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  1. Like
    TheBistroButcher666 got a reaction from hyura in Visual kei blogspots: reposting or reuploading?   
    Fuck this mentality, it seriously needs to go away.
    This isn't personally directed at you slsr, so don't think I'm being all rah rah rah at you okay?
    It just frustrates me personally though because this mentality is just so prevalent among so many people that don't actually create and make things on their own.
    It's that whole idea that because it's easy to rip and share something or someone is doing something they love it should then just be free? Why? Why do people think that is okay?
    You see this among writers, illustrators, graphic designers, web developers and so on. Just because someone spent all their time creating a mock website for some shit tier home business. The designer should just expect all that work to be free because it's so easy to just hit ctrl A and ctrl C on all their code and graphics? Someone that spent weeks working on illustrations for some shitty web app game that will never go anywhere should expect not to be paid because it's easy to just ctrl c on all their files?
    Then you hear, oh well you're doing what you love so just be happy people even want to use your work. What the hell? Why is that okay? I like writing shitty broken SQL statements all day at my day job, so just because I like doing that I should then work for free right? No of course not and artists whether they're a web designer or a writer or a musician should be paid for the work they do. Regardless of how easily shareable it is.
    I know that most artist get more bang for their buck by touring and selling merch. Yet it's so short sighted to think that not buying something doesn't help the artist or the greedy evil label eats it up. It helps keep that "scene" afloat by helping producers and labels keep their artists funded and to produce more new artist.
    Quick edit but I do agree labels and distributors should get with it already and deal with it. Not so much that they should just give away their music and product for free but make it more globally accessible. That old notion of staggering releases in different markets is the most backward ass thing imaginable. Avatar was heavily pirated as soon as it was released in North America and can you guess what areas pirated it the most? The places that had to wait a week or more for it to release locally. 
    I understand it's not sustainable to release physical CDs, merch, toys and other items in markets that won't sell. Yet restricting digital sells??
    Even though I have a Japanese Amazon account, I can't buy digital music from their website simply because I am not in Japan. What the hell I am trying to give you money? Why are you stopping me? I don't understand that notion  at all. So like anyone else, if I really want that release I'll find a way to get it and it may not be the most legal way of doing it too!
  2. Like
    TheBistroButcher666 got a reaction from CaRaN in Visual kei blogspots: reposting or reuploading?   
    Fuck this mentality, it seriously needs to go away.
    This isn't personally directed at you slsr, so don't think I'm being all rah rah rah at you okay?
    It just frustrates me personally though because this mentality is just so prevalent among so many people that don't actually create and make things on their own.
    It's that whole idea that because it's easy to rip and share something or someone is doing something they love it should then just be free? Why? Why do people think that is okay?
    You see this among writers, illustrators, graphic designers, web developers and so on. Just because someone spent all their time creating a mock website for some shit tier home business. The designer should just expect all that work to be free because it's so easy to just hit ctrl A and ctrl C on all their code and graphics? Someone that spent weeks working on illustrations for some shitty web app game that will never go anywhere should expect not to be paid because it's easy to just ctrl c on all their files?
    Then you hear, oh well you're doing what you love so just be happy people even want to use your work. What the hell? Why is that okay? I like writing shitty broken SQL statements all day at my day job, so just because I like doing that I should then work for free right? No of course not and artists whether they're a web designer or a writer or a musician should be paid for the work they do. Regardless of how easily shareable it is.
    I know that most artist get more bang for their buck by touring and selling merch. Yet it's so short sighted to think that not buying something doesn't help the artist or the greedy evil label eats it up. It helps keep that "scene" afloat by helping producers and labels keep their artists funded and to produce more new artist.
    Quick edit but I do agree labels and distributors should get with it already and deal with it. Not so much that they should just give away their music and product for free but make it more globally accessible. That old notion of staggering releases in different markets is the most backward ass thing imaginable. Avatar was heavily pirated as soon as it was released in North America and can you guess what areas pirated it the most? The places that had to wait a week or more for it to release locally. 
    I understand it's not sustainable to release physical CDs, merch, toys and other items in markets that won't sell. Yet restricting digital sells??
    Even though I have a Japanese Amazon account, I can't buy digital music from their website simply because I am not in Japan. What the hell I am trying to give you money? Why are you stopping me? I don't understand that notion  at all. So like anyone else, if I really want that release I'll find a way to get it and it may not be the most legal way of doing it too!
  3. Like
    TheBistroButcher666 got a reaction from togz in Visual kei blogspots: reposting or reuploading?   
    Those blogs are partially the reason I don't share. I don't want to be associated with all those reposts all over Google. I listen to mostly small indies bands and these guys probably Google themselves so seeing their latest release the second or third result on Google probably doesn't make them very happy.
