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The Libertine

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Everything posted by The Libertine

  1. The Libertine

    slight bit of health freak here. But I don't starve myself. I eat a lot lot of healthy things in huge quantity. Try to live by eating things that are natural and without added ingredients. Mostly vegetables, beans, grains, lean meat, fish, healthy fats. And I try to run, do pilates/yoga, lift weights every once in a while. I think I lost 20 pounds over a year and now everyone says I'm too skinny but I'm satisfied with how I look.
  2. The Libertine

    numbaaa waaan!! -Z6g1X0f8bQ
  3. The Libertine

    this thread needs revival *waves wand* Chinese music has one thread and it's dead!! Anyone hear any good albums lately/make good discoveries? Looking forward to 羅志祥 new album next month. One of my favorite songs of recent by sodagreen: V4hBde4pQ6c and the wonderful Taiyu(minnanhua) version of 無眠 qXv7POo5MNI&
  4. The Libertine

    Hmmm... thoughts on Seungri album? I think it's pretty great and much better than Top/GD's album. Best solo stuff after Taeyang I'd say.
  5. The Libertine

    Not pure metal at all but I do love me some Boris or Onmyouza. Could never get into sigh though. They're quite popular but don't like their music.
  6. The Libertine

    usually very poorly, and even by Asian standards.
  7. The Libertine

    Don't find too many Japanese musicians that hot. But a few obviously come to mind. Shiina Ringo- both sexy and elegant. One talented hot momma J- I'd totally jump him. Hakuei is pretty damn good looking and yes nice body. There are many I'd call beautiful, unique looking but not too many that are hot. I admire the looks of Full and most members of D'espairsRay I find very unique looking.
  8. The Libertine

    Skipped a few where I didn't know the band at all. Mostly of these are pretty terrible or just boring. There are much better bands I'd chose to do the covers but ah well. I would've liked ABS to do Jupiter as his BT covers are phenomenal and Merry should've picked a better Deg to do... really... >_> 1- heidi. / hide with Spread Beaver - ピンク スパイダー Like this! Would've liked slight more punk feel in singing and a bit more rough all around but still pleasant 8/10 2- DOREMIdan / SOPHIA - 街 Don't know sophia and this isn't very interesting but doesn't sound terrible 5/10 4- NoGoD / SIAM SHADE - 1/3??純情??感情 Well the vocals are pretty extremely different, but not necessarily bad thing. And sounds very NoGod. Props for trying. 6/10 5- D / MALICE MIZER - 月下??夜想曲 Pretty damn good must say. Asagi's annoyingly theatrical vocals work well here. Not big on the drumming though.. 9/10 6- Lolita23q / LUNA SEA - STORM LS covers I judge harshly, but on that memorial album a few years ago there were some good ones if I remember! This is alright I suppose. If I heard it without knowing original I'd still like it. Vocals are decent enough. 7.5/10 7- MATENROU OPERA / X JAPAN - 紅?? really great! One of best covers on album. I like it better than X's... haha 9.5/10 8- DaizyStripper / La'cryma Christi - With-you Love this song by La'cryma but daizystripper blows. This guy's voice makes me laugh. 3/10 9- 12012 / GLAY - Winter, again Agree with above, it's pretty much exactly like the original (which is an ok thing I suppose). 8/10 10- And / PENICILLIN - ロマンス Hard to live up to original amazing song and this surprised me in not sucking. Pretty good. 8/10 13- MERRY / DIR EN GREY - Schwein??椅?? One of my least fav Deg songs and Merry didn't really do it any better (or worse I suppose) 4/10 14- DuelJewel / BUCK-TICK - JUPITER mehhhhhhh mehhhhhh. reaks of mediocrity and lacks passion. 4/10 15- DOG inThe parallel world orchestra / Raphael - 夢より素敵?? Don't know this band but am Raphael fan. OK job I guess, could use more SPUNK! 6/10
  9. The Libertine

    Full (Guniw Tools). His artistic and musical aesthetic really inspired me in my life! Only musician to really affect me in a great way.
  10. The Libertine

