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Everything posted by anieresus

  1. anieresus

  2. anieresus

    Turning VK as a last ditch desperate attempt to gain fans? Focusing mostly on European and American fangirls.
  3. anieresus

    Guess CindyKate won't be the only kawaii band anymore.
  4. anieresus

    Pretty much what Shaneth said, the point is not to just download it because ZOMG it's LUNA SEA, but also to contribute with donations, instead of downloading it from a brazilian blogspot.
  5. anieresus

    fa fa fa fa fa ma pussy
  6. anieresus

    Kinda doubt it. f(x) is going to promote after DBSK, then probably Super Junior, and there's a new SM boy band coming this year too
  7. anieresus

    Well after what happened in Japan a week ago, probably they'll postpone it.
  8. lmao awesome way to be on hiatus I'll miss you tho ;o;
  9. anieresus

    They're like the lyrics of a new SuG song. And what's up with the southern-hillbilly accent? Like if we all talk like that lmao
  10. anieresus

    Y U NO LIKE TERU . 'Cause Teru didn't play in this song as far as I know.
  11. anieresus

    OMG can't believe there isn't a review thread for Philia. What is wrong with you people? Philia: The video was released a few weeks before the actual release. At first I wasn't too impressed, but now it has grown a lot on me, but it's just typical Versailles playing it safe. 8/10 Judicial Noir: Pretty good, fucking guitar work as always, loved everything about it blah blah great. 8.5/10 Desert Apple: Sounds really dream theater-ish to me, not surprised because they are influenced by them. Hizaki, Masashi and Yuki make a fucking excellent work, I still prefer Silent Knight a bit more though. 9/10 Overall: A pretty classy single, nice songs, awesome instrumental song. Philia was pretty good and so was Judicial Noir. But I still feel like they're lacking something ever since DESTINY-The Lovers-. 8.5/10 They're still better than your favorites tho.
  12. anieresus

    BORING. Ever since they moved to PSC their songs have become really bad. One: boring can't believe they made this their title track. 4/10 官能ロボット: Reminds me of old dauto, love the bass throughout the whole song. 8/10 ????????: Boring also but better than One. 5/10
  13. anieresus

    This is so awesome!
  14. anieresus

    ^ Good old Joseph Ducreux
  15. anieresus

    I'll be honest and say that their mini album sucked, the only song I liked was "Lover Cop" Also Beast's thread has officially become, talk about general kpop thread
  16. anieresus

    Just because they didn't mention European girls (>.<)
  17. anieresus

    Shock, Special, Mystery, Bad Girl, lights go on again (full ver.)
  18. anieresus

    lol it's ok just break the shell and say: W.e I like k-pop, u mad? That's all you gotta do. Oh and check ZE:A out
  19. anieresus

    Yup that's how I started. I was like oh BIG BANG sounds legit let's check more bands like them. And look at what I have become now!!!!!111
  20. anieresus

    Dongwoon is the BEST IN B2ST! Word. Though I love Junhyung and Hyunseung as well. And like a few of you know, they're my newest obsession. I'm still not a K-pop fan though xD MBLAQ and B2ST are an exception. The disease starts just like that
  21. anieresus

    It's going to totally change the Japanese music industry!
  22. anieresus

    Didn't they just release D+SECT? Oh wait...
  23. anieresus

    Oh desu
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