    I have shared older indies kote kei stuff which probably ended up on Evil en Lucifer but I don't mind. Those bands broke up over a decade ago, their material out of print and are long forgotten. So those items being reposted don't bother me, but I would prefer it be reuploaded.
    I think once one of those blogs sniped my hosted image so I replaced it with Goatsees and they had that on their front page for a day or two. That was hilarious.
  4. Like
    TheBistroButcher666 reacted to Jigsaw9 in KAMIJO will commence solo activities   
    ^ Yeah, it came out today.
  5. Like
    TheBistroButcher666 got a reaction from Slsr in Trombe will be temporarily on hiatus   
    Trombe is my morning news. Every morning I check the latest news when I get coffee before work.
  6. Like
    TheBistroButcher666 reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Introducing New Japanese Electro-Gothic Rock Visual Kei Duo VANIRU   
    I don't know how to handle vkei bands that describe themselves as "gothic" but then actually make gothic music instead of castelvania nonsense.
    Samples were alright, but that description was pretentious as fuck.
  7. Like
    TheBistroButcher666 reacted to stylelover in グリーヴァ (Grieva) new single "グリーヴァ VS GRIEVA" release   
    well if GRIEVA wants to be new vk then they can just copy their own songs (from reload era.)
  8. Like
    TheBistroButcher666 got a reaction from Zeus in Jupiter new album "CLASSICAL ELEMENT" release   
    Jesus dude, I am not talking about them being an experimental genre breaking band or anything like that. I just mean doing something other than their usual Hizaki power metal. For example I would consider the song Libido to be experimental. It still fits Versaille's typical style but it's definitely something different and refreshing from the usual Hizaki guitar wankery. Well...it's still full of guitar wankery but it's taking on some cool influences to stand out from their usual songs. Too bad it was slated as a b-side for one of their singles and that was it.
    So, rephrasing myself I hope the other tracks are more experimental CREATIVE now that they aren't confined to the aristocratic vampire theme. As in, less Hizaki metal and more interesting shit.
  9. Like
    TheBistroButcher666 got a reaction from Laurence02 in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Just look at Dir en grey's similar artists on Last.fm, all VK bands harharhar.
    I mean come on, Sadie is a VK band correct? Rentrer en Soi was also a VK band right? Yet they all had vocal training from Kyo or give credit to Kyo personally working with their vocalist to hone their vocal technique. To say that Dir en grey has no connection to VK is hogwash. Just search bandmen blogs and you'll find a post here and there with Toshiya or Kaoru hanging out back stage at some tiny little VK dive gig.
    Like I dunno, Kaoru and KISAKI chillin.

    So basically I agree that Dir en grey is still VK-ish. They certainly don't dress up anymore and are very casual but their connection to VK is still there, though more or less indirect.
    My controversial opinion is that VK fans don't care about the music.
    Okay, that statement is more of a joke but there's still some truth behind it. Just face it, most of us were drawn to VK because of how flashy and colorful it is. A lot of us were originally anime fans and VK is basically anime IRL almost. The guys are so colorful, so outrageous looking and are essentially a fantasy character. So it's easy to get into VK when anime was your gateway. That's why I think cosplaying bands, RPing as bandmen and writing fanfiction is so common because that's something that is done in the anime fandom. So seeing it among VK fans really doesn't surprise me and why I don't think it's a bad or weird thing either.
    So basically when someone claims they don't care about the image at all, yet have entire Last.fm profile full of nothing but VK I call bullshit. There is absolutely no way you don't care about the looks. It's why almost all of us are here in the first.
    And you know what? Who the fuck cares if that's what drew you in and is your main reason for sticking around. Trying to get on your high horse and claim you are better than everyone else because you don't masturbate to Kamijo every night is more obnoxious and worse than the girls that admit they get off every night to fanart picture of Kamijo molesting HIZAKI. 
    Anyway, I'm in a hurry and on my phone. I don't think I really explained myself that clearly. I don't mean to say we all want to fuck bandmen but we're all still vane and pretentious so get over yourself and accept that you are just as superficial as the rest of the VK fandom. Deal with it.
  10. Like
    TheBistroButcher666 got a reaction from Ito in Trombe will be temporarily on hiatus   
    Finally! No one will break up while Trombe is away!
  11. Like
    TheBistroButcher666 got a reaction from Cereal Killer 13 in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Exactly, so if I'm the only white person to bother buying something from some trashy no name indie band. I shouldn't talk about it because someone might get upset. Fuck those people and their butthurt. I know there's a difference between flaunting but I don't ever recall seeing anything like that on MH.
    For the most part the only nasty responses I've received from people where on Last.fm and at one point good old Livejournal. MH most people aren't that bad and I'm fine with trading.
