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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    her face is giving off eerie real housewives of tokyo teas tbh
  2. screw gazette fans bunch of ugly fatty girls (most of them) obsess their looks with makeup only and annoying as fuck, overall gazette music is not that bad just so so, ofc they have alot interest tracks, i dont know what gazzette thinks or aim (fame and popularity?)maybe just want to stay comfort zone?, i think they just lost their motivation to surpass themselves or even their music. quite dull his newest albums, but i still respect them at least they are few neo vk bands still exits haha


    which one of u neckbeards is dragging us in the DIMLIM yt comment box

    1. Arkady


      It smells very much of "the Fox and the Grapes" from them. Just saying... 😉

    2. nekkichi


      oh i don't doubt that w/e posted that smells (hell, reeks) for sure!!!!

    3. IGM_Oficial


      Not to mention that Brazilian Dimlim fanpage advertising, it's a staple

  3. nekkichi

    oh my god thanks for unpacking on it, the previous google translate oracle work that was done here was absolutely nuts t b h . this really makes a concise and understandable album concept.
  4. nekkichi

    ummmm it's like gazette-schmazette but nailed down to one specific album x
  5. nekkichi

    this album is serving para:noir/d.i.d. worship act even harder than w/e they recorded with issei tbh. they have such a weird penchant for over-elongated intros given the average to short track length they went with. the sreeching thing overuses his baby voice gimmick on too many songs. their SE work is just lame. I liked grotesque and d. hymnus, but this album made me miss akane even harder, they barely filled his niche in the scene.
  6. PV snippet sounds custom-produced for @The Moon's love for monologue inserts x
  7. nekkichi

    technically everyone aside from those two are session members, they are a two-man band that relies on live support.
  8. nekkichi

    door and dystopia sound ok, nothing is fab and should have been sang by Hakuei or anyone else other than howling former miyavi roadie imp chanteuse, everything else is pure garbage and some tracks are serving sega saturn sound compression tbh I sometimes wonder what's stopping aiji from forming his own resistar-style label and producing awful music for a bunch of half-idol half-label puppet performers, and decent music for his own thing/other major artists but like it's p rhetorical at this point, homegirl probably lives off his 90s pierrot peak' savings anyway.
  9. nekkichi

    leak nudes onegai x
  10. nekkichi

    idk if this board carried on a l'arc en ciel thread but this is how forums work - one liner responses on the news announcements, expanded shitposting discussion in the respective rihlease rihview/artist topics u r by all means welcome to start some sort of conversation here - https://www.monochrome-heaven.com/forum/11-artists/ for a band that is on l'arc en ciel levels of irrelevancy when it comes to release schedule it's really hard to expect any active conversation going on atm, I don't think I really seen them being discussed much outside of 2004 livejournal tbh.
  11. nekkichi

    is it his own new company, or he simply sold the entire UCP warehouse stock to someone in the biz and filled a bankruptcy for the actual label?
  12. oh right I didn't re:alize it just was bundled with boring variations of a boring song x
  13. nekkichi

    this is lowkey a very good shot tbh
  14. give us a surprise triple album cueen
  15. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn didn't they release an entire boring single or something; song just got the movie plug.
  16. nekkichi

    you mean both of their major albums on universal I wonder what's their next album is going to be called, I suggest "NOT TODAY".
  17. why is it called schitsn sgaft pissttsres? ツ
  18. that look + that sound is what happens when kaya is away for a dragcon cameo and the cleaning lady gets the house keys x
  19. nekkichi

    weird feet twitter come get ur girl x
  20. I don't think we'll distinctly remember 2018 for anything aside for furry twitter coming for Elon Masc's hair transplant and it's hard to disagree that it is beautiful x




    1. IGM_Oficial


      Furries are immoral, sorry

    2. nekkichi


      Furries are immortal, sorry (2)

  21. wig glad they're keeping good stuff spread between their main gig and its アルター・エゴ
  22. european weaboo randos wouldn't know a quarter of kanji that went into his tour name x
  23. cum back as —phantasmagoria— khweens!!!!
  24. nekkichi

    Tenten's vitiligo beat is a choice tbh 🌚 this band is such a waste of milk I just can't 🌚
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