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chemicalpictures last won the day on September 14 2018

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About chemicalpictures

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    pitiful emotional picture.
  • Birthday 02/20/1989

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  1. Man I miss the feeling of excitement when a past favorite announced a new release and I would jump out of my chair with each new information released... Seems like I have less and less bands that makes me truly look forward for their releases

    1. saishuu


      same 😞 I used to check the websites of my faves daily in hopes of finding new info about releases or even new looks. hell, even being excited for website renewals was fun. I haven't felt that in a long time now, but I guess I've found other things to be excited about and it's okay

    2. CAT5


      I feel you on this. I could probably count on one hand the amount of J-rock bands that still make me feel this way.

    3. colorful人生


      I share the same sentiment, but I've come to accept the times have changed. I've had to make do with some of the host-kei trope bands w/ live-limited releases, but there's only been a handful I've stuck with. The exorbitant prices, inconvenience of shipping, and my own shift towards financial sensibility have whittled away my urge to buy, even upload anything. Amidst all the attempts to branch out to international fans, I feel like the visual kei that I was interested in has largely made a sharp inversion back into the shelled-up live scene. Granted, a huge part of the "perceived growth" I was seeing were the fans who made the effort to upload in the first place... but that takes time & resources that many, including myself, aren't willing to expend anymore. So it's a combination of the scene and the fans, prob. 60/40.


      On a positive note, the Japanese Indie scene has become increasingly accessible w/ many artists embracing the Spotify platform. You don't have to scrounge for CDs, use Soulseek, or spend hours on Audioleaf to find good artists anymore.


      Things come in cycles, and fortunately I'm waiting this one out through a plethora of other genres.

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