obstacles. piracy has not killed panic at the disco, who have been graciously used as an example by one of members here, who also have been a nobody band at some point. 

    this band does not get good legal sales because their music is bland and mediocre and their fanbase hardly expands, not because Jorge, Svetlana, Punawit and Mateos have mediafired their discog. you seem to filter this point out of the thread completely, but I'll try to sneak it in again one last time.
    musicians are not entitled to being successful commercially.
  13. Like
    nekkichi reacted to relentless in My Opinion on Nocturnal Bloodlust`s Recent Remarks and Actions against `Piracy`   
    You missed my point when I discussed a distinction between Popular and Art music (I wasn't talking about the "Art of popular music", whatever that means). The point was to demonstrate the high appreciative standard in Art music which deems music as a "privilege" does not necessarily hold up in a lot of Popular music -- especially when the end goal is marketability (especially with image in Nocturnal Bloodlust's case). If someone is trying to market something to you, is it truly a privilege to listen to when it's being thrown in your face? I also said nothing about how NB "don't have the market". I believe there you are referencing the point I just reiterated which was the band pushed their new look for the sake of marketability (when previously as those more knowledgable on the band have said in this thread, their previous look wasn't doing anything for them).
    And we're not necessarily arguing potential (I'm not at least). If you were to ask me about their potential, I would say they're a terrible, derivative band that has next to no potential for staying around much longer. But that's just my opinion on their music, not an assessment on their financial dealings. So while others may have shared an opinion on the band, I'm shying away from that kind of argument because it has too great of a chance of devolving into subjective opinions without any care for reason.
    And you'll need to link me to where they have announced they are playing in larger venues, because I took all of the shows they have lined up on their website and went through them by capacity, all totaling to about 600-700 each. Nowhere is there any mention of anything to indicate otherwise, please provide a link if you can.
    There is one thing that struck me, and what I find to be the focal point of your narrow interpretation of this situation: "They're losing in the international market not because the interest isn't there, but because it's easier and free to just illegally download."
    At first glance this is blatantly incorrect. The reason why it's not entirely incorrect when in consideration of the whole is because there are people that will just download an album because it's free. There are those that can't be bothered to pay anything, and that's fine. But how many of those are even fans to begin with? How many are potential fans that want to hear the music first? How many are people who just want to rag on the band by downloading the album and shitting on it afterwards? There are many groups that need to be considered because it's not a black and white issue of "they're losing the international market because it's easier and free to illegally download". 1. They're NOT losing the international market because they're not even IN THE INTERNATIONAL MARKET. Their presence is literally unknown to everyone but a minority of those that listen to and follow Visual Kei. How can you be losing a market that you have LITERALLY 0 presence in? You can't, because they were never there to begin with. This is a failing of the band. If they're not marketed, how am I to know I can purchase their music in the US, or Europe? If you disagree, show me sales outside of Japan that indicate otherwise.
    You can't argue that NB are losing sales and international market potential due to downloads, because to argue such you have to be ready to prove it with statistics. At that point you can argue that you THINK they MIGHT be losing potential; but due to the complex buying habits of individual persons, I would disagree with you. As mentioned above, how many of those downloads are from people that are curious and want to see if they like the music? how many are from people who want to give the band another chance and see if they're any good? how many are from people who genuinely like the band and want their new release for free? You don't know these things, and those are but 3 of the endless factors that take place when someone purchases an album.
    I can only speak off of personal experience (and others can attest to this as well, I'm sure); but as others have said, many of those downloads could very well be of those that would not even buy their music in the first place, and perhaps don't even like the band. BUT, those downloads could also come from people who are curious about the music, and intend on paying for their goods if they like the band. I could easily inflate my argument to assume that those people (those that gain interest in the band, download, like them, and then begin supporting them) are the very refutation of your point that downloads are killing their market potential; but even I know that's not the whole picture. When I mentioned personal experience, I am referencing my large (and growing) collection of Classical that I have bought (and torrented). I recently picked up Kleiber's infamous recording of Wagner's Tristan und Isolde. I downloaded it first though, listened a few times, then purchased a physical copy. Why did I do this? Carlos Kleiber is dead along with many of the musicians that took part in that recording. They won't receive the money, so by logic I can argue I don't NEED to pay; but I did to show my furthering support (and Wagner Operas do not come cheap) of the music. In fact, most purchases have come this way where I wanted to listen to a recording before making a decision. I'm not saying that this is what everyone in the world that torrents does; but this is a group you have neglected in your assessment, and which I guarantee makes up a large portion of this community from the amount that have indicated this notion in the past.
