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Original Saku

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About Original Saku

  • Rank
    ✧Resident ex-NEET✧
  • Birthday 04/20/1993

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    : on the moon

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  1. Holy fuck! why is Ayumi's new album so good? wasn't she supposed to be washed up or something? First time I've listened to her in years and this thing is so good, where the hell has she been hiding this material at? xD

    1. togz


      You've got me interested. 

    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      check it out, I've only listened to it once so far but that one listen was so so good. Never even had the urge to skip a song not once the entire way through... that's an impressive feat as far as I'm concerned :D

    3. peffy


      Really? I just put it on my phone so I can listen to it (for the first time) at work tomorrow. I have low expectations cuz I was pretty bored by her recent albums.

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