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Posts posted by bonsaijodelfisch

  1. to be honest, the album was kinda meh for me, but that sample-song it self, daaaaaaaaammmn. it's just one of those songs that have something about them, in this case some simplicity and riffage that make you want to randomly throw your extremities around in a wild attempt at dancing, making yourself look really silly.


    A+ song, C+ mini

  2. ok, so i have marathoned dragon age origins the whole last week (96 hours according to my last savegame)


    now while the game has it's flaws

    (pretty average run of the mill "word in danger from zombies/orcs and their demon overlord"

    harsh spikes in difficulty

    camera with the mind of a rebellious teenager

    some rather annoying or boring level-design (the fade, dwarven deeper grounds...))


    at the end it still is an extraordinary and marvellous game that i enjoyed to bits.

    seriously, these have to be the best written characters and dialogues i've ever come across in video-games, zevran and morrigan are just perfect (and were my in-game love interests :P ).

    on top of that this game actually is daaamn dark. many games claim to be, but this one has some serious grit to it.


    if given points this definitely is a strong 9/10


    i plan on skipping the DA2 as it seems to be much more action-oriented (i personally played DA:O on nightmare almost completely in tactical mode) and supposedly much more cleaned up compared to the first part, and jump right into inquisition next, which everyone seems to be loosing their minds over atm :)

  3. halfway through second episode of parasyte i decided to drop it. it all seems to be done so incredibly half assed and lackluster, without any kind of idea what kind of athmosphere to focus on, so they just don't do any. the parasyte itself is annoying as hell as are pretty much all of the characters so far.

    the worst of all tho is the music, and i don't just mean the weird dubstep attack in the first ep, everything else is also quite literally just two random loops out of the "garageband for newbs"-library smashed together and that's it.


    let me know if it gets any better, so far violence and weirdly deformed corpses have been the shows only selling point, but thats not enough.

  4. ...Its gotten to the point where one of their members is in a session band that's doing anime music...


    this is one of the good points actually. their own music isn't really worth mentioning anymore (live-shows aside, they still seem to be pretty awesome with those)

  5. Multiple choice poll. What video game consoles do you own?

    i would suggest adding pc/mac as video-games platform aswell, making it a sort of "what do you play your games on?" poll, because with this broad kind of question it doesn't really make too much sense to exclude desktops/laptops.


    that said:

    of course "None, cuz what is technology." and cuz PC masterrace reppin' :P


    (although i do have a PS2 emulator on there, don't know if that counts ^^ )

  6. [because doubleposting is only for teh kewl-kidz!]


    also new vixx teaser.


    looks like another nice theme-based video with tiny bits of story scattered around (go full on terminator pwettypwease? #lolnotgonnahappen)


    not that excited about what we here of the music so far, but as that's just some measly seconds the full track might be better..

  7. okay, so i'm currently playing divinity original sin with a friend in co-op, and it's magnificent!


    the quests and characters are very humorous (think like the more funny parts of the elder scrolls games), the graphics are actually quite beautiful (not in a "whoa next gen" kinda way, just in general nice aesthetics) but most of all the fight system is magnificent!


    this is turn based battles in all of it's glory, some f the bosses are frightenly hard, but you always have tons of options how to proceed. we are playing as a black-mage (me) and an assassin, so my friend focuses on dealing tons of damage, while the mage basicly controls the battle. stunning, freezing, and blinding enemies, using the terrain (Water/Blood/fog and electricity, oil/poison and fire etc). buiding barriers of earth and fire, trapping enemies behind, or flatout porting enemies right in front of the assassin, teleporting huge barrels on the top of the enemies heads etcetc. it's a blast!


    we both play as "lone wolf" so we get stat and exp boosts, but can't have any additional party members, otherwise you could get up to 4 ppl, which either makes the battles even more strategic, or perhaps enables some point by numbers routines, i dunno. as a team of two it's a bliss tho

  8. as i understand it "Terraspex" is just a session band out of session-musicians (like tatsuya) and apparently some of the voice-actors?

    not sure, the information is a bit dubious, but it's not a real band, just a project for those themesongs.


    both songs are preformed by "terraspex" but maybe the musicians differ from one track to the other, the production sure does, but i think at least the vocalist is the same


    Edit: nice, i was right about byee the round :) that guy is amazing



    but the musicians change from one track to the next



    the opening-videos above seem to be labled wrong...



    Edit2: ok, i've quite derailed the thread now, maybe i should stop or open up a different one :P

  9. regarding ZnT i perhaps wouldn't judge it just as harsh as most, but generally speaking i feel about the same. i just enjoyed it for the beautiful animation and superb music :D it was like watching a super pretty MV to glorious music :)

    i pretty much agree with everything said in this review, just that i found the mainchars actually more interesting when they where still the assholes instead of them "opening up"


    have to agree on the autumn season looking pretty boring so far too, watched a bunch of trailers/pv's and read the description aswell as some "anticipated" lists, but really nothing appealing in my books, or it's a continuation of a series where the predecessors where already pretty bad...


    although this new gundam series sure looks pretty, might check that one out

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