    Love pop music but this stuff is shit. It has nothing to do with genre, but like people said predictable and unoriginal song-writing. Getting through the whole album was difficult for me. Just a bunch of songs stuck together. Destiny and inochi no ki might have been ok with different chorus (they are good otherwise) nd 見????????離 and ??会 had potential but fell flat. The rest is pretty awful. It's a shame satoshi is such a good singer and is singing such crap. >_>
  11. The Libertine

    1. Traumerai 2. puppet show 3. nega to poji 4. parade 5. dona dona Oh and chandelier and cell are fantastic as well. Wait, that's like all their albums haha. Though I will still say that my 1-3 are great places for a new listener to start. Some of their best songs are on those. *goes to listen to some PT*
  12. The Libertine

    How's it sketchy? They just released 3 singles. Pretty normal to have announced album around 3rd single or so. Excited for this!! Lot of good releases until May.
  13. The Libertine

    Sakurai and Ryo are good choices! There are many that I love but when I think of clean I think of Tora (Sel'm) right away. His voice is pure and wonderful. ^^
  14. The Libertine

    Didn't like mirai iro too much, but moonlight was pretty good and Dona Dona was fucking incredible so still think this will be pretty killer.
  15. The Libertine

    Nah, most often, when someone says "since ", they mean starting after that . I can see the logic in your thoughts though. yea, it's a little confusing I guess and some languages I've studied include the time you're referencing, but no in English it wouldn't include Uroboros with that statement. ; )
  16. The Libertine

    Now year is over: #1= 9goats black out-tanatos AMAZING Tokyo Jihen- sports D'espairsRay- monsters creature creature- inferno miyavi- what's my name SADS- 7 deadly sins NOgod- kakera Rice- Neil Mucc- Karma honorable mentions- heidi, Buck-Tick, D- good albums from bands I love, but not amazing. Surprisingly good- 12012- seven. Not the best, but not their normal shit suckfest.
  17. The Libertine

    I have fairly constant tastes, though my tastes more expand than change. And there are few bands that I loved that I now hate, just a few I rarely listen to. D- Used to love shit out of them. Still have good songs but their style doesn't appeal to me anymore. Sadie- Took me a while to realize how generic they are. X Japan- Realized I like hide more than anything else about the band. Some of their music is fine/great, but a lot is so corny and Yoshiki is a shitface so... Alice Nine- How did I ever like them I ask.. I mean zekkeishoku wasn't that bad, but they've sucked fierce for a while now. girugamesh- Well ignoring their shitty music since self-titled I also listen a lot less to their old music despite those being fine albums. There's a LONG LONG list of bands that I care a lot less about but still like to listen to when in the mood. Bands like unsraw, deluhi, random heavy indie bands that have 2 good songs don't appeal anymore haha.
  18. The Libertine

    They really need to hiatus maybe to find some new ideas. Haven't liked anything since master of romance
  19. The Libertine

    Well he left for bigger better things.. But anyhow what attracted me to the band was Nigu/Iori collaboration. Sad they're losing members but hopefully they'll continue on!
  20. The Libertine

    yep, I agree that it's a good single and all but doesn't have the same effect as the previous 2 which were very great!!
  21. The Libertine

    To those who say it's good as it is, yes the MUSIC is but let's face it their first albums had bad production as good as the music still was. Image and Eden could benefit by re-recordings as well.
  22. The Libertine

    in name of justice- 6/10 Not bad, but I hate the chorus kind of. nightly knights 8/10 Good stuff going on in here, but a little messy grand master 8.5/10 fun song. 夜??眼??????詩人- 9/10 Very beautiful and great vocally. Their singles are always pretty good quality! And they give us 4 songs. 8/10
  23. The Libertine

    Jrock albums have a been a bit disappointing lately for me, but this album is one of the better I've heard in a few months. It's a perfect mix of very beautiful and fun songs and all well written. I appreciate the 2 single tracks also a bit more now somehow. The first track 儚?も美?????れる景色 is truly the stand out. Solid stuff. 9.5/10
  24. The Libertine

    LOL. My thoughts exactly Mrs Streep.
  25. The Libertine

    NOOO faillll. Very upset about this, but we'll always have their large discography to listen to. Always beautiful music.
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