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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    such a beautiful video for likely the worst japanese song i've heard this year s m h
  2. nekkichi

    I'm really bothered by them including dates in the title, considering they've been on hiatus over 2012-2016 stretch?? yas @ new songs though.
  3. nekkichi

    meabel died so MELVEL could live!! </3
  4. basic lycaon threads are.... typically pretty good at delivering their own special kind of artpop, but lé 5 years old lycaon threads are even better at that.

    1. inartistic


      It's weird how random bands just capture the attention of so many crazy white people

    2. emmny
    3. nekkichi


      emphasis on special (2)

    4. Show next comments  414 more
  5. nekkichi

    my personal list of 6 disbandments that sucked big time is likely starting with kagerou, pierrot, rentrer en soi, and kaggra, and duel jewel with lycaon as more recent ones :\\ voted avelcain because major d'espairs ray never produced anything worth listening to, and micro head fl0ps happened with two of its members.
  6. tekken always had pretty shitty music, but this takes it onto entirely new level of terrible tbh I don't get why they're using a practically nobody band (that also lacks ~le authentic hipster appeal~, or any appeal at all) to make a video promo
  7. it sounds like a major era d'espa b-side with an oshare-kei vocalist (which is still better than this anyway)
  8. nekkichi

    is this gonna be fronted by Lady Beard? are they hiring a suicidal one to replicate a complete X-Japan/hide stan experience 20 years later? is ¥oshiki even considering hiring a manager for himself (or, at the very least, purchasing a planner?) nnnnnnnnnnn
  9. nekkichi

    yaaassss versatilles, slay me with this look
  10. please disband already, this is unbearable
  11. it def. sounds like megamasso filler, except with terrible azn boi rap this time. ryohei's scalp must be really itchy under dem weaves if he does this shit now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  12. nekkichi

    https://www.instagram.com/dynamitetommy_official/ up to 6 followers though this week
  13. nekkichi

    it's like they aren't sure they'll make it to next april fools and have decided to do this thing early huh
  14. nekkichi

    thank you angel, you are absolutely correct
  15. nekkichi

    I'm almost glad he's barely relevant in the VK scene, otherwise we'd be getting a wave of autumn albums titled ~L'oiseau de feau~ or smth
  16. it's that time of year again... there're no major Deg news or any recent announces whatsoever, but the ~diruthread~ is bubbling up to life like a smelly neckbeard cauldron


  17. nekkichi

    I'm not sure what lynch. and their mediocre albums can contribute here that nightmare with their annual shit LPs haven't already
  18. pls cum back 2 this style, the higher queen of us mortal lessers


  19. nekkichi

    holy shit @ that 2nd pic his face gives a certain MDNA vibe on the first one though
  20. nekkichi

    so it's not even re-recorded??
  21. venomous cell @FB translated aoi's comment some time ago and it was basically "muh visual kei veterans, so many years on the scene"!! completely avoiding any mentions of the actual music, I don't even know if he bothered listening to it
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