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Everything posted by anieresus

  1. >implying you kids know how to imply >implying that you know how to imply while we're implying.
  2. anieresus

  3. anieresus

    yo mucho obrigado rarez
  4. anieresus

    Wouldn't it help if there is like a certain number of posts one user has to achieve before gaining access to the download section, let's say for audio only, and then another certain number of posts to be able to access the video section? I think that would work, we can get other almost-dead topics active.
  5. anieresus

    zxcsjda I already said thanks on last.fm but thanks again
  6. anieresus

    LOL Guess all dir en gay fans are happy rn. I could careless right now... w.e
  7. anieresus

    I agree with Kaye, Secret is really good, they all have amazing vocals, except probably Zinger, but her rap parts are always awesome. Too bad they're really underrated. Anyway, Shy Boy was good, I didn't like it at first, but after watching their live performances, I think I liked it, but they should of released a song that really showed their amazing vocals.
  8. anieresus

    LOL I was just going to say, but Joon IS A LITTLE RAIN. Anyway, I used to hate this band back when they debuted, and I considered them B2ST's rivals, but then I just put my fandom aside and decided to really check them out. I instantly loved them, and Cry made me love them even more. I still can't stand Lee Joon ripping his shirt every 5 sec, but w.e can't wait for this release <3
  9. anieresus

    Fuck everyone else, Herpes should be a mod like right now.
  10. If mayonaka is not interested in the photoset, I think I am (:
  11. Just fyi even members in major bands have jobs.
  12. anieresus

    It's weird, I'm not a big fan of DBSK but this new album was pretty good, at least far better (and I mean a lot more) than JYJ's album. I could careless about the SM/JYJ/HOMIN situation.
  13. anieresus

    Or Cindy Kate.
  14. anieresus

    The fridge monster scared the shit out of me.
  15. anieresus

    And making fucked up movies. *coughaserbianfilmcough*
  16. anieresus

    OMG Nakata fucking finally <3 And this also :/
  17. anieresus

    So that means their live-distributed single would be called Kamehameha?
  18. anieresus

    Dress was ok, but the other singles after that were bad :/
  19. anieresus

    I only liked Rainbows by them, and didn't really care for this band. But somehow I want to try out this album.
  20. anieresus

    People come on, it's not impossible for a musician to be in two bands. A clear example is Seth/Z/Seiji, who's the vocalist in Art Cube and Moi dix Mois. I miss Eve though ):
  21. anieresus

    Please, please me with please please you.
  22. anieresus

    Just the largest economy in the US. Thank you very much.
  23. anieresus

    LOL It indeed looks hilarious, and that small Philia preview sounds amazing! Can't wait for it.
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