    In regards to ("but I think your reasoning is flawed in a business perspective. Because it obviously does affect the market enough for the band to actually say something about it,") - you can't argue this because you don't truly know. What if their record label is acting through them by proxy? Those more skeptical would indicate such, especially when you take into account the variety of bands that speak out about piracy, and in which in many of those cases, financial dealings have nothing to do with it.
    tl;dr:   There are too many factors that are in place for you to make the argument that illegal downloads are responsible for the band's lack of market hold abroad. As I have indicated, that cannot be the case when 1. they don't have the presence in the international market that you think they do. 2. You are assuming an outdated argument that illegally downloading = huge impact to the band when in many cases (i.e. even big bands like Metallica) they don't see much, if anything, from CD profits (to make this argument you'd need to know how much NB make from record sales vs. merch and ticket sales). and 3. you are failing to take into account the complex buying habits of individuals.
    If you can address points 1-3, and provide statistics as support for the claims on losing market potential, etc., then I will be thoroughly persuaded and will be driven to find out more about this issue. Until then, I still say you need to broaden your understanding seeing as how with points made above, it is far more complex than the black-and-white issue you're trying to draw it into.
    Finally, please link me to your 60 page thesis if you can, I'd love to read it.
  14. Like
    nekkichi got a reaction from Tetora in My Opinion on Nocturnal Bloodlust`s Recent Remarks and Actions against `Piracy`   
    I’ll clear things up as well, and reiterate my point: domestic sales are important, but the existence of paying foreign fans should come as an unexpected ( ✔︎ ) unplanned ( ✔︎ ) unpredictable ( ✔︎ ) addition to the revenue, given the such and suchs of isolated Japanese retail and distribution. A band that is a certified flop by local measure has really no right to ask their foreign casual listeners to pay, while they failed to attract dedicated audiences in their home market.
    yet your part of debate dives as low as “have you seen the struggle of that 7-11 onigiri wrapper who does this to support his ART?”.
    my bad, I can’t exactly see when you’re being more or less objective and when you trying to appeal by adding sentimental quality to your wall of text.
    and this has happened since ever, and is a normal part of the music business. artists are not entitled to being successful by definition, it's a combination of talent, hard work, luck and chance. chilean downloads have really killed no one aside from chilean bijuaru kei impersonators maybe. 
    and they came out of local scenes, that for the most part are completely unknown outside, and those buckets of money came due to major labels seeing potential in one band out of dozen and investing into its marketing and promotion.
    this is the part that nokubura is supposedly missing at this point, assuming their talent is guaranteeing those sales expectations. and this is where
    really says nothing to me. if they are inefficient at promoting their music, coming up with a declaration for foreign fans (which started this topic) is not going to change anything, because, see how much they are going to profit from itunes.
    coming up with a paypal donation account and a polite explanation (“we struggle & please support us as a band directly if you can not buy our music by some reason”) would have done them more good than sending out desperate tweets
    In this case, I truly hope they will get even more fans in the same age group and stfu for good & become rich and famous.
    it’s not “fans need (sumthin-sumthin)”, it’s “bands need” to attract fans who will willingly go out of their way for them. we’re clearly on polar stances when it comes to expectations and responsibilities. you completely miss that N.B. in particular is incredibly disposable - we all mourned when Rentrer en soi disbanded, after its FWD management basically alienated their former fans and failed to attract new ones, but no one will miss this thing at all. there will be bands who will get recognition and sales, and there will be hordes of never-was tier bands. 
    consider putting effort into sending your message in a digestible way, and resist that temptation of falling into personal nitpicks when your epic tirades r getting misunderstood, ty.
  15. Like
    nekkichi got a reaction from Nyasagi in My Opinion on Nocturnal Bloodlust`s Recent Remarks and Actions against `Piracy`   
    I’ll clear things up as well, and reiterate my point: domestic sales are important, but the existence of paying foreign fans should come as an unexpected ( ✔︎ ) unplanned ( ✔︎ ) unpredictable ( ✔︎ ) addition to the revenue, given the such and suchs of isolated Japanese retail and distribution. A band that is a certified flop by local measure has really no right to ask their foreign casual listeners to pay, while they failed to attract dedicated audiences in their home market.
    yet your part of debate dives as low as “have you seen the struggle of that 7-11 onigiri wrapper who does this to support his ART?”.
    my bad, I can’t exactly see when you’re being more or less objective and when you trying to appeal by adding sentimental quality to your wall of text.