    Basically my stance on downloading is, I do download but almost rarely these days but I still grab something here and there. I wouldn't even be a fan of the music I like today if it wasn't for downloading. However I am mature enough to know that music isn't free and I should do my part as a fan to support not just the artist but the industry as a whole. Sure label eats up a lot of the profit but that profit is usually then turn around into covering studio time, touring costs and so forth. If VK bands came to my city I would do what I do now with metal bands and just wait until they come through on a tour and buy their release then when they'll get the most back from my purchase, but since I can't do that with VK bands. At least my support helps keep the label, producers, distributors afloat so that they can sign and produce more artist.
    With that said, my second stance on downloading is if it's a super duper poor man indies band, I don't feel comfortable sharing the material since it'll effect them the most as oppose to some major band or even successful indies artist like something from PS Company or even formerly UCP. Someone else will post that stuff anyway, so I don't bother sharing from those artists.
    I prefer sharing music from inactive bands anyway, especially lesser known acts since their stuff is mostly long forgotten.
    Anyway, I'm posting from the most annoying keyboard ever so if Im not clear on something, how about you try typing on this piece of shit tablet keyboard.
  12. Like
    TheBistroButcher666 got a reaction from Peace Heavy mk II in Trombe will be temporarily on hiatus   
    Finally! No one will break up while Trombe is away!
  13. Like
    TheBistroButcher666 got a reaction from Komorebi in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Exactly, so if I'm the only white person to bother buying something from some trashy no name indie band. I shouldn't talk about it because someone might get upset. Fuck those people and their butthurt. I know there's a difference between flaunting but I don't ever recall seeing anything like that on MH.
    For the most part the only nasty responses I've received from people where on Last.fm and at one point good old Livejournal. MH most people aren't that bad and I'm fine with trading.
    Basically my stance on downloading is, I do download but almost rarely these days but I still grab something here and there. I wouldn't even be a fan of the music I like today if it wasn't for downloading. However I am mature enough to know that music isn't free and I should do my part as a fan to support not just the artist but the industry as a whole. Sure label eats up a lot of the profit but that profit is usually then turn around into covering studio time, touring costs and so forth. If VK bands came to my city I would do what I do now with metal bands and just wait until they come through on a tour and buy their release then when they'll get the most back from my purchase, but since I can't do that with VK bands. At least my support helps keep the label, producers, distributors afloat so that they can sign and produce more artist.
    With that said, my second stance on downloading is if it's a super duper poor man indies band, I don't feel comfortable sharing the material since it'll effect them the most as oppose to some major band or even successful indies artist like something from PS Company or even formerly UCP. Someone else will post that stuff anyway, so I don't bother sharing from those artists.
    I prefer sharing music from inactive bands anyway, especially lesser known acts since their stuff is mostly long forgotten.
    Anyway, I'm posting from the most annoying keyboard ever so if Im not clear on something, how about you try typing on this piece of shit tablet keyboard.
  14. Like
    TheBistroButcher666 got a reaction from hyura in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Exactly, so if I'm the only white person to bother buying something from some trashy no name indie band. I shouldn't talk about it because someone might get upset. Fuck those people and their butthurt. I know there's a difference between flaunting but I don't ever recall seeing anything like that on MH.
    For the most part the only nasty responses I've received from people where on Last.fm and at one point good old Livejournal. MH most people aren't that bad and I'm fine with trading.
    Basically my stance on downloading is, I do download but almost rarely these days but I still grab something here and there. I wouldn't even be a fan of the music I like today if it wasn't for downloading. However I am mature enough to know that music isn't free and I should do my part as a fan to support not just the artist but the industry as a whole. Sure label eats up a lot of the profit but that profit is usually then turn around into covering studio time, touring costs and so forth. If VK bands came to my city I would do what I do now with metal bands and just wait until they come through on a tour and buy their release then when they'll get the most back from my purchase, but since I can't do that with VK bands. At least my support helps keep the label, producers, distributors afloat so that they can sign and produce more artist.
    With that said, my second stance on downloading is if it's a super duper poor man indies band, I don't feel comfortable sharing the material since it'll effect them the most as oppose to some major band or even successful indies artist like something from PS Company or even formerly UCP. Someone else will post that stuff anyway, so I don't bother sharing from those artists.
    I prefer sharing music from inactive bands anyway, especially lesser known acts since their stuff is mostly long forgotten.
    Anyway, I'm posting from the most annoying keyboard ever so if Im not clear on something, how about you try typing on this piece of shit tablet keyboard.
  15. Like
    TheBistroButcher666 reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Friendly reminder that Rammstein, Linkin Park, and Die Antwood are awful.
  16. Like
    TheBistroButcher666 got a reaction from Mr Bacon in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Exactly, so if I'm the only white person to bother buying something from some trashy no name indie band. I shouldn't talk about it because someone might get upset. Fuck those people and their butthurt. I know there's a difference between flaunting but I don't ever recall seeing anything like that on MH.
