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Posts posted by bonsaijodelfisch

  1. Oops, I didn't notice.


    It'd be better if they played the original versions of the songs instead of the remakes, though. I don't like any of the remakes except for ZAN.


    as far as i can tell all the versions where the original versions, except for ZAN (which apparently you like) and FINAL (which is basicly the same as the original). Maybe you should have another close look on that setlist...

  2. ..."Arche", like noahs ark?...


    dipping a little bit into black metal territory maybe? would be pretty cool and sort of fits their current narrative quite well.


    i'm intrigued (dammit and that just for the title, curse you DEG-hype-machine!)





    from their facebook



    It has been 3 years and 4 months since the release of the last album “DUM SPIRO SPERO” (Aug 3, 2011) and now DIR EN GREY’s 9th full album “ARCHE” is set to be released!
    2014.12.10 RELEASE
    This album has been named “ARCHE” which stands for “the origin” in Greek. From the point where ‘the album has finally taken form’(Shinya) the band embarked on their nationwide tour as they continue work on the album.
    ‘This album is being worked on with me thinking about the past and future of myself as a vocalist, more than I have had ever before. That place where the old me and the new me crosses is what is being put into the 9th album “ARCHE”’ (Kyo). Showing their inclination in regards to the new album from the musical point of view they commented with the following, ‘We will end up with an absolutely new and different sound from DIR EN GREY as compared to the previous album’ (Die), ‘No matter how I try to explain this “sound” with words I will never be able to do it” (Toshiya). 
    We received the following words of assurance, ‘I can’t really be overstating the album, which is yet incomplete, but please wait for that first blow of the force that will be”ARCHE”. (Kaoru)
    You can read the full transcripts of the band’s comments on the album on the OFFICIAL FAN CLUB「a knot」、OFFICIAL MOBILE SITE<DIR EN GREY ONLINE> Member’s Only page.

  3. :'( sad news






    Just moments ago, Toshio Suzuki, Studio Ghibli producer, announced on the TV show of the MBS Jounetsu Tairiku chain effectively as announced as sources close to the studio, Studio Ghibli will close and production studio anime, leaving himself only as a company that will manage its trademarks. As stated in the program’s producer, “the production department of anime will be dismantled,” which coincides with the data that we gave in our previous post on this decision had been taken from spring after the poor reception at the box office of Kaguya-hime no Monogatari.
    In the interview, Suzuki has also admitted that it was a major setback for the study progress Hayao Miyazaki, one of the reasons already unveiled the portal Rakuten Woman. Once we have access to the full TV interview, adding more data. No doubt that this is a very sad news for Japanese animation, of which we are all fans, because it is undeniable everything Studio Ghibli has given the anime. Please remember that what will be his last film, Omoide no Marnie, premiered at the Japanese box office on 19 July.

  4. as saku already mentioned, there really is no need for the extension monitor to be big at all, if the main purpose is multitask (and that is pretty much the biggest benefit) then the monitor with your skype/facebook/MH-BroChat can be fairly small, the main-monitor for gaming and movie greatness substantially bigger (24-27' or so).


    also, as i already mentioned i the chat, maybe think a bit more vertically, to have a bit of room left if you should (and you should) decide on a pair of speakers.


    here's my place for example


  5. yeah, it's problem in general with online reviews and vague terms of describing sound i guess, what is "dark" to one might be sth different to another. combined with questionable graph-measuring and interpretation of those and the confusion is perfect :P

    all i'm saying is, they're not quite what i expected them to be, and not as much of a step up from the grados as i hoped, plus they have a idiotic, but also expensive monstrosity of a cable.

    i'll try soldering a new cable and find some velour-cushions then i'll probably be fine :D


    EDIT: no extra connectors included with the 400s, probably for pricing reasons...


