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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. mfw trying to get into ningenwokaburu after playing WtD on repeat the entire day before




    1. saishuu


      mte stacy layne matthews

    2. nekkichi


      I'm triggered by visibly pro-ana queens mentioned in my rihplies

  2. nekkichi

    oop you were right and I'm very confused why it's a PV track too
  3. place ur bets on how long it will take the satsuki thread™ to turn into this




    1. nekkichi


      darling I've been mentally regressing the entire time since I turned 20 I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do about that x @Masato

    2. Masato


      Enjoy it! You have the money of a 20+ person and the mind of a teenager! Go raid that candy store!

    3. nekkichi


      more like  attention span of a toddler but I appreciate ur perspective x

    4. Show next comments  207 more
  4. nekkichi

    as artkei slowly dies, the thesaurus-kei takes its place under the sun
  5. nekkichi

    did anyone else suddenly start getting notifications from users they never followed posting things? I doublechecked @ their profile and I indeed don't follow them (not to mention the thread that popped up was from like february) so weird
  6. nekkichi

    we're waiting on the tea @cvltic x
  7. nice are they a two-man band now?
  8. nekkichi

    there're no surprises in the final thing. one thing still puzzling me is why they ended up recording the shitty recycled album intro while they had two completely valid SEs left off LUCY/ABYSS concept gigs that would've perfectly worked as an opener/outro in the context of this album.
  9. nekkichi

    at least the vile pink dye is gone #upgrade
  10. NINTH release parTy looks lit tbh


    1. IGM_Oficial


      Can't wait for the tour final, btw

  11. nekkichi

    u can rly guesstimate this ninjas name is Matt (42/M/Pan) and he is buddhist, a feminist, looking for a loving mom for his two sons (but traps r welcome too!! sorry masculine-presenting folx!!) also ethically non-monogamous and open-minded
  12. oh noes I never expected this I need some red wine to cope now
  13. nekkichi

    unfinished is a bop, [—gossip—] found sacrificed on an island x 虚 蜩 is niiiiiice, everything else is mostly garbage.

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH wig flew twice for sure

  15. don't come back and take half of indie scene with u next x
  16. happy pride month #dears 



  17. nekkichi

    literally serving a visual graph of what body dysmorphic disorder starts out as and what it progresses into, omg
  18. nekkichi

    couldn't care less as of now, but the moment I'll see THE END on the tracklist I'll get hyped for like 1/10 of this release
  19. nekkichi

    wonder if they are planning an initial-L style comeback based on that last live title
  20. nekkichi

    why do two three of them look like they're genderscamming money out of horny sararymen on w/e webcam site japan uses for just that atm
  21. nekkichi

    beautiful skinny Olya Buzova lookalike chanteuse snappedT again we stan
  22. nekkichi

    they're dragging Dir en grey and lesser acts like mucc or 12012 who drop glamoured up looks and start balding hardcore only to invest in weaves and mascara again once their sales nosedive.
  23. nekkichi

    nothing special, he's just an assigned person that management/label communicates through. they don't want fangirlies to cancel preorders on a rushed, disjointed album probably.
  24. nekkichi

    good bye xweet prinxes x
  25. nekkichi

    awww goodbye jpopsuki uploadz
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