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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    said lil bitch you can fuck with me if you wanted 2 this expensive this is red bottoms this is mitsu shoes hit tanuki, I can't get 'em both I don't wanna choose And I'm quick, cut a fandom off So don't get comfortable (did that tragic rap EP even get uploaded here?.. I am wondering if we have locals who genuinely enjoyed iT.)

    you just have to poke the lid w a butter knife orz


  3. yass sabotage your scene with tanuki twitter receipts, kingz
  4. nekkichi

    Cardi B ain't safe from the legendary trap nihonjin chanteuse and her food-court crowds I wonder how long this embarrassing phase is going to last for her is she gonna drop an official mosburger urban EP is Japanese rap doomed or saved
  5. nekkichi

    who are they? I heard one of them was a roadie for a due le quartz ex-guitarist, or something.
  6. come through with those looks, underdog talent!!! it's very stylistically consistent with their slowmotion pillow-porn PV, we stan
  7. nekkichi

    taste tbh
  8. nekkichi

    "you yell" as a vocalist alias is the most ingenious thing VK has delivered in the past forty years tho, nothing but respeck 4 my king
  9. tag yourself/tag your friends!




    - do you think we all stan a band formed by someone's violent son-in-law without even knowing it?


     - does anyone else feel like the article feels incomplete without a former VK label exec life story?

  10. omg I love that she included a black girl in the photoshoot, queen of representation & ending xenophobia
  11. kinda here for rosette nebula tbh vampires-in-space-kei stans, rejoice!
  12. nekkichi

    dumb sis, I (and most of my clique) have been purchasing legal media (and concert tickets, if we're at it) since ~2004, when the only delivery option was DHL and it was expensive a.f. to ship shizzle alone I lost interest in ~supporting the scene~ almost completely many years ago and buy less than 3 CDs per year on average and I don't care if you're trying to buff your own ego by re-telling no1curr indiefag bandomen some distorted version of western fandom you're trying to invent for whom? for what? literally get a life and get off social media and let band management do their job deciding how and where to sell their products. oh and learn how to make coherent points, or something, for real, before u run amok screaming about muh filesharing gaijin pigguz
  13. nekkichi

    I'm lowkey speechless and I'll have to buy a dozen healing crystals or smth to ground myself and separate art from the artist to enjoy ReS again at this point. I wonder what was her thought process if she considered this a worthwhile risk
  14. nekkichi

  15. unfortunately the answer is yes, look up the thirteen more like a very budget cosplayer for it'll never stop being hilarious
  16. Worry 4 My Son’s Good Friend Prince Turki bin Abdullah.He’s a Young Prince With Kind❤️,& No Desire 2 Take Over Anything. Elijah Is💔,& Speaks So Fondly Of Turki. My🙏🏻2 Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman al Saud,
    ”Be Kind 2 Turki & Let Him Go Free”,INSHALLAH 
    I Would Speak 4 Him

  17. inb4 mao from the 13teen vanishes mysteriously, and a fresh looking Kyo graces Dir en grey's next era serving the vocalz
  18. nekkichi

    it's a very common look for a certain type of Asian women. they are very delicate and elegant in person, nothing manly at all.
  19. nekkichi

    that actually makes the probability of ha having spare money to fund records, weaves and dresses slightly higher tbh, it's not like he's going to post adverts on his scene look in ha office lobby. buT I don't think it's that juka too.
  20. nekkichi

    yasss inventive queen, air world tour (part I, II, III) coming to the stadiums around the globe nexT is this the way ReS stans cope with their disband? 🙈 or did the rumors of banging swedish mitsu destroy her?..
  21. nekkichi

    tbh you'd have to befriend some legacy japanese stans who spend weekends with toshiya's mom helping her out with the garden or something to know this, I don't think even band members themselves care/remember about this stuff at this point.
  22. nekkichi

    queen of unfunny april fools jokes (on her own expense at it)
  23. smh @ dexcore disrespecting the delicious, mouthwatering 黒豚 like that 

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