    ...I am not sure where the ear is most sensitive though, I thought it is in 1-2.5 kHz *shrugs*...


    fun fact, that differs on what is your mother-language. i don't know the exact numbers, but for example the sensitivity range for french-speakers is considerably lower than for germans. the octave of english and japanese is the highest iirc (even with a difference between british and american...), this is why masters from some countries have a tendency to sound more in this direction, while others sound more in another. this is also a reason, why there sometimes have been different masters of the same album for different countries.

  6. yay, i'm finally making money, my parents will be so proud :D


    at lives we usually ask for 10EUR, but it's basicly pay what you want, so anything is fine :) i can PM you my bank-details together with a download-link, if you send me your adress i'll mail you a physical copy on monday :)


    thanks very much for your interest  :wan-44:

  7. okay, already found the plugs, they're mini coax and obtainable on ebay for 10$
    the idea of selling the cable was more of a joke obviously. i know nobody would buy this failure, perhaps i'll keep it as a reserve, or just throw it away.
    as for the graphs
    and that huge ditch there is right in the octave (2.5-5khz) where the human ear is most sensitive, because it is the speech recognition range. hence the supposedly "dark" tonality
    the reviews i was referring to were this one
    plus one or two others which i can't quite remember but with a similar conclusion
    if "it's bass is not like any other headphones bass" means it's just not quite there, then i agree with you. trust me, i know what a flat soundsystem has to sound like and this one isn't really lacking that much, i'm merely saying based on all the ortho-esotherics out there i was expecting something more interesting, the he400 sounds sort of stale in the low range. but again, i might have a more recent revision with a different tonality, maybe it's the combination of my presonus preamp with the heads in question or whatever.
    i've also found different graphs for the he400s with widely differing results, perhaps the build quality is just all over the place for those.

  8. It is not meant for portability. The fact that it is an open headphone already tells you that you shouldn't walk around with it unless you really want to let other people hear your music. Also since outside noise is entering your headphones, it is going to affect the sound that you hear, you wont be able to have a proper listen to its actual sound quality.

    Write a review it would be interesting to read your thoughts on it.



    well, but built for usage with ipod pretty much implies built for portable devices, hence the act of "porting" it around is included in that. outside noise doesn't really bother me, and i couldn't care less if other people hear my music (well, on a train or at work i'd probably turn it off...).


    this mentioned problem tho isn't only when walking around, it's pretty much every time you move your head or upper body around, and that is bound to happen at home on your desk/couch/whatever aswell, and the type of noise this makes (in german it is "körperschall" don't know a translation for that, think scratching with your fingernails on the back of the heads FAKE-EDIT: apparently its "structure-born sound") is so extremely irritating and loud, as it is pretty much right in front of your ears (as opposed to outside noise, which isn't as loud and plenty far away).


    point beeing, well there is no point to these cables. why cover them in solid plastic? i don't see the benefit of that, only plenty of deficit.


    now besides the cable:

    first a few things that surprised me, but aren't nessesarily bad.


    • First off these are way louder to the outside, than my grado's before that (open aswell) as a matter of fact, they are louder to the outside than they are to the inside. but ok, i wanted open backs, so this was to be expected of sorts, no harm done.


    • secondly, as they are promoted as being specificaly designed to be also used with an ipod (or similar players) i was hoping for at least a tiny amount of headroom but unfortunately to even be able to actually listen to some not that agressively mastered tracks you have to at least be at 90% volume and even gunned it quite often doesn't reach comfortable listening volume (not even touching anything that could be considered "loud") but okay, these are huge magnetic drivers, it does only say "can" be driven by ipod, so i guess i was expecting a bit too much here.


