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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    I'm expecting some very strong lyrical game from this one x
  2. this entire comment considering japan's history with sekuhara and its patriarchal culture that doesn't promote any real sex ed and importance of consent is especially rich in the context of visual kei's heavy emphasis on sexual contact between artists and their fans
  3. nekkichi

    considering we'll hear the new dir en grey album covered by at the very least the 13teen, there always be an opportunity to appreciate exactly same music with better or at least different titles!
  4. we never start truly hating until the samples are out x
  5. if not for lack of capslock, most of english titles def sound like the gazette came up with them
  6. another censored video than?.. my former faves ugh their mind they still amaze me sometimes, get those AVERAGE PIG SQUEAL selling PVs in order yasssss....
  7. Kaoru handling ha look unexpectedly well tho
  8. nekkichi

    that title omg ur mind x
  9. nekkichi

  10. nekkichi

    lmao they're literally following same formula as majoring VK bands of 2005-2008 recording one final HeAvY song for an album drowning in stale filler and uninspired pig shit before their legacy stans drop supporting them and the casual listeners ignore the hell out of them because of weird past discography I hope they got a few thousand new gya based off the cat PV they did some time ago, this shit won't sell at all
  11. nekkichi

    trash tbh
  12. nekkichi

    speculation: 香月 is Karma given that rands disappeared entirely at this point maybe this is the OG avelcain revival y'all wished for coming through in unobvious ways
  13. my earussy is infected and is in torturous physical pain, I hate no other season as much as i loathe summer wbu ladies

  14. nekkichi

    gay agenda sisT, their yakuza bosses force them to perform sinful acts to corrupt the youth x
  15. nekkichi

    unexpectedly relatable, too bad teaser track sounds like complete garbage x
  16. nekkichi

    slay that mismatched face tone queen
  17. nekkichi

    kinda hft idk
  18. nekkichi

    LMC copyband teas
  19. nekkichi

    rest in peace legends x
  20. nekkichi

    I have a feeling kawaii pastel chanteuse is dumping fuckboy very soon and goes solo, but we'll c
  21. nekkichi

    just for the record, there're people who genuinely stan this creature's vile tryhard recent albums: and there are people who stan this: but two former mediocre gazette copy-cat bandomen served you an ultimate 2018 bop and this is how y'all react?
  22. nekkichi

    starry night >>>>>> hole 2018 vk output so far Misa's wig seen on milkboxes @ ur area conbinis sisters
  23. does anyone think WWIII is a good thing? I love Utada Hikaru. I think she's a very interesting artist.


    1. saiko


      Fascism explained beautifully clear. It's transcultural, now I can figure...

    2. colorful人生


      I'm not qualified to comment from a political standpoint, but from the outside looking in, this attitude doesn't really shock me. Retaining status quo/perceived "normalcy" is embedded into many facets of Japanese society (culture in this case) under the guise that it retains/promotes productivity, hinders crime, etc. Fortunately, as the rest of Western society has rapidly embraced LGBT rights & anti-discrimination policies, I think Japan will ironically "fall in line" as the voices there become louder and more voluminous.

      It's crazy how if you turn back to the early/mid-2000's in the U.S (and elsewhere), this conversation wouldn't have garnered nearly as much attention as it does now (just from the contents alone.) (for social media being a double-edged sword, this is one of the positives)

  24. I hope the tanuki tea on her family money basically funding her career is real, I can't imagine my bby being str8forpay like her other scene mates x
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