    and this has happened since ever, and is a normal part of the music business. artists are not entitled to being successful by definition, it's a combination of talent, hard work, luck and chance. chilean downloads have really killed no one aside from chilean bijuaru kei impersonators maybe. 
    and they came out of local scenes, that for the most part are completely unknown outside, and those buckets of money came due to major labels seeing potential in one band out of dozen and investing into its marketing and promotion.
    this is the part that nokubura is supposedly missing at this point, assuming their talent is guaranteeing those sales expectations. and this is where
    really says nothing to me. if they are inefficient at promoting their music, coming up with a declaration for foreign fans (which started this topic) is not going to change anything, because, see how much they are going to profit from itunes.
    coming up with a paypal donation account and a polite explanation (“we struggle & please support us as a band directly if you can not buy our music by some reason”) would have done them more good than sending out desperate tweets
    In this case, I truly hope they will get even more fans in the same age group and stfu for good & become rich and famous.
    it’s not “fans need (sumthin-sumthin)”, it’s “bands need” to attract fans who will willingly go out of their way for them. we’re clearly on polar stances when it comes to expectations and responsibilities. you completely miss that N.B. in particular is incredibly disposable - we all mourned when Rentrer en soi disbanded, after its FWD management basically alienated their former fans and failed to attract new ones, but no one will miss this thing at all. there will be bands who will get recognition and sales, and there will be hordes of never-was tier bands. 
    consider putting effort into sending your message in a digestible way, and resist that temptation of falling into personal nitpicks when your epic tirades r getting misunderstood, ty.
  16. Like
    nekkichi got a reaction from Bear in My Opinion on Nocturnal Bloodlust`s Recent Remarks and Actions against `Piracy`   
    @ rasai
    you're doing a good job assuming everything about lack of sales/having to work multiple jobs is unique for bijuaru kei
    CD sales account for a very small number of overall monetary income in music ( http://www.bearshare.com/economic-of-music.html - good info on itunes sales value, btw)
    if a VK musician has to work for 7-11, instead of composing music/doing sound work for TV/radio/advertising - so be it.
    also, western musicians do not have the luxury of being employed at a host-clubs bc they r not kawai enough ^.^
    I am not saying that surviving in vk is cheap and easy and there's no reason to be concerned with music piracy, but nokubura doesn't have enough merit to call people out, their music is below average even on the very small vk scene scale.
    > However, it isn't unheard of for bands to play on the promise of being paid when they arrive..
    try getting paid gigs/having a sustainable career in performance art. this is not unique for music, and the only reason this happens is because bands allow being exploited.
    ps: please work on concision and overall delivery of your points, ty.
  17. Like
    nekkichi got a reaction from Flash-Fab-Supernova in My Opinion on Nocturnal Bloodlust`s Recent Remarks and Actions against `Piracy`   
    @ rasai
    you're doing a good job assuming everything about lack of sales/having to work multiple jobs is unique for bijuaru kei
    CD sales account for a very small number of overall monetary income in music ( http://www.bearshare.com/economic-of-music.html - good info on itunes sales value, btw)
    if a VK musician has to work for 7-11, instead of composing music/doing sound work for TV/radio/advertising - so be it.
    also, western musicians do not have the luxury of being employed at a host-clubs bc they r not kawai enough ^.^
    I am not saying that surviving in vk is cheap and easy and there's no reason to be concerned with music piracy, but nokubura doesn't have enough merit to call people out, their music is below average even on the very small vk scene scale.
    > However, it isn't unheard of for bands to play on the promise of being paid when they arrive..
    try getting paid gigs/having a sustainable career in performance art. this is not unique for music, and the only reason this happens is because bands allow being exploited.
    ps: please work on concision and overall delivery of your points, ty.
  18. Like
    nekkichi reacted to saishuu in AUBE will disband & last maxi single release   
    Not really sad by this. I expected a lot more from them and they never delivered.
  19. Like
    nekkichi got a reaction from Sakura Seven in Saw-wielding man attacks Japan girl group AKB48   
    r ur meds working today
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    nekkichi got a reaction from nullmoon in Saw-wielding man attacks Japan girl group AKB48   
    r ur meds working today
  23. Like
    nekkichi got a reaction from sai in Saw-wielding man attacks Japan girl group AKB48   
    r ur meds working today
  24. Like
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    nekkichi got a reaction from Miasma in Saw-wielding man attacks Japan girl group AKB48   
    r ur meds working today
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