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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    idk kra and d out?
  2. nekkichi

    I think so - http://www.sonymusic.co.jp/artist/gazette/
  3. nekkichi

    they have more dignity in being kicked the f. out of this scene compared to 75 % of durrk bands signing the major label deal and doing precisely the same and only flaunting an occassional gvth look when their sales nosedive tbh that IG preview is a bop too.
  4. nekkichi

    so she stopped giving fucks about dire up and coming vk talent and focused on managing gazette alone? smart choice.
  5. nekkichi

    wym? it's literally just taking off "^.^,,

    repost this to ten friends accounts and the beautiful girl u daydream about in ur forensic anatomy class will talk to u first


  7. I hated mejibray while they were around but i need those two rats to come up with a ZORO knock-off, like, right now


    my vk techno cravings are in for summer

  8. nekkichi

    this sounds like a cupcakke cover
  9. what are the odds of gurugamesh pulling a comeback if mediocre indie wonder nana reformed after some of its members went onto having major label careers (and flopped at it but w/e)


    on that note I'm also curious what's Ryo up to

    1. cvltic


      i kind of feel like danger crue isn't the type of label that would be happy about that tbh

      ryo is getting his teeth fixed, gaining some ex-bandman weight and doing production stuff. mostly for lynch. but i think he's working with dezert and maybe fest vainqueur too. https://www.instagram.com/ryo_trackmaker/

  10. nekkichi

    indie VK label exec (former) & a bass player: - Lemme scam the taxguy a lil bit, teehee Western Indie bass player: - Hold my beer, m8
  11. nekkichi

  12. nekkichi

    his captain america personality is busy recording a trap album x
  13. nekkichi

    they didn't release singles in 2017; ningen… is their worst selling single to date tho.
  14. before this place has an opportunity to explode in another sales related shitpost - Maroon 5 bassist was arrested for selling cocaine, this market has never been about living off CD revenue even at the peak of their market sales, this can be extrapolated further but holy shit, your scene has fallen out of vogue and music market stagnation (coupled with stagnant local economy) is not helping it, like deal with it without screaming bloody murder all over the board onegai—

    1. Zeus


      i actually got at statistics i wanted to see with part 2 of my post about piracy in visual kei which you sum up nicely. we don't actually know how many people spend money on buying releases but out of everyone that took the time to vote in my topic (which locks at the end of the month), a whopping 75% of them have bought or continue to buy music in addition to pirating what they can't afford. this is a very small sample size (n=36) but even out of that number, a quarter of them said they buy everything they can.

      if this market has never been about living off CD revenue, and the way that most international vk fans can support their favorite artists is by buying their CDs, then i think we're already doing a lot as a group. chasing the most ideal outcome may not even be possible.


    2. nekkichi


      there's more to vk community than mh users too.

      vk is also different from traditional western music market in a sense a minority of this scene is actually  educated in music or outright bought their careers, but they still can get relatively successful without marrying into money or w/e through having a host-club/barmen side-gig, essentially drawing in more fans for what they do on stage.

  15. nekkichi

    like fr it sounds like he creeped into ruki's studio to steal his sample library half year ahead of ninth release or something
  16. nekkichi

    kamijo selling less than initial'L tbh look....
  17. nekkichi

    Kaya Wakeshima rilness, is he on starwave judging by how all of this looks so far?
  18. nekkichi

    why are you always so pressed?
  19. nekkichi

    I guess it's around what they expected for it to sell. considering the best thing about it is the bluray/DVD bundle, and Ruki hyping his clothing label waaaay harder than their music over the entire past year, and the delay to summer vs. spring (whereas it's not a summer-sounding album at all), it all sort of comes together. I hope they release the next album by next autumn at this rate and make it all gloom tbh. I mean l'arc are basically scammed of all their CD revenue by their label management so who cares, and SID really snatched that entire play-it-safe mainstream mediocre VK niche that japan throws their moneys at (it's like nightmare, but even more generic and tepid), gzt are too edgy for average office girl to stan.
  20. >when u expected the worst but it actually goes hard orz
  21. this video having better production value than any visual act on starwave says A LOT about how delusional kiwamo is when it comes to promoting talent (unless they fund their productions out of their own pocket entirely and just use the label to get concert gigs booked.)
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