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Everything posted by anieresus

  1. anieresus

    Just copy paste it, TW doesn't seem to like Hangul.
  2. anieresus

    ^ I agree, I can't wait for Let it Snow and Lights go on again (full version). BTW if you're using last.fm please use this tags for the duets. http://www.last.fm/music/용준형 & 양요섭 http://www.last.fm/music/윤??준 & ????운
  3. anieresus

    Going to review this song x song INDEPENDENT: I love this song, probably one of my favorite songs from the mini-album. It sounds like Old-School Matenrou, but taken to a whole new level. Love the guitar/bass/keyboard solos. 9/10 も??一人??花??: The PV was released about a week ago or so on TV, and Cat was kind enough to upload it in HD <3 Anyway, this song probably reflects Matenrou's new direction, which is a matured one, and also someone on last.fm stated that this song sounds like "Genesis" and "Eternal Symphony" mixed together, which I agree, and that means it's awesome. The PV for the song is awesome too, 'cause it FINALLY has some story behind it. 9/10 frill: This surprised me, because most of the song is groovy, not really Matenrou's style, but somehow they seemed to have pulled it off. The guitar is what out-stood for me the most. This seems like a really fun song to play at a live or something. 7.5/10 coal tar: The intro is really amazing, and I love how the song is really calm which Matenrou does it perfectly, the solo like in most MO songs is really awesome, I love it. 8.5/10 Double Clutch: Probably the song I liked the least from the mini-album. It's not bad, it just gets really boring at some parts, but aside from that it's ok. 7/10 フタリ: I love how the use of acoustic guitar in the song, and I get the same feeling of this song like with coal tar. 8/10 Finale...: I'm a big fan of Matenrou's instrumental songs, and this one is no exception. Every single instrument fits perfectly, and I'm glad this doesn't have Sono's voice, not because I dislike it, but this song was made to highlight the instruments, it goes on the same par as "Utopia" the instrumental song from their ANOMIE album. 8.5/10 Overall I give it a 9/10, TBH I was scared that MO would become crappy, like in the case of most now-major bands. But I'm glad they proved me wrong, and did a fantastic job on this album.
  4. Yah the quality does seem like the one of a radio rip + adding youtube quality is not very good. Also, may the Gods of VK have mercy on your soul.
  5. anieresus

    Sharaku+Shintarou+Gokimi? Fuck yes
  6. anieresus

    Probably the best Inkigayo out of this year, I'm still looking forward to their end-of-year special.
  7. anieresus

    Saw this on SNL, I just love The Lonely Island.
  8. anieresus

    Bom looks like a really high class prostitute, I love her <3
  9. Wow, that was amazing, it was probably hard to cover the best VK band of all-time. Now, interested in that Matenrou Opera cover of Kurenai.
  10. anieresus

    From the "hawaiian kei" band ASS and ARRow, to meth. and now lynch Awesome.
  11. anieresus

    If it'd been called Mohammed a hugeass shitstorm would've arisen. I know, but people are like, OMG Jesus? it's probably going to suck. Though I'm used to people judging releases by just the cover art & track names here.
  12. anieresus

    What's wrong with a maxi-single called Jesus? People grow up.
  13. anieresus

    Guess Kisaki wants to sign better bands. And not to hate on them or w.e but they were the worst band from UCP along with Synside.
  14. anieresus

    Wait wtf? I thought I had corrected it, because when I was writing I realized my fail about the Nocturnal Opera/Dix Infernal thing. Thanks for pointing it out again, and about The Seventh Veil/Tier, that was my own n00bness thanks <3 Haha no problem! I was writing that from my iPod, so I hoped I wasn't coming across as blunt and douchey, but those fucking keyboards are hard to type on 0_o Nah that's ok, as I said I thought I had corrected my error, but it looks like I didn't lol
  15. anieresus

    Yeah it indeed looks like two girls in the water. And I agree that it is a great cover, and finally nothing that seemed BR00T@1 HXC or w.e
  16. anieresus