    • third for some reason it is getting very hot pretty quick under those cups (with the leather-cushions, i heard it is better with the velour ones, but i don't have those). this is probably a problem with most over the ear headphones, but i don't recollect having that problem with sennheiser HD600s and/or AT M50s (which are closed)


    now bear in mind, that my previous main heads were the grado sr80 which is, why i'll mainly compare those two, maybe with occasional reference to senn hd600 and AT M50 as i have access to those at a few places, but don't have them here so can only talk out of what i remember about those.



    the grado's are known for having a bit of an overaccentuated bass plus a pretty harsh upper midrange/treble with quite a scary boost at around 4-5khz. 

    the HE400s on the other hand are described as a rather dark sounding can with it's most impressive feature being the bass-response and the frequency-graphs i found online would support both of these arguments.



    in terms of the grados i never found the treble really that harsh but in general i'd sign to what is said. listening to the HE400s on the other hand those are not at all dark, quite the contrary. they can be pretty brutal on your ears when you have a fairly "modern" mix that is probably aimed at laptop-speakers and ipod-plugs. the bass on the other hand although beeing there it didn't really feel as alive and flexible as i was hoping it would be. although this maybe due to beeing de-sensitivised by the grados i'm pretty sure the HD600s were more impressive in that aspect.

    i have read somewhere, that the HE400s have been revisited a few times already tho, so perhaps my model is a later one than those reviews/graphs?


    now as i will probably use these heads also for a lot of mixing those points aren't actually that bad, they will perhaps prevent me from doing way too harsh mixes plus not making me too carefull with the low-bass.


    now on the positive side, besides the somewhat lacking bass i think they sound pretty decent. the added treble, although sometimes harsh, does bring to live some details that otherwise wouldn't be brought upfront this ways and help to sort of distinguish the single parts of a mix better from another.

    also because the drivers are a bit further away from your ears (or maybe because of esotheric "oooh its magnetics" reasons, idk) the soundstage/stereo-image is a considerable amount wider than before, which again helps to decipher a mix better and to prevent a general sound-soup.


    bottom line, as i got those for a pretty okayish price i think they are okay, if portability wasn't that important though i would probably prefer the senn HD600s anytime (i'm not entirely sure if thouse would work with one of those portable amps perhaps?)


    i'm looking into getting some of these plugs and building a usable cable myself, maybe then i'll like them a bit better :P (i can then sell the original cable which reduces the overall price to about 100 bucks, now that'd be a steal :P)

  9. some time ago (month or so) i scored a pair of Hifiman HE400s for 210 bucks, which is a fair deal i guess.

    they do sound pretty okay, but i'm feeling a little underwhelmed i have to admit, plus i can't really confirm some of the attributes they are supposed to have (dark sounding, great bass response)...

    maybe i'll write a review/impression of them later on if anyone's interested and i'll find the motivation.


    but a quick tl;dr beforehand:

    this cable is the most fucking stupid, disgusting and worst thing they could've done to these heads that i can imagine! srsly why bother making headphones portable-compatible, when adding a solid as brick cable that transfers its own sounds like a goddamn sledgehammer right into your ears everytime it moves, which sort of happens when... i don't know... YOU GODDAMN USE THAT SHIT ON THE GO?


    fun fact, that crappy cable costs a whopping 100 bucks if you buy it alone. good deal

  10. stoked for that, let's see how that'll turn out, but i think a also always was in the team that liked digimon way more than pokemon (although both were pretty awesome...)


    also i think it's worth mentioning that so far i'm really pleased with the new black butler season!

    that circus setting is really great and the latest episode had some really cool visuals too plus i like all the characters and voice actors.

    much yes to that

  11. ... they're like blasphemy to heavier music.


    regarding BABYMETAL


    besides the main "something new and fresh" i think this is basicly the point. lots of metal-fans are quite a fan of blasphemy and pretty annoyed by the whole religiousness that surround everything metal, so when something as honest and unapologeticly manufactured as this comes around and prooves that this can be pretty kickass too it is quite a pleasant surprise. all that honesty has quite some charme to it (and it probably helps that i sort of like the music too. wouldn't listen to it too much, but i can see that it really is quite creative and well done...)


    yes i would perhaps classify as some sort of metalhead, "heavy" music is at least the largest portion of my library.

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