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Everything posted by chemicalpictures

  1. chemicalpictures

    maneiro demais, espero que seja numa sexta/sabado e que anunciem com antecedência, não quero ter que perder um rim comprando passagem em cima da hora
  2. ANGELO songs are almost always good, but hardly memorable. I keep forgetting stuff I just heard and actually liked

  3. chemicalpictures

    wait, WAT edit: hot damn, LETS GOOOOOOO
  4. chemicalpictures

    I feel you. Was so heartbroken after bis disbanded, but at least one member was keeping up and steady in a pretty great band. I'm sad that they are disbanding, but even more heartbroken that his sickness reached this point. I wish him all the best, hope the other members stick around
  5. chemicalpictures

    gotta say, not as bad as I expected
  6. chemicalpictures

    shit man that's sad I freaking love those guys, even if most of their work is somewhat same-y, when they deliver oh boy its always a banger hope kihiro knows what he is doing
  7. 1 year since APPLIQUE's debut and that album still kicks so much ass


    really hoping 2020 brings more Shiina and friends for us

  8. hell yeah baby, NOOOW we are talking! I'm so ready for a new album!
  9. chemicalpictures

    2019 best newcomer, BY FAR
  10. chemicalpictures

    As much as I love early 12012, Wataru was clearly the weak link. People can say what they want of major 12012, but the dude went through some MAJOR improvement there. In any case, SEVEN is my favorite release of theirs, but I'd argue that they went out with their most concise work ever. THE SWAN and XII are the sum of all their experiences, it's dark, it has pop nuances, Wataru delivers, the composition is top notch... I would go far and say they are the best way to introduce someone nowadays.
  11. chemicalpictures

    so freaking cool! and FINALLY some good camerawork on a vk music video
  13. chemicalpictures

    man thats sad nue is pretty great, hope they get their act together
  14. okay, OOK's Giants is pretty catchy if you're willing to ignore it's OOK and pretend its some random pop boyband

  15. chemicalpictures

    You are in for a treat! one of the absolute best open world games on PS4. I wish hunting big monsters in MHW was as good as it is in this game. Currently playing Fallen Order and having tons of fun. It's like one of those discount soulsborne, kinda unpolished, but slicing stuff and throwing people far away with the force is so much fun. Got Days Gone borrowed from my cousin and probably will start that one next.
  16. chemicalpictures

    lmao some sections in Dark in Black Hole are straight SOAD's rip off. Besides that, there are several pretty strong tracks on this album if you're not suffering from stuck-in-the-past syndrome
  17. chemicalpictures

    Was taking the final leg of Death Stranding really slow to delay ending it as much as I could, but I just said goodbye to my BB couple hours ago. What. a. game. GOTY, and hands down the best gaming experience as a whole I've had on PS4.
  18. chemicalpictures

    now that's a cool AF picture!
  19. okay, am I the only one who chuckles a little bit reminding of Chocolate Rain when listening to the beggining of More's Scar?



  20. chemicalpictures

    DUDE THE LYRICS asjdhaskjdhkasjhdkdjkasl I almost fell out of my chair shit is so STUPID oh man, this band keeps delivering
  21. II love those guys but they could make their stuff a bit more accessible, couldn't they? Their official page is always out, I can't even find a list of all their releases, shit is underground as fuck
  22. Why does RAZOR keeps releasing the same song over and over again? I must've heard at least 5 different iterations of 完全無欠, all of them boring AF

    1. Komorebi


      I thought the same once I saw them live. I regret paying over $60 for hearing the same song on repeat for two hours. 

  23. 250 copies? shit, that's one we'll never see online such a shame, love his projects
  24. man, Soshi's era lolita23q is underrated AS FUCK. Haters gonna hate, but not only he was technically much better, the compositions there are miles ahead. BIOS, 天球シンフォニア, lost minerva, a_Shiner, レーザーライトテーマパーク, Star Philharmony, HIKARI are all KILLERS

    1. chemicalpictures


      @ricchubunnyI guess you probably aren't much of a fan of Wing Works, then?


      cuz everything there is Ryosuke doing his WW thing

    2. ricchubunny


      @nekkichi hmmm I'm not really sure. You got a point, but Zonbi and Neverland, for example, are way better with their new vocalists.


      @chemicalpictures I really enjoy his first album. But it's nothing really memorable to me.

      I think our musical taste is very similar but maybe not for Lolita hahaha I prefer their weird cat-dying-voice tracks 

    3. colorful人生


      Seconding the "Soshi-era tracks being boring" statement. Also, his vocal style reminds me of a half-baked Sou from A9. (I could never get into that band either.)


      Though, I was also a fan of the brief existence that was Remming, lul. Something about that vocal wobble...

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  25. chemicalpictures

    man, this is bad. they are trying too hard make it work, but that synth is just too much. add that protools dnb drums and it end up sounding like dance dance revolution or smh What makes me even more sad is that you can clearly see Hizumi is not fully recovered. It's pretty noticeable how his screams end up just before failing shit man, go listen to coll:set or mirror you are missing one of vk's greatest gems
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