    For the most part the only nasty responses I've received from people where on Last.fm and at one point good old Livejournal. MH most people aren't that bad and I'm fine with trading.
    Basically my stance on downloading is, I do download but almost rarely these days but I still grab something here and there. I wouldn't even be a fan of the music I like today if it wasn't for downloading. However I am mature enough to know that music isn't free and I should do my part as a fan to support not just the artist but the industry as a whole. Sure label eats up a lot of the profit but that profit is usually then turn around into covering studio time, touring costs and so forth. If VK bands came to my city I would do what I do now with metal bands and just wait until they come through on a tour and buy their release then when they'll get the most back from my purchase, but since I can't do that with VK bands. At least my support helps keep the label, producers, distributors afloat so that they can sign and produce more artist.
    With that said, my second stance on downloading is if it's a super duper poor man indies band, I don't feel comfortable sharing the material since it'll effect them the most as oppose to some major band or even successful indies artist like something from PS Company or even formerly UCP. Someone else will post that stuff anyway, so I don't bother sharing from those artists.
    I prefer sharing music from inactive bands anyway, especially lesser known acts since their stuff is mostly long forgotten.
    Anyway, I'm posting from the most annoying keyboard ever so if Im not clear on something, how about you try typing on this piece of shit tablet keyboard.
  17. Like
    TheBistroButcher666 reacted to Gaz in new band "クオリア(Qualia)" has formed   
    ^ challenge accepted! jk
  18. Like
    TheBistroButcher666 got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in Strangest VK Band/Album names?   
    I don't think anything beats DIET COKE HEAD BARBIE DREAMS
  19. Like
    TheBistroButcher666 got a reaction from digi in Strangest VK Band/Album names?   
    I don't think anything beats DIET COKE HEAD BARBIE DREAMS
  20. Like
    TheBistroButcher666 got a reaction from Umi_Niwa in Strangest VK Band/Album names?   
    I don't think anything beats DIET COKE HEAD BARBIE DREAMS
  21. Like
    TheBistroButcher666 got a reaction from Niku in Strangest VK Band/Album names?   
    I don't think anything beats DIET COKE HEAD BARBIE DREAMS
  22. Like
    TheBistroButcher666 reacted to Karma’s Hat in new band "クオリア(Qualia)" has formed   
    best band ever if he accepts my friend request 
  23. Like
    TheBistroButcher666 got a reaction from nullmoon in Strangest VK Band/Album names?   
    I don't think anything beats DIET COKE HEAD BARBIE DREAMS
  24. Like
    TheBistroButcher666 got a reaction from orangetarts in What are your top 10 current visual kei bands?   
    Active and Visual Kei only? I don't listen to a ton of music these days though :C
    CELL is the only real band that I am following. Oh boy! I have the live DVD coming in the mail! Now that PV DVD WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!? Ugh, I don't know who thought that was a good idea but guys seriously please stop.
    Zig Zag: I fucking love Zig Zag but I haven't listened to their new album, it's kinda annoying to buy so I've been putting it off. Like using a shopping service or asking my buddy to grab it and all that.
    Ru:natic: Oh boy they're finally releasing something with songs I've heard already thanks to Peace ripping the tracks off YouTube <3
    Grieva: I was liking these guys but after this last mini, if their next release is just redone Dir en grey songs I'm going to just stop bothering with them. About a day after owning their mini I was bored and rather just listen to the better original Dir en grey songs.
    Vallquar: I thought an album was going to be released but I haven't heard much regarding that since it was annouced. Oh well, that's why we have Vampire Rose.
    Vampire Rose: Oh boy! Cheesy dumb vampire gothic indie trash. Gotta love it! At least we get Vallquar songs without Hikari's awful vocals!
    Gauzes: Pretty sure they're going to disbanned soon. OH BOY TALK ABOUT TR00 VKKK KVLT! Release album and break up! 
    Lulu: I thought Taa OD'd but I guess not and I was digging the recent PV they put on YouTube. It's different from their earlier material, no denying that but I still like it.
    Kiryu: I want to like Kiryu more but I also don't want to buy all 50 versions of their singles. I just wait until an album is out and get the one with the most songs.
    D: Ehhhh lately I either hate or love what they do and I feel like I tend to hate it more than love. I hope this label change is for the better but since it's major I guess we're gonna get a bunch of awful Day by Day songs.
    Jupiter: The single isn't even out yet but it's HIZAKI. I've liked him since his wee early days when he teamed up with Hisui and everything else he's done. It'll be frilly gay HIZAKI metal and hopeful Zin will be up to the challenge. I hope Teru composes more songs too!
    Okay coming up with 10 bands wasn't that hard!
  25. Like
    TheBistroButcher666 reacted to nekkichi in Jupiter - PV Previews   
    can someone murder Zin and ask Kaya to front them tyvm
    his voice has grown from weird to extremely aggravating for me
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