    OFC she does.
  17. anieresus

    Kashiyuka <3333333333333333333
  18. anieresus

    Wait wtf? I thought I had corrected it, because when I was writing I realized my fail about the Nocturnal Opera/Dix Infernal thing. Thanks for pointing it out again, and about The Seventh Veil/Tier, that was my own n00bness thanks <3
  19. anieresus

    Ok I'll give it a song by song review. Sorry if I make your face hurt because of my tl;dr. In Paradisum - I usually don't like SE's but Moi dix Mois' are an exception. No rating though (I won't rate SE's) The Seventh Veil - Love the drums in this song. It makes the song sound "heavy" 7/10 Witchcraft - This song reminds me of the DIXANADU era, love how it slows down in the near end, and the use of industrial elements make it sound better. 7/10 The Sect - Probably one of my favorite songs from the album, love how after the double bass it kicks of with Seth's scream. Like Shaneth said it's a masterpiece, guitars, vocals, bass, and drums fit this song perfectly. 9/10 Divine Place - Love the beginning of the song, it reminds me of MALICE MIZER's album "Bara no Seidou". This is to the album, like XANADU was to DIXANADU. The song itself suppose to be a slow one which is nice. Love it. 7.5/10 Pendulum - Another "slow song" also pretty similar to XANADU. The highlights are the guitar effects throughout the song. 7/10 The Pact Of Silence - Another SE, which reminds me of an intense battle of Good vs. Evil. LOL Ange~D side holy wings~ - A remake from Ange which was on Moi dix Mois' "DIX INFERNAL" album. TBH I didn't really like the first version, but the remake wow, I loved it the first time I listened to it. Everything sounds 100x much better, plus I personally think that Seth's voice fits the song much better than Juka/Shaura. Out of all the other remakes this is probably my favorite one. 10/10 Agnus Dei - Probably my least favorite song from the entire album. It's not bad, but I just find it really really boring. 6/10 Sanctum Regnum - I like the song, even though it's just like a Dispell Bound pt.2. 6.5/10 Dead Scape - I love the unusual way how the song starts. The combination of drums and bass is really good, and I'm glad for both Hayato, and Sugiya that are getting more recognition. The riff that starts after that is also amazing. The highlight of the song is obviously the Drums and Bass like I stated before. 9.5/10 Dies Irae - I've come to a conclusion that one of my favorite songs from every Moi dix Mois album is the final song of it (excluding the SE's). It happened to me with Dix Infernal, Nocturnal Opera, Beyond The Gate, and DIXANADU, and now with D+SECT. This song reminds me of everything that Moi dix Mois has done, mixed with MM's "Bara No Seidou" Amazing song. 9.5/10 Baptism - The last song is another SE, which is typical from Mana. Good way to end the album Overall: When i first listened to the album I felt that something was missing, and some songs didn't catch my attention, only the remake of Ange. But after listening to it more properly, and with earphones on, I can easily say it can compete with every other Moi dix Mois album, because it reminds me of everything Moi dix Mois has done before, along with amazing bass lines, and a more MALICE MIZER feeling. Mana has done it again. One of my top albums of 2010. 9/10
  20. anieresus

    I want to be there with a pinia colada ): EDIT: I SHOULD LERN2ENGRISH
  21. anieresus

    Thanks for the videos Jigsaw! Btw on Friday they're releasing the Dongwoon/Davichi song
  22. anieresus

    I also recommend dvdheaven.com The stuff is also really cheap and they come with posters most of the times. That's where I bought my T-ara mini album <3
  23. anieresus

    Pledge: 8/10 IDK why I don't see it special, but somehow I really like it. True Murderous Intent: TBH I did like it, not as much as Pledge though. 7/10 Voiceless Fear: Boring tbh IDK why the fuck they included it. 1/10
  24. anieresus

    This is the first time I want to kill someone.
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