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Everything posted by anieresus

  1. anieresus

    That's true, and NH Media are so hypocritical by saying "We'll be thinking about adding 2 new members" When in fact the "2 New members" have already worked with the rest of U-KISS in their comeback album. I feel sorry for Kibum especially ):
  2. anieresus

    Cannibal Holocaust that fucking scene where this couple have sex on top of the ashes of people who were burnt alive. WHAT ARE YOU MADE OF?! OR WHAT ARE YOU!?
  3. anieresus

    Wow Tonight is amazing, and Cafe is my other personal favorite from the mini album. The intro and what is right are ok, and I already liked at Somebody to luv and Hands up. Can't wait for their performances and MV!
  4. You can download their new single "Merrow" for free at hearjapan, it comes with lyrics, a "commentary" in English and a live report says KIWAMEW http://www.hearjapan.com/store/album_info/Merrow
  5. anieresus

    OMG how dare dis new vk fags copy KYO-SAMA and SHINYA lips of angel. UGH thats why I dont like neo vk nemore!
  6. anieresus

    You mean Jonjon, right? . Yes. I'm not Mexican enough like him to do that. Hey!!! I needed to see them or my life would of had no meaning at all!!!!!1111 Plus I got to feel Hizaki's manly hands touching my hands which was a disappointment. ): I thought he was girly-er.
  7. anieresus

    Yay I'm glad that Change is going to be there! I already preordered Type B just because of their live performances
  8. anieresus

    Damn u crazy girl
  9. anieresus

    PV preview for Philia
  10. I saw it on their Facebook page. All I have to say is: TITS
  11. anieresus

    Basically this, I'm ok with this song being on the album, but it needs more crazy fucking rainbows.
  12. anieresus

    I love this <3
  13. anieresus

    I'll be like all the "cool kids" and comment here. There.
  14. anieresus

    LOL this thread is hilarious. can't wait for it's release though <3
  15. anieresus

    Well I hope it's at least as good as luft.
  16. anieresus

    Plus he reminds me of this dude that works at Gamestop.
  17. anieresus

  18. I really liked EREMIA, and Rio as a composer <3
  19. anieresus

    I had this video of Danchou from NoGoD showing his penis, I think I downloaded it from Tanuki.
  20. anieresus

    Wut? Whenever we have a band come over, they play one show at some furry-infested convention and never come back. You guys are the ones who get entire tours; quit complaining gurl. Agree 100% if anything Europe always gets the best bands + concerts. 'Twas canceled because of Kisaki's health problems. Oh I wasn't aware of this :/ Thanks!
  21. anieresus

    What happened to the Lin concert in South Korea?
  22. anieresus

    I disliked everything ever made by alice nine except rainbows. But somehow I decided to give this album a try, and I must say, it's pretty good. I'm too lazy to do a song by song review, but my favorites were KING&QUEEN and the GEMINI songs especially GEMINI-I-the void. I'll give it a 3.5/5 overall 'cause this is the first album I enjoy from them (:
  23. anieresus

    Flawless, perfect, bionic, amazing girls. I can't believe there wasn't a topic for them. I hope they release a new album soon! Their latest singles were awesome. BTW Kashiyuka <333 ssdas
  24. anieresus

    lol I loved both songs. Hopefully both of them would be in the single.
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